
Mailer interface for PHP applications.

1.0.5 2024-08-08 12:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-08 14:05:09 UTC


Mailer interface for PHP applications using the Symfony Mailer as default mailer implementation.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the mail service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-mail


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design


Basic Usage

Creating And Sending Messages

use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;

class SomeService
    public function send(MailerInterface $mailer): void
        $message = (new Message())
            //->text('Lorem Ipsum')
            ->html('<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>');


Check out the available Mailers.

Check out the Message to learn more about it.


Email Addresses

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Address;

$message = (new Message())
    // email address as a simple string:
    // email address and name (optional) as object:
    ->from(new Address('', 'Name'))
    // the following methods support multiple addresses
    // as strings or objects:
    ->to('', '')
        new Address(''),
        new Address('')
    ->cc('', new Address(''))
    ->bcc('', new Address(''));


use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Template;

$message = (new Message())
    // content defined as a string:
    ->text('Lorem Ipsum')
    ->html('<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>')
    // content defined with a template object:
    ->text(new Template(
        name: 'welcome-text',
        data: ['name' => 'John'],
    ->html(new Template('welcome', []))    
    // using template methods:
    ->textTemplate(name: 'welcome-text', data: [])
    ->htmlTemplate('welcome', []);


use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Address;

$message = (new Message())
    // Text header:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\TextHeader(
        name: 'X-Custom-Header',
        value: 'value',
    // Id header:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\IdHeader(
        name: 'References',
        ids: ['', ''],
    // Path header:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\PathHeader(
        name: 'Return-Path',
        address: '',
        // or as object
        // address: new Address(''),

File Attachments

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface;

$message = (new Message())
    // File defined as string:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\File(
        file: '/path/to/document.pdf',
        // optional parameters:
        filename: 'Document',
        mimeType: 'application/pdf',

    // File defined with File object:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\File(
        file: new File('/path/to/document.pdf'),

    // StreamFile:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\StreamFile(
        stream: $stream, // StreamInterface
        filename: 'Filename.png',
        // optional parameters:
        mimeType: 'image/png',        
    // ResourceFile:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\ResourceFile(
        resource: fopen('/path/to/image.png', 'r+'),
        filename: 'Image.png',
        // optional parameters:
        mimeType: 'image/png',        

Tags And Metadata

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;

$message = (new Message())
    // Tags:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Tags(['tagname']))
    // Metadata:
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Metadata([
        'name' => 'value',


You may queue your message if your mailer is configured to support it.

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;

$message = (new Message())
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Queue(
        // you may specify the queue to be used:
        name: 'secondary',
        // you may specify a delay in seconds:
        delay: 30,
        // you may specify how many times to retry:
        retry: 3,
        // you may specify a priority:
        priority: 100,
        // you may specify if you want to encrypt the message:
        encrypt: true,
        // you may specify if you want to render the message templates
        // before queuing:
        renderTemplates: false, // true default

Check out the Symfony Mailer - Queue Support for support.

Send With Mailer

You may define a mailer used to send the message if your mailer supports it.

Check out the Mailers for more detail.

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;

$message = (new Message())
    ->parameter(new Parameter\SendWithMailer(name: 'mailchimp'));

Custom Parameters

You may write your own parameters in the following way:

use Tobento\Service\Mail\ParameterInterface;

class CustomParameter implements ParameterInterface
     * Create a new CustomParameter.
     * @param string $name
    public function __construct(
        protected string $name
    ) {}
     * Returns the name.
     * @return string
    public function name(): string
        return $this->name;

Check out the Symfony Custom Parameters Support for handling your custom parameter.


Null Mailer

The NullMailer::class does not send any mail message at all which may be useful while developing (or testing).

use Tobento\Service\Mail\NullMailer;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;

$mailer = new NullMailer(name: 'null');

var_dump($mailer instanceof MailerInterface);
// bool(true)

SF Mailer

Documentation is in the Symfony Mailer section.


You may use the following mailers as your MailerInterface implementation for supporting the Send With Mailer parameter.

