
Provides abstraction layers for dealing with directories and files.

1.0.6 2024-12-11 17:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 18:01:56 UTC


The Filesystem Service provides abstraction layers for dealing with directories and files.

Table of Contents

Getting started

Add the latest version of the Filesystem service project running this command.

composer require tobento/service-filesystem


  • PHP 8.0 or greater


  • Framework-agnostic, will work with any project
  • Decoupled design



Dealing with different files.


Check if it is a file:

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

var_dump($file->isFile()); // bool(true)

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo');

var_dump($file->isFile()); // bool(false)

Check for specific file extension:

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

var_dump($file->isExtension(['jpeg', 'tiff'])); // bool(true)

var_dump($file->isImage(['jpeg', 'gif'])); // bool(true)

var_dump($file->isHtmlImage()); // bool(true)

// $file->isHtmlImage() is same as:
$file->isImage(['gif', 'jpeg', 'png', 'webp']);

File information:

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

var_dump($file->getFile()); // string(30) "/home/public/src/foo/image.jpg"

var_dump($file->getDirname()); // string(21) "/home/public/src/foo/"

var_dump($file->getBasename()); // string(9) "image.jpg"

var_dump($file->getFilename()); // string(5) "image"

var_dump($file->getExtension()); // string(3) "jpg"

var_dump($file->getFolderPath()); // string(0) ""

var_dump($file->getDateModified()); // string(22) "09. June 2021 08:52:28"

var_dump($file->getDateModified('F d Y H:i:s.')); // string(22) "June 09 2021 08:52:28."

var_dump($file->getDateUpdated()); // string(22) "09. June 2021 08:52:28"

var_dump($file->getDateUpdated('F d Y H:i:s.')); // string(22) "June 09 2021 08:52:28."

// size in bytes
var_dump($file->getSize()); // int(34221)

// human readable sizes
var_dump($file->size()); // string(8) "33.42 KB"

// image size data
// array(7) { [0]=> int(500) [1]=> int(375) [2]=> int(2) [3]=> string(24) "width="500" height="375"" ["bits"]=> int(8) ["channels"]=> int(3) ["mime"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" 

var_dump($file->getImageSize(1)); // int(375)

// get exif data if exist
// array(7) { ["FileName"]=> string(9) "image.jpg" ["FileDateTime"]=> int(1623403678) ["FileSize"]=> int(34221) ["FileType"]=> int(2) ["MimeType"]=> string(10) "image/jpeg" ["SectionsFound"]=> string(0) "" ["COMPUTED"]=> array(4) { ["html"]=> string(24) "width="500" height="375"" ["Height"]=> int(375) ["Width"]=> int(500) ["IsColor"]=> int(1) } } 

// readable and writable
var_dump($file->isReadable()); // bool(true)

var_dump($file->isWritable()); // bool(true)

// mime type
var_dump($file->getMimeType()); // string(10) "image/jpeg"

var_dump($file->getMimeType(1)); // string(5) "image"

var_dump($file->getMimeType(2)); // string(4) "jpeg"

File name manipulation:

These methods return always an new instance.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

$newFile = $file->withDirname('home/public/src/bar/');

$newFile = $file->withFilename('new-image');

// Defining a folder path might be useful for certain cases.
$newFile = $file->withFolderPath('foo/bar');

// Generating unique filename.
$file = $file->withUniqueFilename();

var_dump($file->getBasename()); // string(18) "image-20317715.jpg"

var_dump($file->isFile()); // bool(false)

File copy, move, rename and delete operations:

These methods return a new instance on success, otherwise null, except for delete operation.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

$copiedFile = $file->copy('home/public/src/bar/name.jpg');

$movedFile = $file->move('home/public/src/bar/name.jpg');

$renamedFile = $movedFile->rename('new-name');

var_dump($movedFile->delete()); // bool(true)

Check if file is within a specified directory:

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

// bool(true)

// bool(true)

// bool(false)

File responses

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;

$file = new File('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg');

$downloadResponse = $file->downloadResponse($response, $streamFactory);

$fileResponse = $file->fileResponse($response, $streamFactory);

Json File

Providing the following additional methods.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\JsonFile;

$file = new JsonFile('home/public/src/foo/data.json');

var_dump($file->isJson()); // bool(true)

