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Css inliner for HTML emails

2.0.0 2020-12-09 19:07 UTC


Inline CSS for use in html emails, uses Dialect Preflight API


composer require paulbunyannet/premailer:"^1.0"


From String

To inline css for a html email from a string:

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

$html = '<html>
                .paragraph {
                    font-size: 12px;
            <p class="paragraph">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, ne sea sumo laudem. Iracundia concludaturque no pro. Ex tempor praesent eos, ea dicta consetetur ius, eligendi posidonium referrentur cum no. Nulla dissentiet vel et, mei at sumo numquam, pro iriure constituam voluptatibus te. Affert fabulas impedit nec an, aeterno partiendo voluptaria duo ne.</p>
$inlined = Premailer::html($html);         

This will result in the .paragraph class attributes being injected into the paragraph tag it's used in.

From a url

require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';
$url = '';     
$inlined = Premailer::url($url);


Both responses will return keys "html", the html string with inlined css, and "plain", a plain text version of the html provided, on success or exception on error.