
A queue system for processing jobs in background.

1.0.5 2024-12-01 06:47 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:40:51 UTC


A queue system for processing jobs in background.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the task queue project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-queue


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design


Creating Jobs


You may use the Job::class to create jobs.

Using A Named Job

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;

$job = new Job(
    name: 'sample',
    payload: ['key' => 'value'],

var_dump($job instanceof JobInterface);
// bool(true)

Next, you will need to add add a Job Handler which handles the job:

Using A Job Handler

First, create the job handler:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobHandlerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;

final class Mail implements JobHandlerInterface
    public function __construct(
        private MailerInterface $mailer,
        private MessageFacotryInterface $messageFactory,
    ) {}

    public function handleJob(JobInterface $job): void
        $message = $this->messageFactory->createFromArray($job->getPayload());
    public static function toPayload(MessageInterface $message): array
        return $message->jsonSerialize();

Finally, create the job:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;

$job = new Job(
    name: Mail::class,
    payload: Mail::toPayload($message),

Callable Job

You may use the CallableJob::class to create jobs.

Parameters of the class constructor must be optional null|(type) if they cannot be resolved by the container!

use Tobento\Service\Queue\CallableJob;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;

final class MailJob extends CallableJob
    public function __construct(
        private null|MessageInterface $message = null,
    ) {}

    public function handleJob(
        JobInterface $job,
        MailerInterface $mailer,
        MessageFacotryInterface $messageFactory,
    ): void {
        $message = $messageFactory->createFromArray($job->getPayload());
    public function getPayload(): array
        if (is_null($this->message)) {
            return []; // or throw exception
        return $this->message->jsonSerialize();
    public function renderTemplate(): static
        // render template logic ...
        return $this;

Creating the job:

$job = (new MailJob($message))

Job Parameters

You may use the available parameters providing basic features for jobs or create custom parameters to add new features or customizing existing to suit your needs.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Duration(seconds: 10))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Retry(max: 2));

Parameter helper methods

The Job and Callable Job support the following helper methods:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->queue(name: 'secondary')
    ->data(['key' => 'value'])
    ->duration(seconds: 10)
    ->retry(max: 2)
    ->delay(seconds: 5)
    ->pushing(function() {})

If you are using a Callable Job you may specify default parameters using the __construct method:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobHandlerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

final class SampleJob extends CallableJob
    public function __construct()
        $this->duration(seconds: 10);
        $this->retry(max: 2);
        // or using its classes:
        $this->parameter(new Parameter\Priority(100));


Delay Parameter

Use the delay parameter to set the seconds the job needs to be delayed.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Delay(seconds: 60))
    // or using helper method:
    ->delay(seconds: 60);

Queues supporting delays:

Data Parameter

Use the data parameter to add additional job data.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Data(['key' => 'value']))
    // or using helper method:
    ->data(['key' => 'value']);

Duration Parameter

Use the duration parameter to set the approximate duration the job needs to process.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Duration(seconds: 10))
    // or using helper method:
    ->duration(seconds: 10);

The Failed Job Handler will requeue the job if the job could not be run to prevent timing out.

Encrypt Parameter

The encrypt parameter uses the Service Encryption to encrypt the job data.

It will encrypt the following data:

First, install the service:

composer require tobento/service-encryption

Next, bind the encrypter to your container used by the Job Processor:

Example using the Service Container as container:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;
use Tobento\Service\Encryption\EncrypterInterface;

$container = new Container();
$container->set(EncrypterInterface::class, function() {
    // create enrcypter:
    return $encrypter;

$jobProcessor = new JobProcessor($container);

Check out the Crypto Implementation section to learn more.

Finally, add the parameter to your job:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Encrypt())
    // or using helper method:

You may create a custom encrypt parameter to use another encrypter or to customize the encryption.

Monitor Parameter

The monitor parameter is added by the Worker and may be used to log data about jobs such as the runtime in seconds and the memory usage. For instance, the parameter is used by the Work Command to write its data to the console.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Monitor;

if ($job->parameters()->has(Monitor::class)) {
    $monitor = $job->parameters()->get(Monitor::class);
    $runtimeInSeconds = $monitor->runtimeInSeconds();
    $memoryUsage = $monitor->memoryUsage();

Priority Parameter

Use the priority parameter to specify the priority of the job. Higher prioritized jobs will be processed first.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Priority(100))
    // or using helper method:

Pushing Parameter

Use the pushing parameter to specify a handler executed before the job gets pushed to the queue.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;
$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Pushing(
        handler: function(JobInterface $job, AnyResolvableClass $foo): JobInterface {
            return $job;
        // you may set a priority. Higher gets executed first:
        priority: 100, // 0 is default
    // or using helper method:
    ->pushing(handler: function() {}, priority: 100);

Queue Parameter

Use the queue parameter to specify the queue to push the job to.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Queue(name: 'secondary'))
    // or using helper method:
    ->queue(name: 'secondary');

The parameter will automatically be added by the Job Processor when the job is pushed to the queue.

