
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

EVE Swagger Interface (ESI) symfony bundle

Installs: 39

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 0

Watchers: 2

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


0.2.0 2020-07-02 16:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2021-08-30 18:23:16 UTC


Symfony4/Symfony5 bundle for EVE Swagger Interface


$ composer require f1monkey/eve-esi-bundle

Add to config/bundles.php:

return [
    // ...
    F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\F1monkeyEveEsiBundle::class => ['all' => true],

Create config file (i.e. config/packages/f1monkey_eve_esi.yaml)


    user_agent: 'Test/1.0' # example User-Agent header for SSO/ESI requests, default is null, optional parameter
    oauth: # required if you want to use EVE SSO, otherwise can be skipped
        callback_url: '%env(EVE_ESI_CALLBACK_URL)%' # your app's callback url (same as in your application settings)
        client_id: '%env(EVE_ESI_CLIENT_ID)%' # your app's client id
        client_secret: '%env(EVE_ESI_CLIENT_SECRET)%' # your app's client secret


SSO (obtain access tokens)

Generate redirect URL

First of all, you need to redirect the user to the authentication URL. Use OAuthServiceInterface::createRedirectUrl to generate this URL.


use Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection;
use F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Dto\Scope;
use F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Service\OAuth\OAuthServiceInterface;

class MyService {
    public function __construct(OAuthServiceInterface $oauthService)
        $this->oauthService = $oauthService;

     * Generate url to redirect user for authentication
    public function getRedirectUrl()
        // Tokens will be generated with he scopes you set here
        $scopes = new ArrayCollection(
                new Scope('publicData'),
                new Scope('esi-calendar.respond_calendar_events.v1'),

        return $this->oauthService->createRedirectUrl($scopes);
Handle authorization callback

After user authentication, he will be redirected back to the callback_url specified in the configuration. The request will contain an authorization code (i.e https://localhost/callback?code=qwerty). You should use this code to obtain access and refresh tokens:

use F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Exception\OAuth\OAuthRequestException;

// ...

    public function verifyAuthCode(string $authCode)
        try {
            $tokens = $this->oauthService->verifyCode($authCode);
        } catch (OAuthRequestException $e) {
            // handle request exceptions (4xx and 5xx errors)
            $errorResponse = $e->getErrorResponse();
            $httpCode = $e->getStatusCode();
        $accessToken = $tokens->getAccessToken(); // this token will be used in ESI methods (https://esi.evetech.net)
        $refreshToken = $tokens->getRefreshToken(); // this token is to get a new accessToken when it is expired (@see next method)

        // save access and refresh tokens to database
Refresh access token

The access token token is valid for 15 minutes. After that, you should use the refresh token to get a new one:

try {
    $tokens = $this->oauthService->refreshToken($refreshToken);
} catch (OAuthRequestException $e) {
    // handle request exceptions (4xx and 5xx errors)
// save refresh and access tokens to database


Get character info by access token

use F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Exception\Esi\EsiRequestException;
use F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Service\Esi\VerifyTokenServiceInterface;

class MyService
    // ...
    public function __construct(VerifyTokenServiceInterface $verifyTokenService)
        $this->verifyTokenService = $verifyTokenService;

    public function getCharacterInfo(string $accessToken)
        try {
            $response = $this->verifyTokenService->verifyAccessToken($accessToken);
        } catch (EsiRequestException $e) {
            // handle request exception
        $characterId   = $response->getCharacterId();
        $characterName = $response->getCharacterName();
        $scopes        = $response->getScopes();

Using ETag

Request methods having $eTag argument should be cacheable (docs).

Response will contain a cache tag (see HasETagInterface). If you pass this value in the next call and value is not changed, you will get NotModifiedException. It means you should use cached response data. Example:


/** @var \F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Service\Esi\MarketServiceInterface $service */
$response = $service->getV2CharactersOrders('token', 123456);

$eTag = $response->getEtag();
try {
    $response = $service->getV2CharactersOrders('token', 123456, $eTag);
} catch (\F1monkey\EveEsiBundle\Exception\Esi\NotModifiedException $e) {
    // use previous response


Run Codeception tests:

$ composer test

Run the static analyzer:

$ composer phpstan