geoffroy-aubry / helpers
Some helpers used in several personal packages and a Debug class useful for don't forgetting where debug traces are.
Installs: 60 591
Dependents: 9
Suggesters: 0
Security: 0
Stars: 1
Watchers: 2
Forks: 0
Open Issues: 2
- php: >=5.3.3
- skleeschulte/base32: ^0.0.2
Requires (Dev)
- apigen/apigen: 2.8.0
- phpmd/phpmd: 2.0.*
- phpunit/phpunit: >=3.7
- satooshi/php-coveralls: dev-master
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 1.4.*
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-27 18:01:23 UTC
Some helpers used in several personal packages
and a Debug
class useful for don't forgetting where debug traces are.
Two classes:
1. Helpers class
Static methods of Helpers
- arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct
- exec
- flattenArray
- intToMultiple
- numberFormat
- isAssociativeArray
- round
- stripBashColors
- strPutCSV
- ucwordWithDelimiters
- utf8Encode
- getCurrentTimeWithCS
- dateTimeToTimestamp
- generateMongoId
/** * array_merge_recursive() does indeed merge arrays, but it converts values with duplicate * keys to arrays rather than overwriting the value in the first array with the duplicate * value in the second array, as array_merge does. I.e., with array_merge_recursive(), * this happens (documented behavior): * * array_merge_recursive(array('key' => 'org value'), array('key' => 'new value')); * ⇒ array('key' => array('org value', 'new value')); * * arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct() does not change the datatypes of the values in the arrays. * Matching keys' values in the second array overwrite those in the first array, as is the * case with array_merge, i.e.: * * arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct(array('key' => 'org value'), array('key' => 'new value')); * ⇒ array('key' => array('new value')); * * EVO on indexed arrays: * Before: * arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct(array('a', 'b'), array('c')) => array('c', 'b') * Now: * ⇒ array('c') * * @param array $aArray1 * @param array $aArray2 * @return array An array of values resulted from strictly merging the arguments together. * @author Daniel <daniel (at) danielsmedegaardbuus (dot) dk> * @author Gabriel Sobrinho <gabriel (dot) sobrinho (at) gmail (dot) com> * @author Geoffroy Aubry * @see */ public static function arrayMergeRecursiveDistinct (array $aArray1, array $aArray2);
/** * Executes the given shell command and returns an array filled with every line of output from the command. * Trailing whitespace, such as \n, is not included in this array. * On shell error (exit code <> 0), throws a \RuntimeException with error message.. * * @param string $sCmd shell command * @param string $sOutputPath optional redirection of standard output * @param string $sErrorPath optional redirection of standard error * @param bool $bAppend true to append to specified files * @return array array filled with every line of output from the command * @throws \RuntimeException if shell error */ public static function exec ($sCmd, $sOutputPath = '', $sErrorPath = '', $bAppend = false);
/** * Flatten a multidimensional array (keys are ignored). * * @param array $aArray * @return array a one dimensional array. * @see */ public static function flattenArray (array $aArray);
$a = array( 1, 'a' => array( 'b' => array('c', 2), 'd' ) ); print_r(Helpers::flattenArray($a));
Array( [0] => 1 [1] => 'c' [2] => 2 [3] => 'd' )
/** * Returns specified value in the most appropriate unit, with that unit. * If $bBinaryPrefix is FALSE then use SI units (i.e. k, M, G, T), * else use IED units (i.e. Ki, Mi, Gi, Ti). * @see * * @param int $iValue * @param bool $bBinaryPrefix * @return array a pair constituted by specified value in the most appropriate unit and that unit */ public static function intToMultiple ($iValue, $bBinaryPrefix = false);
print_r(Helpers::intToMultiple(17825792, false)); print_r(Helpers::intToMultiple(17825792, true));
Array( [0] => 17.825792 [1] => 'M' ) Array( [0] => 17 [1] => 'Mi' )
/** * Format a number with grouped thousands. * It is an extended version of number_format() that allows do not specify $decimals. * * @param float $fNumber The number being formatted. * @param string $sDecPoint Sets the separator for the decimal point. * @param string $sThousandsSep Sets the thousands separator. Only the first character of $thousands_sep is used. * @param int $iDecimals Sets the number of decimal points. * @return string A formatted version of $number. */ public static function numberFormat ($fNumber, $sDecPoint = '.', $sThousandsSep = ',', $iDecimals = null);
/** * Returns TRUE iff the specified array is associative. * Returns FALSE if the specified array is empty. * * * * @param array $aArray * @return bool true ssi iff the specified array is associative */ public static function isAssociativeArray (array $aArray);
/** * Rounds specified value with precision $iPrecision as native round() function, but keep trailing zeros. * * @param float $fValue value to round * @param int $iPrecision the optional number of decimal digits to round to (can also be negative) * @return string */ public static function round ($fValue, $iPrecision = 0);
/** * Remove all Bash color sequences from the specified string. * * @param string $sMsg * @return string specified string without any Bash color sequence. */ public static function stripBashColors ($sMsg);
