
This Bundle provides a generator for entity-subpackage

dev-master 2020-02-02 20:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-29 04:27:11 UTC


A Symfony Bundle to create subpackages for your library. With entity (doctrine) + data-object, factory, repository and integrating service. More blueprints and stacks may follow.


Require composer-package:

composer require --dev mbi/code-generator-bundle:dev-master

Register bundle in your bundles.php:

return [
    \Mbi\CodeGeneratorBundle\MbiCodeGeneratorBundle::class => ['dev' => true, 'test' => true],

Add to config (if you want):

        author: "AUTHOR NAME"
        license: "LICENSE"

Create subpackage with command

php bin/console --env=test mbi:cgb:generate:package
Enter name for Entity (like Blog): Blog
Enter namespace for Subpackage (like Mbi\Application\Content\Blog): Mbi\Application\Content\Blog
Enter relative path for Subpackage (will be appended: e.g. kernel-project-dir + src/Application/Content):src/Application/Content
Create entity-property? (Y|n)Y
Enter property-name: name
Enter property-type (string,bool,int,datetime,float): 
  [0] string
  [1] bool
  [2] int
  [3] datetime
  [4] float
 > 0
type-option nullable [/^(0|1)$/]: 0
type-option length [/^[0-9]+$/]: 255
Create entity-property? (Y|n)
Enter property-name: created
Enter property-type (string,bool,int,datetime,float): 
  [0] string
  [1] bool
  [2] int
  [3] datetime
  [4] float
 > 3
type-option nullable [/^(0|1)$/]: 0
Create entity-property? (Y|n)n
5 classes generated
- Mbi\Application\Content\Blog\Entity\Blog
- Mbi\Application\Content\Blog\Form\BlogData
- Mbi\Application\Content\Blog\BlogFactory
- Mbi\Application\Content\Blog\BlogRepository
- Mbi\Application\Content\Blog\BlogService

Want more?

You may try to create and process your own blueprints, feel free: Extend Mbi\CodeGeneratorBundle\Library\Blueprint\AbstractBlueprint and use class-builder to template a class:

$this->classBuilder = $this->classBuilderFactory->createBuilder();


$property = $this->getClassBuilder()->addPropertyByInstruction(
    PropertyInstruction::create('PROPERTY_NAME', DataType::INTEGER, true, false, false, true),
        DoctrineAnnotationInstruction::createByClass(GeneratedValue::class, ['strategy' => 'AUTO']),

    function () use ($entityClassName) {
        return 'return new '.$entityClassName.'();';

Have a look into the available blueprints (Mbi\CodeGeneratorBundle\Blueprint) to get a clue how it works and what is possible.

Use Mbi\CodeGeneratorBundle\Library\Blueprint\BlueprintProcessor to generate and persist class-template:

$generatedTemplate = $this->get('mbi_code_generator.blueprint_processor')->generate(