rubix/ml dependents (22) Order by: name | downloads Show: all | require | require-dev

  • PHP


    Recognize one of six human activities such as standing, sitting, and walking using a Softmax Classifier trained on mobile phone sensor data.

  • PHP


    An example project that predicts house prices for a Kaggle competition using a Gradient Boosted Machine.

  • PHP


    An introduction to machine learning in Rubix ML using the famous Iris dataset and the K Nearest Neighbors classifier.

  • PHP


    Handwritten digit recognizer using a feed forward neural network and the MNIST dataset of 70,000 human-labeled handwritten digits.

  • PHP


    An example project using a multi layer feed forward neural network for text sentiment classification trained with 25,000 movie reviews from IMDB.

  • PHP


    Deploy your Rubix ML models to production with scalable stand-alone inference servers.

  • PHP


    AI PHP is a wrapper for rubix ml