
Willow Framework for creating ORM/RESTful APIs

3.0.2 2021-06-13 22:08 UTC


License: MIT

willow Willow is a type a girl who is beautiful and amazing and is kinda a special person and loved by everyone around her most willows can be your best of friends she's up for anything and she's loves anything fun you throw at her...

~ Urban Dictionary

For developers, Willow is an opinionated PHP framework used to quickly create CRUD based RESTful APIs.

Willow is a marriage 💒 between Slim and Eloquent ORM with Robo as your wedding planner.

For instructions and getting started see the Willow Framework User Guide

Willow works best as a framework in this situation:

  • You need to quickly spin up a RESTful datacentric API
  • You have defined your database with your tables already in place
  • You are just starting your project and need to hit the ground running

📃 Requirements

  • PHP 7.4+ (Willow 3.0+)
  • Databases:
    • MySQL 5.6+
    • SQLite3
    • Postgres (untested)
    • MSSQL (untested)
  • Composer (For Willow to work best this must be installed globally)

💾 Installation

To install Willow run:

composer create-project --ignore-platform-reqs ryannerd/willow:^3 [your-project-name]
cd [your-project-name]

This will create a skeleton Willow project. Willow tries to symlink to robo You can then use Willow (robo) commands to build your app.


./willow sample

The result in your browser should look something like this:

  "authenticated": true,
  "success": true,
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "id": "hello-world"
  "missing": [ ],
  "message": "Sample test",
  "timestamp": 1556903905

Willow (robo) Commands

# Documentation and demo
./willow docs   # bring up the documentation web page
./willow list   # list all available Willow commands
./willow sample # launch the sample API in a web browser
./willow banner # show the Willow introductory banner

# Willow core commands
./willow make   # Connects to your database and builds routes, controllers, models, actions, etc.
./willow reset  # Resets the project back to factory defaults
./willow eject  # Removes the sample artifacts from the project

# Database commands
./willow tables  # list all the tables in the database
./willow details # Show details (column names and types) of a selected table


Do this:

  1. Fork this repo
  2. Make changes on your fork
  3. Push a PR

Note: the main branch isn't master it's 3.x which is where you want to push your PR.

Special thanks to:

The Slim Framework

Illuminate / Eloquent ORM

Willow icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com is licensed by CC 3.0 BY