Retry Parameter

Use the retry parameter to specify the max number of retries.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Retry(max: 2))
    // or using helper method:
    ->retry(max: 2);

The Failed Job Handler uses the parameter to handle the retries.

Unique Parameter

The unique parameter will prevent any new, duplicate jobs from entering the queue while another instance of that job is queued or processing.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\Unique(
        // A unique id. If null it uses the job id.
        id: null, // null|string
    // or using helper method:
    ->unique(id: null);

The parameter requires a CacheInterface::class to be binded to your container passed to the JobProcessor:

Example using the Cache Service and Container Service:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cache\Simple\Psr6Cache;
use Tobento\Service\Cache\ArrayCacheItemPool;
use Tobento\Service\Clock\SystemClock;

$container = new Container();
$container->set(CacheInterface::class, function() {
    // create cache:
    return new Psr6Cache(
        pool: new ArrayCacheItemPool(
            clock: new SystemClock(),
        namespace: 'default',
        ttl: null,

$jobProcessor = new JobProcessor($container);

Without Overlapping Parameter

If you add the without overlapping parameter, the job will only be processed once at a time to prevent overlapping.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;

$job = (new Job(name: 'sample'))
    ->parameter(new Parameter\WithoutOverlapping(
        // A unique id. If null it uses the job id.
        id: null, // null|string
    // or using helper method:
    ->withoutOverlapping(id: null);

The parameter requires a CacheInterface::class to be binded to your container passed to the JobProcessor:

Example using the Cache Service and Container Service:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Container\Container;
use Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Cache\Simple\Psr6Cache;
use Tobento\Service\Cache\ArrayCacheItemPool;
use Tobento\Service\Clock\SystemClock;

$container = new Container();
$container->set(CacheInterface::class, function() {
    // create cache:
    return new Psr6Cache(
        pool: new ArrayCacheItemPool(
            clock: new SystemClock(),
        namespace: 'default',
        ttl: null,

$jobProcessor = new JobProcessor($container);

Dispatching Jobs

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;

class SomeService
    public function createJob(QueueInterface $queue): void
        $job = new Job(
            name: 'sample',
            payload: ['key' => 'value'],


You may consider binding one of the Queues to the container as the default QueueInterface implementation, otherwise you will need to use the queues in order to dispatch on a certain queue:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Job;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueException;

class SomeService
    public function createJob(QueuesInterface $queues): void
        $job = new Job(name: 'sample');
        $queues->queue(name: 'secondary')->push($job);
        // throws QueueException if not exists.
        // or
        $queues->get(name: 'secondary')?->push($job);
        // or you may check if queue exists before:
        if ($queues->has(name: 'secondary')) {
            $queues->queue(name: 'secondary')->push($job);


In Memory Queue

The InMemoryQueue::class does store jobs in memory.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\InMemoryQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;

$queue = new InMemoryQueue(
    name: 'inmemeory',
    jobProcessor: $jobProcessor, // JobProcessorInterface
    priority: 100,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)

Null Queue

The NullQueue::class does not queue any job and therefore jobs will not be processed at all.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\NullQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;

$queue = new NullQueue(
    name: 'null',
    priority: 100,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)

Storage Queue

The StorageQueue::class uses the Storage Service to store the jobs.

First, you will need to install the storage service:

composer require tobento/service-storage

Next, you may install the clock service or use another implementation:

composer require tobento/service-clock

Finally, create the queue:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Storage;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\StorageInterface;
use Psr\Clock\ClockInterface;

$queue = new Storage\Queue(
    name: 'storage',
    jobProcessor: $jobProcessor, // JobProcessorInterface
    storage: $storage, // StorageInterface
    clock: $clock, // ClockInterface
    table: 'jobs',
    priority: 100,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)

The storage needs to have the following table columns:

Column Type Description
id bigint(21) primary key -
queue varchar(100) Used to store the queue name
job_id varchar(255) Used to store the job id
name varchar(255) Used to store the job name
payload json Used to store the job payload
parameters json Used to store the job parameters
priority int(11) Used to store the job priority
available_at timestamp Used to handle the job delay

