
A set of classes to simplify Symfony security

1.2.0 2025-02-04 14:54 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-04 14:55:05 UTC



Security Helper Bundle is a Symfony 7.x bundle that simplifies the implementation of AAA (authentication, authorization and audit) of a web application. It is a layer on top of the core Symfony Security Bundle.


Make sure Composer is installed globally, as explained in the installation chapter of the Composer documentation.

Applications that use Symfony Flex

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute:

composer require mlukman/security-helper-bundle

Applications that don't use Symfony Flex

Step 1: Download the Bundle

Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:

composer require mlukman/security-helper-bundle:1.*

Step 2: Enable the Bundle

Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles in the config/bundles.php file of your project:

// config/bundles.php

return [
    // ...
    MLukman\SecurityHelperBundle\SecurityHelperBundle::class => ['all' => true],


While Composer helps a lot in installing this bundle, there are some further steps that are required to activate this bundle in your web application.

Create Doctrine entity that subclasses of UserEntity

Most of the columns configuration for authentication purposes are already implemented by the UserEntity class except the #[ORM\Id] field, which is intentionally left for the subclass to implement. Feel free to add relations as needed by your database design.


class User extends UserEntity {
    protected ?int $id = null;

     * You might want to override this method to handle the scenario where a user who is already logged in
     * proceeds to login with a different method and/or credentials. Applicable for login using OAuth only.
     * Example: make both user entities share the same profile or account
    public function merge(UserEntity $tobemerged)

Implement AuthenticationRepositoryInterface

The implementation class needs to implement the following methods:

getDefaultRedirectRoute() : string

This method should return the route to redirect to if the information about the previous route is not available. The returned route will also be used to redirect user after logout.

newUserEntity(string $method, string $credential, string $username = null): UserEntity

Create new User entity object. This method should not save the object to database yet.

queryUserEntity(string $method, string $criteriaField, string $criteriaValue): ?UserEntity

Query a User entity based on method, criteriaField and criteriaValue. This method may return null if no such entity can be found.

queryUserEntityFromSecurityUser(UserInterface $securityUser): ?UserEntity

Query a User entity based on the pass UserInterface object. This method may return null if no such entity can be found.

saveUserEntity(UserEntity $user): void

Save the passed new/modified User entity object.

sendResetPasswordEmail(UserEntity $user): void

Send a reset password email to the user.

Implement LoginControllerInterface

The implementation class needs to implement the following method:

login(Request $request, ClientRegistry $clientRegistry): Response

Show login page that should contain one or more of the followings, depending on the authentication methods that you want to implement:

  • Username & password input fields
  • The buttons to login using OAuth2 providers

Register both implementations of AuthenticationRepositoryInterface and LoginControllerInterface

Add the following to your services.yaml:

    # existing settings here
        class: 'App\Service\AuthenticationRepository'
        class: 'App\Controller\AuthController'

Register the bundle routing

Add a YAML file named security_helper.yaml with the following content into your config/routes folder (modify the prefix parameter to your preference):

    resource: '@SecurityHelperBundle/src/Resources/config/routes.xml'
    prefix: /@auth

Register with the main Symfony Security Bundle

Merge the following settings into your config/packages/security.yaml:

                class: App\Entity\User # follow your UserEntity subclass name
                property: username
            provider: app_user_provider
            custom_authenticators: # remove authenticators you don't need
                - MLukman\SecurityHelperBundle\Authentication\PasswordAuthenticator
                - MLukman\SecurityHelperBundle\Authentication\LDAPAuthenticator
                - MLukman\SecurityHelperBundle\Authentication\OAuth2Authenticator
            entry_point: MLukman\SecurityHelperBundle\Authentication\AuthenticationListener
                path: security_logout
        # ensure the routing prefix you defined in security_helper.yaml has PUBLIC_ACCESS access control
        - { path: ^/@auth/, roles: PUBLIC_ACCESS }
        # adjust based on your sitemap
        - { path: ^/admin/, roles: ROLE_ADMIN }
        - { path: ^/, roles: PUBLIC_ASSESS }