

#php ethereum transaction monitoring

all scripts work with Redis list and put result to own list to next processing

  • block-announcer - read last announced block and announces next pack of blocks to parse
  • block-reader - read transactions from announced blocks
  • transaction-reader - read transactions info from previous list
  • transaction-checker - check if transactions are belong to contract
  • transaction-announcer - pass checked transaction to RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ configuration passed by env variables

'host' => getenv('PGTW_RMQ_HOST')?: 'rabbitmq',
'port' => getenv('PGTW_RMQ_PORT')?: 5672,
'login' => getenv('PGTW_RMQ_USER') ?:'guest',
'password' => getenv('PGTW_RMQ_PASS') ?:'guest', 

Redis configuration passed by env variables

 'host' => getenv('PGTW_REDIS') ?: 'redis',
 'port' => getenv('PGTW_REDIS_PORT') ?: '6379',
 'db'   => getenv('PGTW_REDIS_DB') ?: '2',   

geth node configuration

 'host' => parse_url(getenv('ETHEREUM_NODE_URL'))['host'] ?? null,