
This is my package africastalking-laravel

v1.8.0 2025-02-25 04:12 UTC


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This is an unofficial Laravel SDK for interacting with Africa's Talking APIs that takes advantage of native Laravel components such as


You can install the package via composer:

composer require samuelmwangiw/africastalking-laravel

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="africastalking-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    'username' => env('AFRICASTALKING_USERNAME', 'sandbox'),
    'api-key' => env('AFRICASTALKING_API_KEY'),
    'sms' => [
        'from' => env('AFRICASTALKING_FROM'),
    'payment' => [
        'product-name' => env('AFRICASTALKING_PAYMENT_PRODUCT'),
    'voice' => [

You should configure the package by setting the env variables in your .env file.


Application Balance

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;

/** @var \SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\Balance $account */
$account = Africastalking::application()->balance();

// Or using the global helper function
$account = africastalking()->application()->balance();

Bulk Messages

The most basic example to send out a message is

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;

$response = Africastalking::sms('Hello mom!')

// Or using the global helper function
$response = africastalking()->sms("Hello Mom")

Other valid examples are

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;

$response = Africastalking::sms('It is quality rather than quantity that matters. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca')
        ->message("We made it!") //overwrites any text previously set
        ->text("Look, am on the internet") //alias to message()
        ->as('MyBIZ') // optional: When the senderId is different from `config('africastalking.sms.from')`
        ->bulk() // optional: Messages are bulk by default
        ->enqueue() //used for Bulk SMS clients that would like to deliver as many messages to the API before waiting for an acknowledgement from the Telcos

// Or using the global helper function
$response = africastalking()->sms()
        ->message("Hello Mom") //overwrites any text previously set

The response is Collection of \SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\RecipientsApiResponse objects

Premium Messages

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;

$response = Africastalking::sms('It is quality rather than quantity that matters. - Lucius Annaeus Seneca')
        ->as('90012') // optional: When the senderId is different from `config('africastalking.sms.from')`
        ->premium() // Required to designate messages as bulk
        ->bulkMode(false) // True to send premium messages in bulkMode and false to send as premium
        ->retry(2) //specifies the number of hours your subscription message should be retried in case itโ€™s not delivered to the subscriber.
        ->keyword('keyword') // optional:
        ->linkId('message-link-id') // optional:

The response is Collection of \SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\RecipientsApiResponse objects


The most basic example to disburse airtime is

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;

$response = Africastalking::airtime()

// Or using the global helper function
$response = africastalking()->airtime()

You may also pass an instance of AirtimeTransaction

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\AirtimeTransaction;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\PhoneNumber;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Enum\Currency;

$transaction = new AirtimeTransaction(PhoneNumber::make('+256769000000'),Currency::UGANDA,1000)

$response = Africastalking::airtime()

The Airtime class provides an add() that's basically an alias to the to() and since either of these methods can be fluently chained, it unlocks capabilities such as adding the recipients in a loop and sending once at the end

use App\Models\Clients;

$airtime = africastalking()->airtime();

Clients::query()->chunk(1000, function ($clients) use($airtime) {
    foreach ($clients as $client) {
$results = $airtime->send();

USSD Response

This package allows to easily create USSD response by exposing a \SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Response\UssdResponse class that implements Laravel's Responsable contract.

To send a ussd response, simply return africastalking()->ussd() in your controller.

The ussd optionally takes 2 parameters and returns an instance of UssdResponse:

  • response - The response message to be displayed to the client
  • expectsInput - A boolean whether or not to prompt for user input. The default value is true

The UssdResponse class has the following methods that can be chained fluently

  • response - Receives the response message to be displayed to the client as an argument
  • expectsInput - Receives the expectsInput boolean to be displayed to the client as an argument. The default value is true
  • end - Is an alias expectsInput() but sets the boolean value false always

See below an example controller that makes of the UssdResponse and Ussd's HttpRequest:


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\Client;
use Illuminate\Support\Str;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\UssdEventRequest;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\UssdSessionRequest;

class UssdController extends Controller
    public function session(UssdSessionRequest $request)
        if (!$request->userInput()) {
            return africastalking()->ussd('Kindly enter your account number');

        $account = Client::query()

        if ($account?->exists()) {
            return africastalking()
                ->ussd("Your account Balance is KES {$account->balance}")->end();

        return africastalking()
            ->ussd("The account you entered does not exists.\n\nKindly enter a valid account number");

    public function event(UssdEventRequest $request)
       //Handle the USSD event here
        return response('OK');

Insights a.k.a Sim Swap

// Simple Example
$result = Africastalking::insights()

// Alternative
$result = Africastalking::simSwap()

// With Multiple numbers
$result = Africastalking::insights()

// With Idempotency Key
$result = Africastalking::insights()

Payments (wip)

Mobile Checkout


Wallet Balance

/** @var \SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\Balance $balance **/
$balance = africastalking()->wallet()->balance();

Stash top up


//or fluently
    ->product('My Product') //To override the product name in config
    ->topup(); //topup() has an alias named send() if you fancy

Voice Responses

This package provides an easy and intuitive voice response builder that allows any combination of the following:

