Project based on Symfony 2 By Symfomany

Installs: 5

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 1

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 1


dev-master / 2.5.x-dev 2014-11-24 17:00 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-16 07:18:21 UTC


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Projet d'apprentissage Symfony 2 pour Presentation by Boyer Julien

Presentation of Symfony 2 by Boyer Julien

Presentation de Symfony 2

  1. Installing the Standard Edition

Use Composer (recommended)

  • curl -s | php --
  • php composer.phar install --dev
  • php app/console doctrine:database:drop --force
  • php app/console doctrine:database:create
  • php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force

Download an Archive File

To quickly test App in SYmfony 2, you can also download an [archive][3] of the Standard Edition and unpack it somewhere under your web server root directory.

If you downloaded an archive "without vendors", you also need to install all the necessary dependencies. Download composer (see above) and run the following command:

php composer.phar install
  1. Testing my app

phpunit -c app/

  1. Loading datas

php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load

  1. View documentation
