
Laravel plugin to interaact with exotel APIs (unofficial)

2.0.0 2023-08-23 16:37 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-23 18:21:35 UTC


Laravel package to interact with exotel APIs (unofficial)

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You can install the package via composer:

composer require irajul/laravel-exotel

You can publish and run the migrations with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="exotel-migrations"
php artisan migrate

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="exotel-config"

This is the contents of the published config file published at config/exotel.php ::

return [

    'exotel_configs' => [
            'name' => 'default',
            * Exotel SID
            'exotel_sid' => env('EXOTEL_SID', ''),

            * Exotel Token

            'exotel_token' => env('EXOTEL_TOKEN', ''),

            * Exotel Key
            'exotel_key' => env('EXOTEL_KEY', ''),

            * Exotel Subdomain
            'exotel_subdomain' => env('EXOTEL_SUBDOMAIN', ''),

            * Exotel Caller ID
            'exotel_caller_id' => env('EXOTEL_CALLER_ID', ''),

     * The fully qualified class name of the media model.
    'exotel_model' => Irajul\Exotel\Models\Exotel::class,

Optionally, you can publish the views using

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="laravel-exotel-views"


This package supports two type of usage.

  • If user wants to connect two calls without logging any activity then use below API:
    use Irajul/Exotel/Facade/Exotel;
    // Define the parameters
    $from = '1234567890';
    $to = '1234567891';

    // Perform the connectCall operation
    $response = Exotel::connectCall($from, $to);


composer test


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.