$array = $file->toArray();

$jsonString = $file->getContent();

Pdf File

Providing the following additional methods.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\PdfFile;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\StreamFactoryInterface;

$file = new Pdf('home/public/src/foo/data.pdf');

var_dump($file->isPdf()); // bool(true)

// Content example
$file = new PdfFile('document.pdf');

var_dump($file->isPdf()); // bool(false)

// add content, this will return a new instance.
$file = $file->content($pdfEngine->createPdfString('document.pdf'));

$string = $file->getContent();

$fileResponse = $file->fileResponse($response, $streamFactory);


Dir information.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir();

var_dump($dir->isDir('home/public/src/foo')); // bool(true)

var_dump($dir->isDir('home/public/src/foo/')); // bool(true)

var_dump($dir->isFile('home/public/src/foo/image.jpg')); // bool(true)

var_dump($dir->isWritable(__DIR__.'/src/foo')); // bool(true)

// Check if directory or file exists.
var_dump($dir->has(__DIR__.'/src/foo')); // bool(true)

var_dump($dir->has(__DIR__.'/src/foo/')); // bool(true)

var_dump($dir->has(__DIR__.'/src/foo/image.jpg')); // bool(true)

// Check if a directory is empty.
var_dump($dir->isEmpty(__DIR__.'/src/foo/')); // bool(false)

Get files from a directory

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\File;

$dir = new Dir();

$dir->setFilesToIgnore(['.DS_Store', '*_notes', 'Thumbs.db', 'folder/subdir/image.png']); // use wildcard * for all

$dir->setFilesToIgnoreExtensions(['htaccess', 'txt']);

$files = $dir->getFiles('home/public/media/path/folder/');

// define a folder path, might be useful for certain use cases.
$files = $dir->getFiles('home/public/media/path/folder/', 'path/folder/');

// only get png and jpeg files.
$files = $dir->getFiles('home/public/media/path/folder/', '', ['png', 'jpeg']);

foreach($files as $file)
    var_dump($file instanceof File); // bool(true)

Get folders from a directory

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Folder;

$dir = new Dir();

$dir->setFoldersToIgnore(['img/firm', 'misc/test', '*_notes']); // use wildcard * for all

// get all with subfolders.
$folders = $dir->getFoldersAll('home/public/media/');

// get only first level folders. Note: $dir->setFoldersToIgnore() has no influence.
$folders = $dir->getFolders('home/public/media/');

foreach($folders as $folder)
    var_dump($folder instanceof Folder); // bool(true)
    // Get folder information
    $name = $folder->name();
    $dir = $folder->dir();
    $id = $folder->id();
    $parentId = $folder->parentId();
    $level = $folder->level();
    $folderPath = $folder->folderPath();
    // Manipulate, returns a new instance.
    $folder = $folder->withName('-'.$folder->name());
    $folder = $folder->withFolderPath('bar/foo');

Create or rename a directory

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir();

var_dump($dir->create('home/public/media/new/', mode: 0755, recursive: true)); // bool(true)

var_dump($dir->rename('home/public/media/old/', 'new')); // bool(true)

Copy a directory

This will copy subfolders and all files too.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir();

$dir->setFilesToIgnore(['subdir/image.png']); // starting from dir set.


$dir->setFoldersToIgnore(['sub/foo']); // starting from dir set.

var_dump($dir->copy(dir: 'home/public/media/foo/', destination: 'home/public/media/bar/')); // bool(true)

Delete directories or file

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir();

// Careful: this will delete all subfolders and all files.

var_dump($dir->delete('www/public/media/dir_to_delete/')); // bool(true)

// This method will delete files too.
var_dump($dir->delete('www/public/media/file_to_delete.jpg')); // bool(true)

A note on ignoring files

⚠️ If the given format is not added by the addFormat() method, see File Formats below for detail, files will only be checked by its extension and not by its mime type.

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir(withDefaultFormats: false);

// would only check txt files by its extension as withDefaultFormats is set to false.

