
Symfony CMF Core Bundle

Installs: 1 050 956

Dependents: 21

Suggesters: 5

Security: 0

Stars: 24

Watchers: 12

Forks: 33

Open Issues: 10


3.0.0 2024-05-04 20:30 UTC


Symfony CMF Core Bundle

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Build Status: Test application

This package is part of the Symfony Content Management Framework (CMF) and licensed under the MIT License.

The CoreBundle for the Symfony content management framework provides common functionality, helpers and utilities for the other CMF bundles. The major features are a publish workflow, a twig extension and php templating helper to walk PHPCR-ODM trees and support for optional translated content.



For the install guide and reference, see:

See also:


For general support and questions, please use StackOverflow.


Pull requests are welcome. Please see our CONTRIBUTING guide.

Unit and/or functional tests exist for this package.

Thanks to everyone who has contributed already.


This package is available under the MIT license.