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$ composer require shippinno/notification

Basic Usage

Create and send a notification

Create a Notification with a Destination and send it through a Gateway.

use Shippinno\Email\SwiftMailer\SwiftMailerSendEmail;
use Shippinno\Notification\Domain\Model\Notification;
use Shippinno\Notification\Domain\Model\NotificationNotSentException;
use Shippinno\Notification\Infrastructure\Domain\Model\EmailGateway;

$notification = new Notification(
    new EmailDestination(
        [new EmailAddress('')],
    new Subject('Hello'),
    new Body('This is a notification.'),

$gateway = new EmailGateway(
    new SwiftMailerSendEmail(...),
    new EmailAddress('')

try {
} catch (NotificationNotSentException $e) {
    // ...

Gateway has to be compatible with the Destination (check Destination::sendsToDestination(Destination $destination)). In the case above, we assume EmailGateway accepts notifications with EmailDestination.

Persist notifications

Use NotificationRepository to persist notifications on your database.

If you use DoctrineNotificationRepository and set $isPrecocious attribute to true, you do not have to do EntityManager::flush().

$repository = new DoctrineNotificationRepository($em, $class, true); // $isPrecocious === true
$repository->add($notification); // Already flushed.

You can retrieve fresh (not sent or failed) notifications to send them.

$notifications = $repository->freshNotifications();

Working with persisted notifications, you should want to mark them as sent or failed after trying to send.

If your DoctrineNotificationRepository is precocious, calling persist() will flush immediately.

try {
} catch (NotificationNotSentException $e) {
    $notification->markFailed($e->__toString()); // mark it failed with the reason
} finally {

Advanced usage

Using templates

Let’s say you have Liquid templates like:

$ tree -d /templates
|-- hello__subject.liquid 
`-- hello__body.liquid
$ cat /templates/hello.subject.liquid
Hello, {{ you }} !!
$ cat /templates/hello.body.liquid
Good bye, {{ her }} :)

Then you can create notifications using those templates with TemplateNotificationFactory.

use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Local;
use League\Flysystem\Filesystem;
use Shippinno\Template\Liquid;
use Shippinno\Notification\Domain\Model\TemplateNotificationFactory;

$template = new Liquid(new Filesystem(new Local('/templates')));
$factory = new TemplateNotificationFactory($template);
$notification = $factory->create(
    'hello', // template name
    ['you' => 'Shippinno', 'her' => 'Jessica']), // variables for the template
    new EmailDestination([new EmailAddress('')])
$notification->subject()->subject(); // => 'Hello Shippinno !!'
$notification->body()->body(); // => 'Good bye Jessica :)'

Check out shippinno/template for more details how the template things work.

Gateway routing

SendNotification service routes a notification to and send it through a gateway designated on GatewayRegistry.

use Shippinno\Notification\Domain\Model\SendNotification;
use Shippinno\Notification\Domain\Model\GatewayRegistry;

$gatewayRegistry = new GatewayRegistry;
$gatewayRegistry->set('EmailDestination', new EmailGateway(...));
$gatewayRegistry->set('SlackChannelDestination', new SlackGateway(...));

$emailNotification = new Notification(new EmailDestination(...), ...);
$slackChannelNotification = new Notification(new SlackChannelDestination(...), ...);

$sendNotifiation = new SendNotification($gatewayRegistry);
$sendNotification->execute($emailNotification); // will send an email
$sendNotification->execute($slackChannelNotification); // will send a message to the Slack channel