The formats added by default are:

trait FileFormats
    protected function addDefaultFormats(): void
        // Add default formats.
        $this->addFormat('html', 'text/html');
        $this->addFormat('html', 'application/xhtml+xml');
        $this->addFormat('txt', 'text/plain');
        $this->addFormat('json', 'application/json');
        $this->addFormat('json', 'application/x-json');
        $this->addFormat('js', 'application/javascript');
        $this->addFormat('js', 'application/x-javascript');
        $this->addFormat('js', 'text/javascript');
        $this->addFormat('css', 'text/css');
        $this->addFormat('php', 'application/x-httpd-php');
        $this->addFormat('php', 'text/x-php');
        $this->addFormat('phtml', 'application/x-httpd-php');
        $this->addFormat('xml', 'text/xml');
        $this->addFormat('xml', 'application/xml');
        $this->addFormat('xml', 'application/x-xml');
        $this->addFormat('rdf', 'application/rdf+xml');
        $this->addFormat('atom', 'application/atom+xml');
        $this->addFormat('rss', 'application/rss+xml');
        $this->addFormat('form', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
        $this->addFormat('pdf', 'application/pdf');
        $this->addFormat('jpg', 'image/jpeg');
        $this->addFormat('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');
        $this->addFormat('jpe', 'image/jpeg');
        $this->addFormat('png', 'image/png');
        $this->addFormat('gif', 'image/gif');
        $this->addFormat('webp', 'image/webp');
        $this->addFormat('tif', 'image/tiff');
        $this->addFormat('svg', 'image/svg+xml');
        $this->addFormat('psd', 'image/vnd.adobe.photoshop');
        $this->addFormat('bmp', 'image/bmp');
        $this->addFormat('ico', 'image/');
        $this->addFormat('ai', 'application/postscript');
        $this->addFormat('eps', 'application/postscript');
        $this->addFormat('zip', 'application/zip');
        $this->addFormat('csv', 'text/csv');
        $this->addFormat('csv', 'text/x-csv');
        $this->addFormat('csv', 'text/plain');
        $this->addFormat('csv', 'application/csv');
        $this->addFormat('csv', 'application/x-csv');
        $this->addFormat('csv', 'application/');

File Formats

The FileFormatsInterface has the following methods:

Add a format

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;
use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\FileFormatsInterface;

$dir = new Dir();
var_dump($dir instanceof FileFormatsInterface); // bool(true)

$dir->addFormat(format: 'jpeg', mimeType: 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('jpg', 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('csv', 'text/csv');
$dir->addFormat('csv', 'text/plain');

Merge formats

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir();
    'jpeg' => ['image/jpeg'],
    'csv' => ['text/x-csv'],
    'gif' => ['image/gif'],

Get Format

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir(withDefaultFormats: false);

$dir->addFormat('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('jpg', 'image/jpeg');

// Returns first found format or null if not found any.
var_dump($dir->getFormat(mimeType: 'image/jpeg'));
// string(4) "jpeg"

Get Formats

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir(withDefaultFormats: false);

$dir->addFormat('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('jpg', 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('csv', 'text/csv');
$dir->addFormat('csv', 'text/plain');

$formats = $dir->getFormats();

    [jpeg] => Array
            [0] => image/jpeg

    [jpg] => Array
            [0] => image/jpeg

    [csv] => Array
            [0] => text/csv
            [1] => text/plain


Get Mime Type

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir(withDefaultFormats: false);

$dir->addFormat('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('jpg', 'image/jpeg');

// Returns first found mime type or null if not found any.
var_dump($dir->getMimeType(format: 'jpg'));
// string(10) "image/jpeg" 

// Return part one
var_dump($dir->getMimeType('jpg', part: 1));
string(5) "image"

// Return part two
var_dump($dir->getMimeType('jpg', 2));
string(4) "jpeg"

Get Mime Types

use Tobento\Service\Filesystem\Dir;

$dir = new Dir(withDefaultFormats: false);

$dir->addFormat('jpeg', 'image/jpeg');
$dir->addFormat('csv', 'text/csv');

$mimeTypes = $dir->getMimeTypes(formats: ['jpeg', 'csv']);

    [0] => image/jpeg
    [1] => text/csv

// part one only
$mimeTypes = $dir->getMimeTypes(formats: ['jpeg', 'csv'], part: 1);

    [0] => image
    [1] => text

// part two only
$mimeTypes = $dir->getMimeTypes(formats: ['jpeg', 'csv'], part: 2);

    [0] => jpeg
    [1] => csv
