
A PHP client for the API

v96.1.0 2025-03-13 20:56 UTC


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This is the official PHP client library for the V2 REST API.

Installing seatsio-php

The recommended way to install seatsio-php is through Composer.

composer require seatsio/seatsio-php

The minimum required PHP version is 8.1.


seatsio-php follows semver since v62.3.0.


General instructions

To use this library, you'll need to create a SeatsioClient:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);

You can find your workspace secret key in the settings section of the workspace.

The region should correspond to the region of your account:

  • Region::EU(): Europe
  • Region::NA(): North-America
  • Region::SA(): South-America
  • Region::OC(): Oceania

If you're unsure about your region, have a look at your company settings page.

Creating a chart and an event

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$chart = $seatsio->charts->create();
$event = $seatsio->events->create($chart->key);
echo 'Created event with key ' . $event->key;

Booking objects

Changes the object status to ‘booked’. Booked seats are not selectable on a rendered chart.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->events->book(<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"]);

Booking objects that have been held

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->events->book(<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"], <A HOLD TOKEN>);

Booking general admission areas


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->events->book(<AN EVENT KEY>, ["GA1", "GA1", "GA1"]);


require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->events->book(<AN EVENT KEY>, [["objectId" => "GA1", "quantity" => 3]]);

Releasing objects

Changes the object status to ‘free’. Free seats are selectable on a rendered chart.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->events->release(<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"]);

Changing object status

Changes the object status to a custom status of your choice. If you need more statuses than just booked and free, you can use this to change the status of a seat, table or booth to your own custom status.

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->events->changeObjectStatus(<AN EVENT KEY>, ["A-1", "A-2"], "unavailable");

Retrieving object category and status (and other information)

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$objectInfos = $seatsio->events->retrieveObjectInfos($event->key, ["A-1", "A-2"]);



Event reports

Want to know which seats of an event are booked, and which ones are free? That’s where reporting comes in handy.

The report types you can choose from are:

  • byStatus
  • byCategoryLabel
  • byCategoryKey
  • byLabel
  • byOrderId

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);
$seatsio->eventReports->byStatus(<AN EVENT KEY>, <OPTIONAL FILTER>);

Listing all charts

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>);

$charts = $seatsio->charts->listAll();
foreach($charts as $chart) {
    echo 'Chart ' . $chart->key;

Note: listAll() returns an iterator, which under the hood calls the API to fetch charts page by page. So multiple API calls may be done underneath to fetch all charts.

Listing charts page by page

E.g. to show charts in a paginated list on a dashboard.

Each page contains an items array of charts, and nextPageStartsAfter and previousPageEndsBefore properties. Those properties are the chart IDs after which the next page starts or the previous page ends.

// ... user initially opens the screen ...

$firstPage = $seatsio->charts->listFirstPage();
foreach($firstPage->items as $chart) {
    echo 'Chart ' . $chart->key;
// ... user clicks on 'next page' button ...

$nextPage = $seatsio->charts->listPageAfter($firstPage->nextPageStartsAfter);
foreach($nextPage->items as $chart) {
    echo 'Chart ' . $chart->key;
// ... user clicks on 'previous page' button ...

$previousPage = $seatsio->charts->listPageBefore($nextPage->previousPageEndsBefore);
foreach($page->items as $chart) {
    echo 'Chart ' . $chart->key;

Creating a workspace

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

// company admin key can be found on
$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <COMPANY ADMIN KEY>);
$seatsio->workspaces->create("a workspace");

Creating a chart and an event with the company admin key

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

// company admin key can be found on
// workspace public key can be found on
$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <COMPANY ADMIN KEY>, <WORKSPACE PUBLIC KEY>);
$chart = $seatsio->charts->create();
$event = $seatsio->events->create($chart->key);
echo 'Created event with key ' . $event->key;

Error handling

When an API call results in a 4xx or 5xx error (e.g. when a chart could not be found), a SeatsioException is thrown.

This exception contains a message string describing what went wrong, and also two other properties:

  • messages: an array of error messages that the server returned. In most cases, this array will contain only one element.
  • requestId: the identifier of the request you made. Please mention this to us when you have questions, as it will make debugging easier.

Rate limiting - exponential backoff

This library supports exponential backoff.

When you send too many concurrent requests, the server returns an error 429 - Too Many Requests. The client reacts to this by waiting for a while, and then retrying the request. If the request still fails with an error 429, it waits a little longer, and try again. By default this happens 5 times, before giving up (after approximately 15 seconds).

We throw a RateLimitExceededException (which is a subclass of SeatsioException) when exponential backoff eventually fails.

