
A library

v1.0.0 2024-11-22 14:48 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-31 03:42:15 UTC


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Table of Contents



This library is currently still considered experimental and should therefore be used with caution. I would be happy for an issue to be posted if bugs are found.


The code in this project is provided under the MIT license.


With this library it is possible to monitor mail accounts (IMAP and POP3) and to check and process incoming electronic invoice documents (ZUGFeRD PDF and XML).


This package makes use of


There is one recommended way to install horstoeko/zugferdmail via Composer:

composer require horstoeko/zugferdmail


For detailed eplanation you may have a look in the examples of this package and the documentation attached to every release.

First, it is necessary to configure the library so that it is aware of the mail accounts to be checked. For IMAP accounts, the folders to be monitored must also be defined. In addition, any actions (handlers) can be defined for each mail account.


First you need to create a configuration instance:

$config = new ZugferdMailConfig();

The mail accounts to be monitored must then be defined. You can also specify the folders and mimetypes to be checked:

$account1 = $config->addAccount('demo', '', 993, 'imap', 'ssl', false, 'demouser', 'demopassword');

Last but not least, the actions (handlers) to be performed are specified for each mail account, which are executed when a ZUGFeRD or XML document is found. Some of these handlers are already available, but you can also define your own actions:

$account1->addHandler(new ZugferdMailHandlerMoveMessage('Invoice/Incoming'));
$account1->addHandler(new ZugferdMailHandlerSaveToFile('/tmp', 'invoice.att'));

You can also define callbacks to call when a document was found. If such a callback function returns the value false, then all remaining callback functions are not called:

$account1->addCallback(function(ZugferdMailAccount $account, Folder $folder, Message $message, Attachment $attachment, ZugferdDocumentReader $document, int $recognitionType) {
    $document->getDocumentInformation($documentno, $documenttypecode, $documentdate, $invoiceCurrency, $taxCurrency, $documentname, $documentlanguage, $effectiveSpecifiedPeriod);
    echo "Document found ... " . PHP_EOL;
    echo "Document No. ..... " . $documentno . PHP_EOL;

Please note that the callbacks are neither loaded from a configuration file nor saved in one.

Check mail accounts for matching mails:

To perform the actual handling of all mail accounts, instantiate the class ZugferdMailReader, to which the configuration is passed. The monitoring is started by calling the method checkAllAccounts

$reader = new ZugferdMailReader($config);

Predefined handlers

Class Description
ZugferdMailHandlerNull Does not perform any operations
ZugferdMailHandlerCli Displays brief information about the e-invoice document found on the console
ZugferdMailHandlerCopyMessage Copies the message to another (different) directory
ZugferdMailHandlerMoveMessage Moves the message to another (different) directory
ZugferdMailHandlerDeleteMessage Deletes the message
ZugferdMailHandlerMarkSeenMessage Marks the message as seen
ZugferdMailHandlerMarkUnseenMessage Marks the message as unseen
ZugferdMailHandlerSaveToFile Saves the E-Document to a specified directory, optionally with a different filename

Implement your own handler

It is quite easy to implement your own action (handler). To do this, define your own class which extends a class from ZugferdMailHandlerAbstract. This abstract class defines a single method handleDocument, which is passed information about the folder, message, attachment and the e-invoice document:

public function handleDocument(
    ZugferdMailAccount $account,
    Folder $folder,
    Message $message,
    Attachment $attachment,
    ZugferdDocumentReader $document,
    int $recognitionType

An example:

use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdDocumentReader;
use horstoeko\zugferdmail\config\ZugferdMailAccount;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attachment;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message;

class MyOwnHandler extends ZugferdMailHandlerAbstract
    public function handleDocument(
        ZugferdMailAccount $account,
        Folder $folder,
        Message $message,
        Attachment $attachment,
        ZugferdDocumentReader $document,
        int $recognitionType)
        // Do some stuff

The parameter $recognitionType is one of the constants from ZugferdMailReaderRecognitionType