Sync Queue

The SyncQueue::class does dispatch jobs immediately without queuing.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\SyncQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;

$queue = new SyncQueue(
    name: 'sync',
    jobProcessor: $jobProcessor, // JobProcessorInterface
    eventDispatcher: null, // null|EventDispatcherInterface
    priority: 100,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)


Default Queues

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Queues;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;

$queues = new Queues(
    $queue, // QueueInterface
    $anotherQueue, // QueueInterface

var_dump($queues instanceof QueuesInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)

Lazy Queues

The LazyQueues::class creates the queues only on demand.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\LazyQueues;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\SyncQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\NullQueue;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

$queues = new LazyQueues(
    container: $container, // ContainerInterface
    queues: [
        // using a factory:
        'primary' => [
            // factory must implement QueueFactoryInterface
            'factory' => QueueFactory::class,
            'config' => [
                'queue' => SyncQueue::class,
                'priority' => 100,
        // using a closure:
        'secondary' => static function (string $name, ContainerInterface $c): QueueInterface {
            // create queue ...
            return $queue;
        // or you may sometimes just create the queue (not lazy):
        'null' => new NullQueue(name: 'null'),

var_dump($queues instanceof QueuesInterface);
// bool(true)

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)

You may check out the Queue Factories to learn more about it.

Queue Factories

Queue Factory

use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;

$factory = new QueueFactory(
    jobProcessor: $jobProcessor // JobProcessorInterface

var_dump($factory instanceof QueueFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Job Processor to learn more about it.

Create queue

use Tobento\Service\Queue\InMemoryQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\NullQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\SyncQueue;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueException;

$queue = $factory->createQueue(name: 'primary', config: [
    // specify the queue you want to create:
    'queue' => InMemoryQueue::class,
    //'queue' => NullQueue::class,
    //'queue' => SyncQueue::class,
    // you may specify a priority:
    'priority' => 200,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)
// or throws QueueException on failure.

Storage Queue Factory

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Storage\QueueFactory;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueFactoryInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Database\DatabasesInterface;
use Psr\Clock\ClockInterface;

$factory = new QueueFactory(
    jobProcessor: $jobProcessor, // JobProcessorInterface
    clock: $clock, // ClockInterface
    databases: null, // null|DatabasesInterface

var_dump($factory instanceof QueueFactoryInterface);
// bool(true)

Check out the Job Processor to learn more about it.

Create JsonFileStorage::class queue

use Tobento\Service\Storage\JsonFileStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueException;

$queue = $factory->createQueue(name: 'primary', config: [
    // specify the table storage:
    'table' => 'queue',
    // specify the storage:
    'storage' => JsonFileStorage::class,
    'dir' => 'home/private/storage/',
    // you may specify a priority:
    'priority' => 200,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)
// or throws QueueException on failure.

Create InMemoryStorage::class queue

use Tobento\Service\Storage\InMemoryStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\PdoMySqlStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\PdoMariaDbStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueException;

$queue = $factory->createQueue(name: 'primary', config: [
    // specify the table storage:
    'table' => 'queue',
    // specify the storage:
    'storage' => InMemoryStorage::class,
    // you may specify a priority:
    'priority' => 200,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)
// or throws QueueException on failure.

Create PdoMySqlStorage::class or PdoMariaDbStorage::class queue

use Tobento\Service\Storage\PdoMySqlStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Storage\PdoMariaDbStorage;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueException;

$queue = $factory->createQueue(name: 'primary', config: [
    // specify the table storage:
    'table' => 'queue',
    // specify the storage:
    'storage' => PdoMySqlStorage::class,
    //'storage' => PdoMariaDbStorage::class,
    // specify the name of the database used:
    'database' => 'name',
    // you may specify a priority:
    'priority' => 200,

var_dump($queue instanceof QueueInterface);
// bool(true)
// or throws QueueException on failure.