To change the maximum number of retries, create the SeatsioClient as follows:

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Seatsio\Region;
use Seatsio\SeatsioClient;

$seatsio = new SeatsioClient(Region::EU(), <WORKSPACE SECRET KEY>, null, 3);

Passing in 0 disables exponential backoff completely. In that case, the client will never retry a failed request.


v93 -> v94

  • An event's chart key can no longer be changed

v92 -> v93

  • Removed StatusChangeRequest constructor. Use setters instead.

v91 -> v92

  • No breaking changes.

v90 -> v91

  • Only PHP 8.1 and newer are supported (older versions have reached end of life).

v89 -> v90

  • $client->usageReports->summaryForAllMonths() now returns a UsageSummaryForAllMonths object

v88 -> v89

  • if you're using $seatsioClient->subaccounts, you should switch to $seatsioClient->workspaces

v87 -> v88

  • social distancing got removed. There is no alternative for those API calls.

v86 -> v87

  • $seatsioClient->events->create() now takes a CreateEventParams object
  • $seatsioClient->events->update() now takes an UpdateEventParams object

v85 -> v86

  • $seatsioClient->events->channels->replace() now takes a normal array instead of an associative array. If you want to just replace the channel metadata but keep the objects (like replace() used to do), you have to explicitly pass in the objects.
  • Removed $seatsioClient->events->channels->setObjects() in favor of $seatsioClient->events->channels->replace()

v84 -> v85

  • Usage report format changed

v83 -> v84

  • Fields returned by usage reports have changed

v82 -> v83

  • signature of $seatsioClient->events->markAsForSale() and $seatsioClient->events->markAsNotForSale() changed. Added new parameter $areaPlaces, between $objects and $categories.
  • added $seatsioClient->charts->listCategories(string $chartKey) to retrieve an array of Category instances for a specified chart.

v81 -> v82

  • removed fields from usage report by month: $numFirstBookingsOrSelections, $numGASelectionsWithoutBooking, $numNonGASelectionsWithoutBooking. Instead of $numFirstBookingsOrSelections, use $numUsedObjects.

v80 -> v81

  • oldest supported PHP version is now PHP 7.4

v79 -> v80

  • $seatsioClient->seasons->createEvents() returns an array of Event objects now, instead of the Season object

v76 -> v77

  • Renamed $seatsioClient->events->retrieveObjectStatus() to $seatsioClient->events->retrieveObjectInfo()
  • Renamed \Seatsio\Reports\Events\EventReportItem to \Seatsio\Events\EventObjectInfo
  • Renamed \Seatsio\Events\ObjectStatus to \Seatsio\Events\EventObjectInfo
  • Renamed \Seatsio\Reports\Charts\ChartReportItem to \Seatsio\Charts\ChartObjectInfo
  • Renamed ObjectStatus->quantity to EventObjectInfo->numBooked

v72 -> v73

The SeatsioClient now takes a region as first parameter. This is the region of your account.

v69 -> v70

Switched to builder pattern for creating social distancing rulesets. Removed constructor of SocialDistancingRuleset class.

Rule-based rulesets:

$ruleset = SocialDistancingRuleset::ruleBased("My first ruleset")

Fixed rulesets:

$ruleset = SocialDistancingRuleset::fixed("My second ruleset")

v68 -> v69

Replaced SeatsioException->$messages by SeatsioException->$errors. An error contains both a $code and a $message.

To implement logic based on the exception type, use the techincal $code instead of the human-readable $message.

v67 -> v68

Retrieving an event

The Event class does not have $bookWholeTables and $tableBookingModes properties anymore. Those are replaced by a single $tableBookingConfig property:

  • $bookWholeTables equal to true corresponds to a $tableBookingConfig with $mode equal to ALL_BY_TABLE
  • $bookWholeTables equal to false corresponds to a $tableBookingConfig with $mode either ALL_BY_SEAT, INHERIT or CUSTOM
  • The list of tables in $tableBookingModes is now $tableBookingConfig->tables (but only if $mode equals CUSTOM)

Creating an event

When creating an event, you now pass in an (optional) $tableBookingConfig instead of $bookWholeTablesOrTableBookingModes:

  "4250fffc-e41f-c7cb-986a-2c5e728b8c28", null,
  TableBookingConfig::custom(["T1" => "BY_TABLE", "T2" => "BY_SEAT"])

Creating multiple events

When creating multiple events, you now pass in an (optional) $tableBookingConfig instead of $bookWholeTables and $tableBookingModes:

$params = [

$events = $seatsioClient->events->createMultiple("4250fffc-e41f-c7cb-986a-2c5e728b8c28", $params);

v66 -> v67

No migration needed

v65 -> v66

You now need to be on PHP 7.1 or newer to use this library.

v64 -> v65

Added boolean parameter $oneGroupPerTable to the constructor of SocialDistancingRuleset. Pass in false to not force only one group to sit at a table.

Also added this parameter to SocialDistancingRuleset::ruleBased()

v63 -> v64

Added $maxOccupancyAbsolute, $maxOccupancyPercentage and $fixedGroupLayout to the constructor of SocialDistancingRuleset.

To keep the default behaviour, pass in the following:

  • $maxOccupancyAbsolute = 0
  • $maxOccupancyPercentage = 0
  • $fixedGroupLayout = false

v62 -> v63

events->bookBestAvailable(), events->holdBestAvailable() and events->changeBestAvailableObjectStatus() take optional $extraData and $ticketTypes parameters. Pass in null to keep the default behaviour.