
There is no license information available for the latest version (v5.0.1) of this package.

A PHP SDK for sending user profile attributes and events to the Serato User Profile application.

v5.0.1 2024-07-25 03:32 UTC


Latest Stable Version

A PHP library for sending user profile attributes and events to the Serato User Profile application.

Adding to a project via composer.json

To include this library in a PHP project add the following line to the project's composer.json file in the require section:

	"require": {
		"serato/sup-sdk-php": "dev-master"

See Packagist for a list of all available versions.


This library requires PHP 7.1 or greater.

Style guide

Please ensure code adheres to the PHP-FIG PSR-2 Coding Style Guide

Use PHP_CodeSniffer to validate your code against coding standards:

$ ./vendor/bin/phpcs


Use PHPStan for static code analysis:

$ vendor/bin/phpstan analyse

Unit tests

Configuration for PHPUnit is defined within phpunit.xml.

To run tests:

$ php vendor/bin/phpunit

Integration tests

Integration tests with AWS services can be run via phpinit:

$ php vendor/bin/phpunit --group aws-integration

Generate PHP API documentation

The Sami PHP API documentation generator can be used to generate PHP API documentation.

To generate documentation:

$ vendor/bin/sami.php update phpdoc.php

Documentation is generated into the docs\php directory.

Configuration for Sami is contained within phpdoc.php.

Generate code coverage report

If you have phpdbg installed you can generate a code coverage report with phpunit:

$ phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-html reports/coverage

Reports are generated in the reports directory.