Job Processor

The JobProcessor::class is responsible for processing jobs.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessor;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobHandlerInterface;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;

$jobProcessor = new JobProcessor(
    container: $container // ContainerInterface

var_dump($jobProcessor instanceof JobProcessorInterface);
// bool(true)

Adding Job Handlers

You may add job handlers for Named Jobs:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobHandlerInterface;

    name: 'sample',
    handler: SampleHandler::class, // string|JobHandlerInterface

Example of handler:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobHandlerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;

final class SampleHandler implements JobHandlerInterface
    public function handleJob(JobInterface $job): void
        // handle job

Failed Job Handler

The FailedJobHandler::class is responsible for handling failed jobs.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\FailedJobHandler;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\FailedJobHandlerInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;

$handler = new FailedJobHandler(
    queues: $queues, // QueuesInterface

var_dump($handler instanceof FailedJobHandlerInterface);
// bool(true)

After a failed job has exceeded the number of attempts defined with the Retry Parameter, the job will be lost.

You may extend FailedJobHandler::class and handle the finally failed jobs by using the finallyFailed method for storing the jobs in a database or simply log them:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\FailedJobHandler;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

class LogFailedJobHandler extends FailedJobHandler
    public function __construct(
        protected null|QueuesInterface $queues = null,
        protected null|LoggerInterface $logger = null,
    ) {}
    protected function finallyFailed(JobInterface $job, \Throwable $e): void
        if (is_null($this->logger)) {

            sprintf('Job %s with the id %s failed: %s', $job->getName(), $job->getId(), $e->getMessage()),
                'name' => $job->getName(),
                'id' => $job->getId(),
                'payload' => $job->getPayload(),
                'parameters' => $job->parameters()->jsonSerialize(),
                'exception' => $e,
     * Handle exception thrown by the worker e.g.
    public function handleException(\Throwable $e): void
        if (is_null($this->logger)) {

            sprintf('Queue exception: %s', $e->getMessage()),
                'exception' => $e,


The Worker::class processes the queued jobs.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Worker;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobProcessorInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\FailedJobHandlerInterface;
use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;

$worker = new Worker(
    queues: $queues, // QueuesInterface
    jobProcessor: $jobProcessor, // JobProcessorInterface
    failedJobHandler: $failedJobHandler, // null|FailedJobHandlerInterface
    eventDispatcher: $eventDispatcher, // null|EventDispatcherInterface

Running Worker

use Tobento\Service\Queue\WorkerOptions;

$status = $worker->run(
    // specify the name of the queue you wish to use.
    // If null, it uses all queues by its priority, highest first.
    queue: 'name', // null|string
    // specify the options:
    options: new WorkerOptions(
        // The maximum amount of RAM the worker may consume:
        memory: 128,
        // The maximum number of seconds a worker may run:
        timeout: 60,
        // The number of seconds to wait in between polling the queue:
        sleep: 3,
        // The maximum number of jobs to run, 0 (unlimited):
        maxJobs: 0,
        // Indicates if the worker should stop when the queue is empty:
        stopWhenEmpty: false,

// you may exit:

Running Worker Using Commands

Check out the Console and Work Command section if you want to run the worker using commands.


You may using the following commands using the Console Service.

To get quickly started consider using the following two app bundles:

Otherwise, you need to install the Console Service and set up your console by yourself.

Work Command

Running jobs from all queues

php app queue:work

Running jobs from specific queue only

php app queue:work --queue=primary

Available Options

Option Description
--name=default The name of the worker.
--queue=primary The name of the queue to work.
--memory=128 The memory limit in megabytes.
--timeout=60 The number of seconds the worker can run.
--sleep=3 The number of seconds to sleep when no job is available.
--max-jobs=0 The number of jobs to process before stopping (0 unlimited).
--stop-when-empty Stops the worker when the queue is empty.

Clear Command

Delete all of the jobs from the queues

php app queue:clear

Delete jobs from specific queues only

php app queue:clear --queue=primary --queue=secondary


Available Events

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Event;
Event Description
Event\JobStarting::class The event will dispatch before the job is processed
Event\JobFinished::class The event will dispatch after the job is processed
Event\JobFailed::class The event will dispatch when the job failed.
Event\WorkerStarting::class The event will dispatch after the worker started.
Event\WorkerStopped::class The event will dispatch just before the worker stops.
Event\PoppingJobFailed::class The event will dispatch when popping a job from a queue failed.

Just make sure you pass an event dispatcher to your worker!