/** * Formats a line passed as a fields array as CSV and return it, without the trailing newline. * Inspiration: * * @param array $aInput * @param string $sDelimiter * @param string $sEnclosure * @return string specified array converted into CSV format string */ public static function strPutCSV ($aInput, $sDelimiter = ',', $sEnclosure = '"');
/** * Returns a string with the first character of each word in specified string capitalized, * if that character is alphabetic. * Additionally, each character that is immediately after one of $aDelimiters will be capitalized too. * * @param string $sString * @param array $aDelimiters * @return string */ public static function ucwordWithDelimiters ($sString, array $aDelimiters = array());
echo Helpers::ucwordWithDelimiters("hel-lo wo'rld", array('-', "'"));
"Hel-Lo Wo'Rld"
/** * Returns the UTF-8 translation of the specified string, only if not already in UTF-8. * * @param string $s * @return string the UTF-8 translation of the specified string, only if not already in UTF-8. */ public static function utf8Encode ($str);
/** * Returns current time with hundredths of a second. * * @param string $sFormat including %s for cs, eg: 'Y-m-d H:i:s.%s' * @return string current time with hundredths of a second. */ public static function getCurrentTimeWithCS ($sFormat);
date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); echo Helpers::getCurrentTimeWithCS('Y-m-d H:i:s'); echo Helpers::getCurrentTimeWithCS('Y-m-d H:i:s.%s');
2015-09-07 21:56:06 2015-09-07 21:56:06.579394
/** * Returns 'Y-m-d H:i:s[.cs]' date to timestamp, where '.cs' stands for optional hundredths of a second. * * @param string $sDate at format 'Y-m-d H:i:s[.cs]' * @return float 'Y-m-d H:i:s[.cs]' date to timestamp, where '.cs' stands for optional hundredths of a second. */ public static function dateTimeToTimestamp ($sDate);
date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); echo Helpers::dateTimeToTimestamp('2015-09-07 00:00:00'); echo Helpers::dateTimeToTimestamp('2015-09-07 00:00:00.12');
1441584000 1441584000.12
/** * Generates a globally unique id generator using Mongo Object ID algorithm. * * The 12-byte ObjectId value consists of: * - a 4-byte value representing the seconds since the Unix epoch, * - a 3-byte machine identifier, * - a 2-byte process id, and * - a 3-byte counter, starting with a random value. * @see * * Uses SKleeschulte\Base32 because base_convert() may lose precision on large numbers due to properties related * to the internal "double" or "float" type used. * @see * * @param int $iTimestamp Default: time() * @param bool $bBase32 Base32 (RFC 4648) or hex output? * @return string 20 base32-char or 24 hex-car MongoId. * * @see * @see */ public static function generateMongoId ($iTimestamp = 0, $bBase32 = true);
var_dump(generateMongoId()); var_dump(generateMongoId(time())); var_dump(generateMongoId(time(), false));
string(20) "k34hekzumvsqs2ycyaoa" string(20) "k34hekzumvsqs2ycyaoq" string(24) "56f8722b346565096b02c01e"
2. Debug class
Debug class useful for don't forgetting where debug traces are.
Automatically decorates print_r()
and var_dump()
with following information:
- file and line of the caller
- name of function/method containing the call
- name of the parameter passed during call
See debug.php script for an example:
$ php examples/debug.php
Here is the result:
/** * Display an HTML trace containing a var_dump() of the specified value. * * @param mixed $mValue value to pass to var_dump() */ public static function htmlVarDump ($mValue);
/** * Display an HTML trace containing a print_r() of the specified value. * * @param mixed $mValue value to pass to print_r() */ public static function htmlPrintr ($mValue);
/** * Display a CLI trace containing a print_r() of the specified value. * * @param mixed $mValue value to pass to print_r() */ public static function printr ($mValue);
/** * Display a CLI trace containing a var_dump() of the specified value. * * @param mixed $mValue value to pass to var_dump() */ public static function varDump ($mValue);
Helpers is available via Packagist.
- Class autoloading and dependencies are managed by Composer so install it following the instructions on Composer: Installation - *nix or just run the following command:
$ curl -sS | php
- Add dependency to
into require section of yourcomposer.json
{ "require": { "geoffroy-aubry/helpers": "1.*" } }
and run php composer.phar install
from the terminal into the root folder of your project.
- Include Composer's autoloader and use the
<?php require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; use GAubry\Helpers\Helpers; use GAubry\Helpers\Debug; Helpers::exec('ls -l /var/log'); Debug::printr($value); …
API documentation
is generated by ApiGen in the doc/api
$ php vendor/bin/apigen.php -c apigen.neon
Copyrights & licensing
Licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License v3 (LGPL version 3). See LICENSE file for details.
Change log
See CHANGELOG file for details.
Continuous integration
Following commands are executed during each build and must report neither errors nor warnings:
Unit tests with PHPUnit:
$ php vendor/bin/phpunit --configuration phpunit.xml
Coding standards with PHP CodeSniffer:
$ php vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=PSR2 src/ tests/ -v
Code quality with PHP Mess Detector:
$ php vendor/bin/phpmd src/ text codesize,design,unusedcode,naming,controversial
Git branching model
The git branching model used for development is the one described and assisted by twgit