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Hek plugin to provide integration between your webservices (service gateway pattern)

1.0.9 2016-10-21 17:26 UTC


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Communication between services is never an easy task. Aiming to facilitate and keep things consistent, Hek makes use of the context-oriented datawrapper library DTO-Context to ensure the data integrity and normalization, and still be flexible enough to be applied to any kind of service.


The concept is pretty simple: create your data entities (dataWrappers); map the actions that your service does and create a context for each of them. After that you can let Hek take care to deliver the information to the responsible component.

Hek is a library that contains the base files to implement the thin communication layer that will use specific contexts. It's based on a Service Gateway Pattern and a good example of implementation is the Hek-Marketplace that uses DTO-Marketplace


Exceptions //All the exceptions used in the library
├─ InvalidInput.php //Malformed Json
├─ MethodNotAllowed.php //When a service method that doesn't exist is requested
├─ ResponseInteface.php //Interface that all Hek implementations exceptions must implement
└─ RetryMessage.php //Exception used by the ApiClient

Interfaces //All the interfaces needed to create a Hek implementation
├─ Configuration.php //Some configurations needed for Hek to work properly
├─ Context.php //What is expected for a context to be used by Hek
└─ ServiceFactory.php //Hek must know how to create your services

ApiClient.php //Client that handles HTTP requests
CommandBus.php //Proxies the commands to the responsible objects
Manager.php //Handle the dependencies


As mentioned above, the library is a base library to develop a layer of communication for a specific service (Service Gateway). We will use an example of service that creates a person, update the person's name and receive a creation confirmation. We will call it MyHek.

To do so we need to follow the steps below:

  1. Create the DataWrappers;
  2. The Contexts;
  3. The Service factory;
  4. The Services;
  5. The Context factory.

Example 1: Implementing directly (without separating it in a composable library)

Proposed Structure

    └─ Person.php
    ├─ Person
       ├─ Create.php
       └─ UpdateName.php
       └─ ConfirmCreate.php
    ├─ Configuration.php
    ├─ Manager.php    
    └─ Person.php
└─ Factory.php

1 DataWrapper


namespace MyHek\DataWrapper;

use GFG\DTOContext\DataWrapper\Base;

 * @SuppressWarnings(PHPMD.UnusedPrivateField)
 * @method string getName()
 * @method integer getHeight()
 * @method integer getWeight()
 * @method integer getAge()
 * @method string getNationality()
 * @method \MyHek\DataWrapper\Person setName(string $name)
 * @method \MyHek\DataWrapper\Person setHeight(integer $height)
 * @method \MyHek\DataWrapper\Person setWeight(integer $weight)
 * @method \MyHek\DataWrapper\Person setAge(integer $age)
 * @method \MyHek\DataWrapper\Person setNationality(string $nationality)
class Person extends Base
    private $name;
    private $height;
    private $weight;
    private $age;
    private $nationality;

2. Contexts

CreatePerson Context


namespace MyHek\Context\Person;

use GFG\Hek\Interfaces\Context as HekContext;
use GFG\DTOContext\Context\Base as BaseContext;

class Create extends BaseContext implements HekContext
    public function getHttpMethod()
        return 'post';

    public function getUrl()
        return 'create-person';

     * In this method, we'll use only the data that is needed for
     * this action
    public function exportContextData()
        $dataWrapper = $this->getDataWrapper();

        return $this->prepareExport([
            'name'        => $dataWrapper->getName(),
            'height'      => $dataWrapper->getHeight(),
            'weight'      => $dataWrapper->getWeight(),
            'age'         => $dataWrapper->getAge(),
            'nationality' => $dataWrapper->getNacionality()

UpdateName context


namespace MyHek\Context\Person;

use GFG\Hek\Interfaces\Context as HekContext;
use GFG\DTOContext\Context\Base as BaseContext;

class UpdateName extends BaseContext implements HekContext
    public function getHttpMethod()
        return 'put';

    public function getUrl()
        return 'update-name';

    public function exportContextData()
        $dataWrapper = $this->getDataWrapper();

        return $this->prepareExport([
            'name' => $dataWrapper->getName()



namespace MyHek\Context\Person;

use GFG\Hek\Interfaces\Context as HekContext;
use GFG\DTOContext\Context\Base as BaseContext;

class ConfirmCreate extends BaseContext implements HekContext
    public function getHttpMethod()
        return 'put';

    public function getUrl()
        return 'confirm-create';

    public function exportContextData()
        $dataWrapper = $this->getDataWrapper();

        return $this->prepareExport([
            // ...

3. Service Factory


namespace MyHek;

class Factory implements GFG\Hek\Interfaces\ServiceFactory
    public function build(GFG\Hek\Interfaces\Context $context)
        $parts = array_slice(explode('.', $context->getName()), -2, 1); // ['Person']
        $className = ucfirst(current($parts)); // Person
        $serviceName = "\MyHek\Services\{$className}";
        return new $serviceName;

4. Services



namespace MyHek\Services;

use GFG\Hek\Interfaces;

class Configuration implements Interfaces\Configuration
    public function isEnabled()
        return true;

    public function getUserKey()
        return 'myUserKey';

    public function getBaseUrl()
        return '';

    public function getAccessToken()
        return 'access token';

    public function getHttpUser() 
        return 'user'; // or false

    public function getHttpPass()
        return 'password'; // or false

5. Context Factory


namespace MyHek\Context;

use GFG\Hek\DTO-Context\Factory\Base as BaseFactory;

class Factory extends BaseFactory
    const PERSON_CREATE        = 'person.create'; 
    const PERSON_UPDATENAME    = 'person.updatename'; 
    const PERSON_CONFIRMCREATE = 'person.confirmcreate'; 

    protected static $mappedContext = [
        self::PERSON_CREATE        => 'MyHek\Context\Person\Create',
        self::PERSON_UPDATENAME    => 'MyHek\Context\Person\UpdateName',
        self::PERSON_CONFIRMCREATE => 'MyHek\Context\Person\ConfirmCreate'

    public function getMappingList()
        return self::$mappedContext;

Sending a request


use MyHek\Context\Factory;
use GFG\DTOContext\Manager;

$manager = (new Manager())->setFactory(new Factory());
$context = $manager->build(...);

Example 2: Implementing modularly, keeping the contexts and the hek implemention separate in composable libraries