
Job Queue implementation.

v2.0.2 2022-08-16 11:31 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-16 16:41:03 UTC


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This extension provides a package that implements a queue, workers and jobs.

$ composer require jc-it/yii2-job-queue

or add

"jc-it/yii2-job-queue": "<latest version>"

to the require section of your composer.json file.


  • You need to have Beanstalk installed (sudo apt install beanstalkd)
  • Apply configuration:
'container' => [
    'definitions' => [
        \League\Tactician\CommandBus::class => function(\yii\di\Container $container) {
            return new \League\Tactician\CommandBus([
                new \League\Tactician\Handler\CommandHandlerMiddleware (
        \JCIT\jobqueue\components\ContainerMapLocator::class => function(\yii\di\Container $container) {
            $result = new \JCIT\jobqueue\components\ContainerMapLocator($container);
            // Register handlers here
            // i.e. $result->setHandlerForCommand(\JCIT\jobqueue\jobs\HelloJob::class, \JCIT\jobqueue\jobHandlers\HelloHandler::class);
            return $result;
        \League\Tactician\Handler\CommandNameExtractor\CommandNameExtractor::class => \League\Tactician\Handler\CommandNameExtractor\ClassNameExtractor::class,
        \League\Tactician\Handler\Locator\HandlerLocator::class => \JCIT\jobqueue\components\ContainerMapLocator::class,
        \JCIT\jobqueue\interfaces\JobFactoryInterface::class => \JCIT\jobqueue\factories\JobFactory::class,
        \JCIT\jobqueue\interfaces\JobQueueInterface::class => \JCIT\jobqueue\components\Beanstalk::class,
        \League\Tactician\Handler\MethodNameInflector\MethodNameInflector::class => \League\Tactician\Handler\MethodNameInflector\HandleInflector::class,
        \Pheanstalk\Contract\PheanstalkInterface::class => \JCIT\jobqueue\components\Beanstalk::class,
        \Pheanstalk\Contract\SocketFactoryInterface::class => function() {
            return new \Pheanstalk\SocketFactory('localhost', 11300, 10);
  • Register Daemon action in controller:
public function actions(): array
    return [
        'daemon' => \JCIT\jobqueue\actions\DaemonAction::class,
  • Run action, i.e. ./yii job-queue/daemon

Optional: install daemon as service

Look here to see an example how a console action can be installed as a linux service.

Quick test

  • Execute steps in Configuration
  • Register \JCIT\jobqueue\jobs\HelloJob::class and \JCIT\jobqueue\jobHandlers\HelloHandler::class in the ContainerMapLocator (as shown in the configuration)
  • Create JobQueueController console controller
class JobQueueController extends \yii\console\Controller
    public $defaultAction = 'daemon';

    public function actionTest(
        \JCIT\jobqueue\interfaces\JobQueueInterface $jobQueue
    ) {
        $task = \Yii::createObject(\JCIT\jobqueue\jobs\HelloJob::class, ['world']);

     * @return array
    public function actions(): array
        return [
            'daemon' => [
                'class' => \JCIT\jobqueue\actions\DaemonAction::class,
  • Run in one console src/yii job-queue
  • Run in a second console src/yii job-queue/test
  • The console that runs the daemon will show Hello world
  • NOTE the daemon must be restarted when handlers have changed

Own implementations

  • Create Job (that implements \JCIT\jobqueue\interfaces\JobInterface::class) which should not do more than carry data
  • Create JobHandler (that implements \JCIT\jobqueue\interfaces\JobHandlerInterface::class) which handles the handling of the job
    • Injection should be done on construction of the handler


To extend with an easy ActiveRecord logging of the jobs, look at https://packagist.org/packages/jc-it/yii2-job-queue-logging.

Recurring jobs

To extend with easy ActiveRecord based recurring jobs, look at https://packagist.org/packages/jc-it/yii2-job-queue-recurring.
