hi-media / padocc-engine
Padocc's engine: Platform for Automatized Deployments with pOwerful Concise Configuration
- php: >=5.3.3
- ext-pdo: *
- corneltek/getoptionkit: ~1.2
- geoffroy-aubry/errorhandler: 1.*
- geoffroy-aubry/helpers: 1.*
- geoffroy-aubry/logger: 1.*
- geoffroy-aubry/shell: ~1.1
- geoffroy-aubry/supervisor: ~1.6
- psr/log: ~1.0
- symfony/finder: ~2.3
Requires (Dev)
- apigen/apigen: ~2.8
- nette/nette: ~2.1.1
- pdepend/pdepend: ~1.1
- phpmd/phpmd: ~1.4
- phpunit/phpunit: 3.7.*
- satooshi/php-coveralls: dev-master
- sebastian/phpcpd: *
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: ~1.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-25 03:23:17 UTC
Coming soon…
Table of Contents
- Documentation
- Change log
- Continuous integration
- Contributions
- Versioning
- Git branching model
- Copyrights & licensing
Padocc engine's documentation is available on Read the Docs.
API documentation is directly accessible here.
More details in doc/README.md.
Change log
See CHANGELOG file for details.
Continuous integration
Travis CI is used to build and test Padocc's engine. See .travis.yml file for build details.
All suggestions for improvement or direct contributions are very welcome. Please report bugs or ask questions using the Issue Tracker.
For transparency into our release cycle and in striving to maintain backward compatibility, Padocc's engine is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines. We'll adhere to these rules whenever possible.
Git branching model
The git branching model used for development is the one described and assisted by twgit
tool: https://github.com/Twenga/twgit.
Copyrights & licensing
Licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See LICENSE file for details.