Default Mailers

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Mailers;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailersInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;

$mailers = new Mailers(
    $mailer, // MailerInterface
    $anotherMailer, // MailerInterface

var_dump($mailers instanceof MailersInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($mailers instanceof MailerInterface);
// bool(true)

Lazy Mailers

The lazy mailers class creates the mailer only on demand.

use Tobento\Service\Mail\LazyMailers;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailersInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

$mailers = new LazyMailers(
    container: $container, // ContainerInterface
    mailers: [
        // using a factory:
        'default' => [
            // factory must implement MailerFactoryInterface
            'factory' => Symfony\SmtpMailerFactory::class,
            'config' => [
                'encryption' => '',
                'host' => 'host',
                'user' => 'user',
                'password' => '********',
                'port' => 465,

                // you may define default addresses and parameters
                // or set to null if defaults are used from email factory.
                'defaults' => [
                    'from' => '',
        // using a closure:
        'secondary' => static function (string $name, ContainerInterface $c): MailerInterface {
            // create mailer ...
            return $mailer;
        'mailchimp' => [
            // ...

var_dump($mailers instanceof MailersInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($mailers instanceof MailerInterface);
// bool(true)


The following examples are aimed for the default renderer Tobento\Service\Mail\ViewRenderer::class.

Writing Views

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;

$message = (new Message())
        name: 'email/welcome',
        data: ['name' => 'John', 'text' => 'Lorem ipsum'],

The welcome view template

A variable called message, which is an instance of Tobento\Service\Mail\TemplateMessageInterface::class is available on every view.

Furthermore, use css file assests to design your template. When the template gets rendered, it will convert them to inline styles for better email clients support.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title><?= $view->esc($message->subject()) ?></title>

        // render assets only if inline styles are not used:
        if (!$withInlineCssStyles) {
            echo $view->assets()->render();

        // assets can be included in every subview too.
        <?= $view->render('email/header') ?>

        <h1>Hellow <?= $view->esc($name) ?></h1>

        <p><?= $view->esc($text) ?></p>
        <img src="<?= $message->embed('path/to/image.jpg') ?>">
        // embed from stream: Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface
        // <img src="<?= $message->embed(file: $stream, mimeType: 'image/jpeg') ?>">
        // embed from file: Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File
        // <img src="<?= $message->embed($file) ?>">        

        <?= $view->render('email/footer') ?>

Render Templates

You may want to render a template for an email web view, debugging or other purposes.

use Tobento\Service\Mail\RendererInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\TemplateInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Template;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;

class SomeController
    public function renderEmail(RendererInterface $renderer): string
        // by using a template object:
        $content = $renderer->renderTemplate(
            template: new Template(
                name: 'email/welcome',
                data: ['name' => 'John'],
            // you may not want to convert css
            // to inline styles for web views
            // as you might use CSP with blocking inline css.
            withInlineCssStyles: false, // true is default
        // render message contents:
        $message = (new Message())
            ->htmlTemplate('email/welcome', ['name' => 'John']);
        if ($message->getHtml() instanceof TemplateInterface) {
            $content = $renderer->renderTemplate($message->getHtml());
        return $content;


You may listen to the following events if your mailer is configured to support it.

Event Description
Tobento\Service\Mail\Event\MessageSent::class The Event will be fired after sending the message.
Tobento\Service\Mail\Event\MessageNotSent::class The Event is fired if the message could not be sent.
Tobento\Service\Mail\Event\MessageQueued::class The Event will be fired after queuing the message.

Check out the Symfony Mailer - Events Support to create the mailer supporting events.


Symfony Mailer

use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\ViewRenderer;
use Tobento\Service\View;
use Tobento\Service\Dir;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Dsn;
use Symfony\Component\Mailer\Transport\Smtp\EsmtpTransportFactory;

// create the renderer:
$renderer = new ViewRenderer(
    new View\View(
        new View\PhpRenderer(
            new Dir\Dirs(
                new Dir\Dir('dir/views/'),
        new View\Data(),
        new View\Assets('dir/src/', '')

// create email factory:
$emailFactory = new Symfony\EmailFactory(
    renderer: $renderer,

// create the transport:
$transport = (new EsmtpTransportFactory())->create(new Dsn(

// create the mailer:
$mailer = new Symfony\Mailer(
    name: 'default',
    emailFactory: $emailFactory,
    transport: $transport,

var_dump($mailer instanceof MailerInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the View Service to learn more about it.

Events Support

In order to support events you will need to pass a dispatcher to the mailer:

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;

// create the mailer:
$mailer = new Symfony\Mailer(
    name: 'default',
    emailFactory: $emailFactory,
    transport: $transport,
    // pass your event dispatcher:
    eventDispatcher: $dispatcher, // EventDispatcherInterface

Queue Support

In order to support queuing messages you will need to pass a queue handler to the mailer.

