
Pulse Guzzle Recorder provide a custom recorder for intercepting http requests made via guzzlehttp/guzzle php library and add them into the pulse dashboard if the request is slow. The package uses the guzzle middleware for the data. The recorder intercept and log the request into the Laravel Pulse S

v1.1.1 2024-05-01 11:59 UTC


Laravel Pulse Guzzle

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Laravel Pulse Guzzle Recorder provide a custom recorder for intercepting http requests made via guzzlehttp/guzzle php library and log them into the Laravel Pulse Slow Outgoing Requests section.

LaravelPulseGuzzleRecorder under the hood uses Laravel\Pulse\Recorders\SlowOutgoingRequests::record functionality, so the configuration passed to the said recorder will also affect this recorder.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require muhammadhuzaifa/laravel-pulse-guzzle-recorder

Add the recorder LaravelPulseGuzzleRecorder in the config/pulse.php file

return [
    'recorders' => [
        // after all of the builtin recorders
        \MuhammadHuzaifa\LaravelPulseGuzzleRecorder\Recorders\LaravelPulseGuzzleRecorder::class => true,


If you are using Laravel builtin Http facade, then you don't need this package. This package is useful when working with guzzlehttp/guzzle using the Client class. The Client class must be resolved using the service container app.

For example, if you are working with hubspot/api-client and would like to intercept the requests then you can create a custom Client provide it to the HubSpot Factory constructor.

$client = app(\GuzzleHttp\Client::class);
$hubspot = \HubSpot\Factory::createWithAccessToken('access-token', $client);


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.