Name Vakue Description
ZFMAIL_RECOGNITION_TYPE_PDF_CII 0 The document was recognized from a ZUGFeRD/Factur-X PDF attachment
ZFMAIL_RECOGNITION_TYPE_XML_CII 1 The document was recognized from a ZUGFeRD/Factur-X XML attachment
ZFMAIL_RECOGNITION_TYPE_XML_UBL 2 The document was recognized from a ZUGFeRD/Factur-X XML attachment (in UBL-Syntax)

A small example

A possible implementation could look like this, for example:

use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Folder;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Message;
use Webklex\PHPIMAP\Attachment;
use horstoeko\zugferd\ZugferdDocumentReader;
use horstoeko\zugferdmail\ZugferdMailReader;
use horstoeko\zugferdmail\config\ZugferdMailConfig;
use horstoeko\zugferdmail\config\ZugferdMailAccount;
use horstoeko\zugferdmail\handlers\ZugferdMailHandlerSaveToFile;

require dirname(__FILE__) . "/../vendor/autoload.php";

$config = new ZugferdMailConfig();

$account1 = $config->addAccount('de', '', 993, 'imap', 'ssl', false, 'demouser', 'demopassword');
$account1->addHandler(new ZugferdMailHandlerSaveToFile('/tmp', 'file.xml'));
$account1->addCallback(function(ZugferdMailAccount $account, Folder $folder, Message $message, Attachment $attachment, ZugferdDocumentReader $document, int $recognitionType) {
    $document->getDocumentInformation($documentno, $documenttypecode, $documentdate, $invoiceCurrency, $taxCurrency, $documentname, $documentlanguage, $effectiveSpecifiedPeriod);
    // Some business logic here...

$account2 = $config->addAccount('de', '', 993, 'imap', 'ssl', false, 'demouser', 'demopassword');
$account1->addCallback(function(ZugferdMailAccount $account, Folder $folder, Message $message, Attachment $attachment, ZugferdDocumentReader $document, int $recognitionType) {
    $document->getDocumentInformation($documentno, $documenttypecode, $documentdate, $invoiceCurrency, $taxCurrency, $documentname, $documentlanguage, $effectiveSpecifiedPeriod);
    // Some other business logic here...

$reader = new ZugferdMailReader($config);


This library also includes a console application with which it is possible to carry out corresponding operations via shell. To get an overview of the existing commands from the “zfmail” namespace, use:

./vendor/bin/ZugferdMailConsole list

Start monitoring a mailbox

The command zfmail:processmailboxfolders is available for monitoring a mailbox via shell:

./vendor/bin/ZugferdMailConsole zfmail:processmailboxfolders [options]

This has the following parameters:

Parameter Description Default Multiple
host The IP or hostname
port The port on the host 993
protocol The protocol to use imap
encryption The encryption method to use ssl
validateCert If given the SSL certificates will be validated false
username The username to use for login
password The password to use for login
authentication The authentication method to use
timeout The connection timeout 30
folder A folder to look into ✔️
mimetype An attachment mimetype to check ✔️
handler A handler to use ✔️
enableublsupport If given the application will check for UBL syntax too false
enablesymfonyvalidation If given the application will validate the XML using symfony validator against the yaml definitions false
enablexsdvalidation If given the application will validate the XML against the XSD definitions false
enablekositvalidation If given the application will validate the XML using the KosIT validator (JAVA required) false
enableunseenonly If given only unseen message are processed false

Example usage

./vendor/bin/ZugferdMailConsole zfmail:processmailboxfolders \
  --host \
  --port 993 \
  --username demouser \
  --password demopassword \
  --folder=INBOX \
  --mimetype=application/pdf \
  --mimetype=text/xml \
  --handler="horstoeko\zugferdmail\handlers\ZugferdMailHandlerCli" \
  --handler="horstoeko\zugferdmail\handlers\ZugferdMailHandlerSaveToFile,/tmp" \