
REST Client for Gigya API

2.0.2 2020-05-07 12:14 UTC


Latest Version on Packagist Software License Build Status Total Downloads Coverage Status Quality Score

Client for Gigya's REST API

  • Endpoint call hierarchy: $gigya->accounts()->tfa()->getCertificate()
  • List of endpoints: accounts, accounts->tfa, audit, socialize, comments, gameMechanics, reports, dataStore, identityStorage, saml, saml->idp
  • Populated classes with auto completion helpers for the available methods from Gigya
  • Different authentication methods:
    • gigya: add api_key and secret to https web requests
    • credentials: uses client_id and client_secret for use with oauth2 token retrieval
    • gigya-oauth2: uses an automatically retrieved OAuth2 token
    • custom: use your own custom authentication (or use oauth2 with a provided token)


The simplest way to install the client is with composer and running:

$ composer require graze/gigya-client


By Default the Gigya client uses gigya auth and appends the api_key and secret onto the query string when calling gigya over https.

$gigya = new Gigya($key, $secret);

$response = $gigya->accounts()->getAccountInfo(['uid' => $uid]);
if ($response->getErrorCode() === ErrorCode::OK) {
    $account = $response->getData();

OAuth 2

You can also use oauth2 in server mode and retrieve information about all accounts

$gigya = new Gigya($key, $secret, $region, $user, ['auth'=>'gigya-oauth2']);
$response = $gigya->accounts()->getAccountInfo(['uid' => $uid]);
$account = $response->getData();

Social OAuth 2

OAuth2 can also be used to retrieve information about a single account without knowledge of the uid.

$grant = new ManualGrant();
$gigya = new Gigya($key, $secret, $region, null, ['auth' => 'oauth2-custom']);
$gigya->addHandler(OAuth2Subscriber::middleware($grant, 'oauth2-custom'));

$tokenResponse = $gigya->socialize()->getToken([
    'grant_type' => 'code',
    'authorization_code' => '<xxxxx>',
    'redirect_uri' => '<xxxxx>',
], ['auth' => 'credentials']);


$response = $gigya->accounts()->getAccountInfo();
$account = $response->getData();

Change log

Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


$ make install
$ make test


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.