Learn More

Creating Custom Job Parameters

You may create a custom parameter by extending the Parameter::class:

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Parameter;

class SampleParameter extends Parameter

Storable parameter

By implementing the JsonSerializable interface your parameter will be stored and available when handling the job.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Parameter;
use JsonSerializable;

class SampleParameter extends Parameter implements JsonSerializable
    public function __construct(
        private string $value,
    ) {}
     * Serializes the object to a value that can be serialized natively by json_encode().
     * Will be used to create the parameter by the parameters factory.
     * So it must much its __construct method.
     * @return array
    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return ['value' => $this->value];

Failable interface

By implementing the Failable interface your can handle failed jobs.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Failable;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;
use Throwable;

class SampleParameter extends Parameter implements Failable
     * Returns the failed job handler.
     * @return callable
    public function getFailedJobHandler(): callable
        return [$this, 'processFailedJob'];
     * Process failed job.
     * @param JobInterface $job
     * @param Throwable $e
     * @param ... any parameters resolvable by your container.
     * @return void
    public function processFailedJob(JobInterface $job, Throwable $e): void

Check out the Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Delay::class to see its implementation.

Poppable interface

By implementing the Poppable interface you can handle jobs after it is popped from the queue.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Poppable;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;
use JsonSerializable;

class SampleParameter extends Parameter implements Poppable, JsonSerializable
     * Returns the popping job handler.
     * @return callable
    public function getPoppingJobHandler(): callable
        return [$this, 'poppingJob'];
     * Popping job.
     * @param JobInterface $job
     * @param QueueInterface $queue
     * @param ... any parameters resolvable by your container.
     * @return null|JobInterface
    public function poppingJob(JobInterface $job, QueueInterface $queue): null|JobInterface
        // called after the job is popped from the queue.
        // If returning null, the job gets not processed.
        return $job;
     * Implemented as the parameter gets stored. Otherwise popping job handler gets not executed.
    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return [];

Check out the Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Encrypt::class to see its implementation.

Processable interface

By implementing the Processable interface you can handle jobs processing.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Processable;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;
use JsonSerializable;

class SampleParameter extends Parameter implements Processable, JsonSerializable
     * Returns the before process job handler.
     * @return null|callable
    public function getBeforeProcessJobHandler(): null|callable
        return [$this, 'beforeProcessJob'];
        // or return null if not required
     * Returns the after process job handler.
     * @return null|callable
    public function getAfterProcessJobHandler(): null|callable
        return [$this, 'afterProcessJob'];
        // or return null if not required
     * Before process job handler.
     * @param JobInterface $job
     * @return JobInterface
    public function beforeProcessJob(JobInterface $job): JobInterface
        return $job;
     * After process job handler.
     * @param JobInterface $job
     * @return JobInterface
    public function afterProcessJob(JobInterface $job): JobInterface
        return $job;
     * Implemented as the parameter gets stored. Otherwise handlers gets not executed.
    public function jsonSerialize(): array
        return [];

Check out the Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Duration::class to see its implementation.

Pushable interface

By implementing the Pushable interface you can handle jobs before being pushed to the queue.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\Pushable;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\JobInterface;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueueInterface;

class SampleParameter extends Parameter implements Pushable
     * Returns the pushing job handler.
     * @return callable
    public function getPushingJobHandler(): callable
        return [$this, 'pushingJob'];
     * Pushing job.
     * @param JobInterface $job
     * @param QueueInterface $queue
     * @param ... any parameters resolvable by your container.
     * @return JobInterface
    public function pushingJob(JobInterface $job, QueueInterface $queue): JobInterface
        return $job;

Check out the Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter\PushingJob::class to see its implementation.

Chunkable Job Example

This example shows a possible way to create a chunkable job using the data parameter to store its process data.

use Tobento\Service\Queue\CallableJob;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\Parameter;
use Tobento\Service\Queue\QueuesInterface;

final class ChunkableJob extends CallableJob
    public function handleJob(
        JobInterface $job,
        QueuesInterface $queues,
        // Repository $repository,
    ): void {
        if (! $job->parameters()->has(Parameter\Data::class)) {
            // first time running job:
            $data = new Parameter\Data([
                //'total' => $repository->count(),
                'total' => 500,
                'number' => 100,
                'offset' => 0,
        } else {
            $data = $job->parameters()->get(Parameter\Data::class);
        $total = $data->get(key: 'total', default: 0);
        $number = $data->get(key: 'number', default: 100);
        $offset = $data->get(key: 'offset', default: 0);
        // Handle Job:
        //$items = $repository->findAll(limit: [$number, $offset]);
        $items = range($offset, $number); // For demo we use range
        foreach($items as $item) {
            // do sth
        // Update offset:
        $data->set(key: 'offset', value: $offset+$number);
        // Repush to queue if not finished:
        if ($offset < $total) {
                name: $job->parameters()->get(Parameter\Queue::class)->name()
    public function getPayload(): array
        return [];