Note that all params marked as optional in the documentation are also optional


return africastalking()->voice()
    ->say(message: '', playBeep: "false", voice: "en-US-Standard-C")
    ->play(url: '')
        say: 'Please enter your account number followed by the hash sign',
        finishOnKey: '#',
        timeout: '30',
        callbackUrl: '',
        phoneNumbers: ['+254711XXXYYY', '+25631XYYZZZZ', ''],
        record: true,
        ringBackTone: '',
        maxDuration: 5,
        sequential: false,
        callerId: '+254711XXXYYY',
        say: 'Please enter your account number followed by the hash sign',
        finishOnKey: '#',
        timeout: '30',
        maxLength: 10,
        playBeep: true,
        trimSilence: true
        url: '',

See example in a controller below:


namespace App\Http\Controllers\CallCenter;

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\VoiceCallRequest;

class HandleCallsController
    public function __invoke(VoiceCallRequest $request)
        if ($request->input('isActive')){
            return africastalking()->voice()
                       ->say('Welcome to Unicorn bank.')
                           say:'Please enter your account Number followed by the # key',
                           finishOnKey: '#'
        return response('OK');

namespace App\Http\Controllers\CallCenter;

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\VoiceCallRequest;

class RecordCallsController
    public function __invoke(VoiceCallRequest $request)
        if ($request->input('isActive')){
            return africastalking()->voice()
                       ->say('Our working hours are 9AM - 7PM, Monday to to Friday')
                            say: 'Please leave a message after the tone.',
                            finishOnKey: '#',
                            playBeep: true,
                            maxLength: 10,
                            trimSilence: true,
        return response('OK');

namespace App\Http\Controllers\CallCenter;

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\VoiceCallRequest;

class RejectCallsController
    public function __invoke(VoiceCallRequest $request)
        if ($request->input('isActive')){
            return africastalking()->voice()
                       ->say('Our working hours are 9AM - 7PM, Monday to to Friday')
        return response('OK');

namespace App\Http\Controllers\CallCenter;

use App\Models\Doctor;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\VoiceCallRequest;

class ForwardCallsController
    public function __invoke(VoiceCallRequest $request)
        if ($request->input('isActive')){
            $doctor = Doctor::query()->onDuty()->first();
            return africastalking()->voice()
                            phoneNumbers: [$doctor->number],
                            record: true,
                            ringBackTone: ""
        return response('OK');

Synthesized Speech Attributes.

The <Say /> action supports the use of Speech Synthesis Markup Language(SSML).

To respond with Synthesized Speech, pass a callback say() above as the first parameter that receives an instance of SynthesisedSpeech object


namespace App\Http\Controllers\CallCenter;

use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\VoiceCallRequest;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\ValueObjects\Voice\SynthesisedSpeech;

class HandleCallsController
    public function __invoke(VoiceCallRequest $request)
        if ($request->input('isActive')){
            return africastalking()->voice()
                         fn(SynthesisedSpeech $speech) => $speech
                                 ->say('Welcome to Wasafi. Your airtime balance is')
                                 ->say(' and expires on ')
                                 ->say(' at ')
                                 ->say('For assistance Call our customer service team on ')
                                 ->bleep('Thank you for choosing us ๐Ÿ˜œ')
        return response('OK');

Note You can only have a single <Say /> within an XML response

Making Calls

// Most basic call

// Call a list of users

// override the callerId

// Set the call Request Id

// You can also use send if like that better



namespace App\Http\Controllers\Voice;

class WebRtcTokenController {
    public function __invoke()
        $clientName = auth()->user()?->name ?? 'Browser';
        $token = africastalking()
        return [
            'token' => $token->token,
            'clientName' => $token->clientName,
            'expire' => $token->lifeTimeSec,

HTTP Requests

The package ships with the following Laravel Requests that you can inject into your application controllers:


In addition to exposing the post params in a nice FormRequest object, these classes also include nice helper methods where applicable e.g.

  • id() to retrieve the unique ATPid associated with every request
  • phone() to retrieve the client's phone number
  • userInput() to retrieve ussd user input
  • status() to get transaction / request final status
  • deliveryFailed() returns a boolean true if sms or airtime delivery failed and false otherwise
  • among many others

Example for a Message Delivery callback action Controller


namespace App\Http\Controllers\Messaging;

use App\Models\Message;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Http\Requests\MessageDeliveryRequest;

class MessageDeliveredController{
    public function __invoke(MessageDeliveryRequest $request)
        $message = Message::query()
        return response('OK');


The package ships with a Channel to allow for easily routing of notifications via Africastalking SMS.

To route a notification via Africastalking, return SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Notifications\AfricastalkingChannel in your notifications via method and the text message to be sent in the toAfricastalking method


namespace App\Notifications;

use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Facades\Africastalking;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Notifications\AfricastalkingChannel;

class WelcomeNotification extends Notification
    public function via($notifiable)
        return [AfricastalkingChannel::class];

    public function toAfricastalking($notifiable)
        return "Hi {$notifiable->name}. Your account at Unicorn Bank has been created. Hope you enjoy the service";

Also ensure that the notifiable model implements SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Contracts\ReceivesSmsMessages and that the model's routeNotificationForAfricastalking() returns the phone number to receive the message


namespace App\Models;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notification;
use SamuelMwangiW\Africastalking\Contracts\ReceivesSmsMessages;

class User extends Model implements ReceivesSmsMessages
    protected $fillable = ['email','name','phone'];

    public function routeNotificationForAfricastalking(Notification $notification): string
        return $this->phone;


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.