Consider using the default queue handler using the Queue Service:

First, install the queue service:

composer require tobento/service-queue

Next, pass the queue handler to the mailer:

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\QueueHandlerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\RendererInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Queue\QueueHandler;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;

// create the mailer:
$mailer = new Symfony\Mailer(
    name: 'default',
    emailFactory: $emailFactory,
    transport: $transport,
    // pass your queue handler implementing QueueHandlerInterface:
    queueHandler: new QueueHandler(
        queue: $queue, // QueueInterface
        renderer: $renderer, // RendererInterface
        // you may define the default queue used if no specific is defined on the message.
        queueName: 'mails', // null|string

Finally, make sure the container of the job processor has the following interfaces available:

Example using the Service Container as container:

use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MessageFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MessageFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;

$container = new Container();
$container->set(MessageFactoryInterface::class, MessageFactory::class);
$container->set(MailerInterface::class, function() {
    // create mailer:
    return $mailer;

$jobProcessor = new JobProcessor($container);

Default Addresses And Parameters

You may set default addresses and/or parameters to be applied to every message:

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Address;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameters;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;

$emailFactory = new Symfony\EmailFactory(
    renderer: $renderer,
    // you may pass default addresses or parameters
    // to be applied to every message created.
    config: [
        'from' => '',
        // with object:
        'from' => new Address('', 'Name'),
        'replyTo' => '',
        // with object:
        'replyTo' => new Address(''),
        // You may define an address to send all emails to:
        'alwaysTo' => '',
        // with object:
        'alwaysTo' => new Address(''),
        'parameters' => new Parameters(
            new Parameter\PathHeader('Return-Path', ''),

// create the mailer:
$mailer = new Symfony\Mailer(
    name: 'default',
    emailFactory: $emailFactory,
    transport: $transport,

Html To Text Converting

If you create a message without text content, it will be created from your html content.

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Message;

$message = (new Message())
    // will be created from the html:
    //->text('Lorem Ipsum')
    ->html('<p>Lorem Ipsum</p>');

Symfony Dsn Mailer Factory

use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\ViewRenderer;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Address;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameters;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\View;
use Tobento\Service\Dir;

// create the renderer:
$renderer = new ViewRenderer(
    new View\View(
        new View\PhpRenderer(
            new Dir\Dirs(
                new Dir\Dir('dir/views/'),
        new View\Data(),
        new View\Assets('dir/src/', '')

// create email factory:
$emailFactory = new Symfony\EmailFactory(
    renderer: $renderer,

// create the factory:
$factory = new Symfony\DsnMailerFactory($emailFactory);

// create the mailer:
$mailer = $factory->createMailer(name: 'default', config: [
    'dsn' => 'smtp://',
    // If the username, password or host contain
    // any character considered special in a URI
    // (such as +, @, $, #, /, :, *, !),
    // use the following instead of dsn above:
    //'scheme' => 'smtp',
    //'host' => 'host',
    //'user' => 'user',
    //'password' => '********',
    //'port' => 465,
    // you may define default addresses and parameters
    // or set to null if defaults are used from email factory.
    'defaults' => [
        'from' => '',

var_dump($mailer instanceof MailerInterface);
// bool(true)

Symfony Smtp Mailer Factory

use Tobento\Service\Mail\MailerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\ViewRenderer;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Address;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameters;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\View;
use Tobento\Service\Dir;

// create the renderer:
$renderer = new ViewRenderer(
    new View\View(
        new View\PhpRenderer(
            new Dir\Dirs(
                new Dir\Dir('dir/views/'),
        new View\Data(),
        new View\Assets('dir/src/', '')

// create email factory:
$emailFactory = new Symfony\EmailFactory(
    renderer: $renderer,

// create the factory:
$factory = new Symfony\SmtpMailerFactory($emailFactory);

// create the mailer:
$mailer = $factory->createMailer(name: 'default', config: [
    'encryption' => '',
    'host' => 'host',
    'user' => 'user',
    'password' => '********',
    'port' => 465,
    // you may define default addresses and parameters
    // or set to null if defaults are used from email factory.
    'defaults' => [
        'from' => '',

var_dump($mailer instanceof MailerInterface);
// bool(true)

Symfony Custom Parameters Support

In order to support your custom parameters you could write a new email factory class or extend the default:

use Tobento\Service\Mail\Symfony;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\MessageInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Mail\ParameterInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;

class CustomizedEmailFactory extends Symfony\EmailFactory
     * Create email from message.
     * @param MessageInterface $message
     * @return Email
    public function createEmailFromMessage(MessageInterface $message): Email
        $email = parent::createEmailFromMessage($message);
        // filter your custom parameters:
        $parameters = $message->parameters()->filter(
            fn(ParameterInterface $p): bool => $p instanceof CustomParameter
        // do something with it:
        foreach($parameters as $parameter) {}
