
Middle-level library for creating Stateful Asynchronous server-side applications using the pure PHP and AMPHP

v1.0.2 2024-11-19 09:20 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-19 09:22:57 UTC


Middle-level library for creating Stateful Asynchronous server-side applications using the pure PHP and AMPHP Library AMPHP

  • without additional extensions (such as Swoole)
  • without auxiliary tools from other programming languages (such as Go + Roadrunner)

Why is this needed?

  • You want to use only pure PHP without additional extensions.
  • You want to control how your Workers operate, and you want to be able to program their behavior to ensure a better balance of performance and stability.


  • Workers for handling connections and background tasks (jobs), which are restarted and scaled on demand.
  • Support for different types and groups of Workers with varying behaviors.
  • Strategies for restarting, scaling, and pickuping Workers for load distribution.
  • Execution of Jobs based on priority and weight (weight being an estimate of resource consumption).
  • Coroutine Scheduler for distributing a load among long-running background jobs.
  • Support for telemetry and statistics with Prometheus + Grafana.
  • Support for Windows.


But isn't PHP slow?

Please review the performance considerations.


composer require ifcastle/amphp-pool



require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use Amp\ByteStream;
use Amp\Log\ConsoleFormatter;
use Amp\Log\StreamHandler;
use IfCastle\AmpPool\WorkerGroup;
use IfCastle\AmpPool\WorkerPool;
use IfCastle\AmpPool\WorkerTypeEnum;
use Examples\HttpServer\HttpReactor;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Processor\PsrLogMessageProcessor;

$logHandler = new StreamHandler(ByteStream\getStdout());
$logHandler->pushProcessor(new PsrLogMessageProcessor());
$logHandler->setFormatter(new ConsoleFormatter());

$logger = new Logger('server');

// 1. Create a worker pool with a logger
$workerPool = new WorkerPool(logger: $logger);

// 2. Fill the worker pool with workers.
// We create a group of workers with the Reactor type, which are intended to handle incoming connections.
// The HttpReactor class is the entry point for the workers in this group.
// Please see the HttpReactor class for more details.
$workerPool->describeGroup(new WorkerGroup(
    entryPointClass: HttpReactor::class,
    workerType: WorkerTypeEnum::REACTOR,
    minWorkers: 1

// 3. Run the worker pool
// Start the main loop of the worker pool
// Now the server is ready to accept incoming connections.
// Try in your browser.

Please also read the Getting Started guide.

Prometheus + Grafana


Please see: How to setup Grafana Dashboard