
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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Form to email helper

v2.0.2 2021-05-18 12:24 UTC


Form Mail

A laravel package to capture submitted for fields and send out response to a recipient.


  • Add providers to your config/app.php file:
  • Run php artisan vendor:publish to get the config and database migration for this package.
  • Run php artisan migrate to install the package table


  • branding string used for branding the email message
  • rules extra form validation fields
  • queue whether to queue this message or send out right away
  • confirmation whether to send a confirmation message



This package will use the current route for generating the email recipient of the message. For example, if there is a route is "contact-us" and the current site's APP_URL is "" then the recipient will be "".


By default the package requires three fields (in addition to CSRF):

  • name, required
  • email, required and valid email
  • fields, required and must be an array. The fields list is used for labeling fields in the responces. The array should be formatted ['field_name'=>'Field Label']. If no lable is found for a particular field, the field name will be used.

Any other required fields can be added to the config/form_mail.php config file.

As with language, you can add rules that are specific to a path by using the route name as the ley were the rules are located.


Add a graphic/html/whatever to the branding config item and it will be injected at the top of the email message. If branding is missing the branding will default to a language string ':domain :form Form'.


To add a verbage (success message, what to do next, etc.) to the top of the message add a line to the resources/lang/vendor/pbc_form_mail/en/body.php using the route name and the the following keys:

  • recipient used for email going to recipient
  • sender used in both the return value from Pbc\FormMail\Http\Controllers\FormMailController@requestHandler and the confirmation message if option is turned on.

For example, if you had a route to App\Http\Controllers\FormController@send you would format your message array like:

'form' => [
        'send' => [
            'sender' => 'Thanks for filling out the :form form,  we will get back to you as soon as possible! This is a summary of the form you submitted. A copy of this form will be forwarded to :recipient.',
            'recipient' => 'A new response from the :form was submitted at :time from :domain.',
            'subject' => [
                'sender' => 'Your form message has been received!',
                'recipient' => 'A new form submission created on :url',

Custom Subject Line

There is a helper that will auto create a subject for the message. If you want a custom one add a array key subject with keys sender and recipient like the above example.