
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Allows you to easily test a rest api


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TestApiRestBundle allows you to test your Symfony REST API deeply. It checks the validity of your application and ensures it stays robust throughout time using PHPUnit and via unit, scenario and database testing.

Table of contents


You can install using composer, assuming it's already installed globally :

composer require --dev everycheck\test-api-rest-bundle


Configure the relative paths of the directories containing the requests payloads that you would send in your tests and their expected responses. The paths are taken from AcmeBundle\tests\AcmeBundle.

        payloads: path/to/payloads
        responses: path/to/responses

So, here, the real path of the directories are :

AcmeBundle\tests\AcmeBundle\path\to\payloads AcmeBundle\tests\AcmeBundle\path\to\responses


Advanced usages

Tests folder structure

To test one of your bundle, you just have to replicate the structure of that one and add some directories by the following structure

├── tests                                       #   The basic Symfony test directory
│   ├── AcmeFooBundle                           #   Name of your bundle
│   │   ├── Controller                          
│   │   │   ├── FooControllerTest.php           #   Controller your want to test
│   │   │   └── ...                                    
│   │   │
│   │   ├── DataFixtures                        
│   │   │   └── ORM                             
│   │   │       ├─ LoadAcmeFooFixtures.php     #   Fixtures dedicated to one controller   
|   |   |       └── ...
│   │   │                                       
│   │   ├── Payloads                            
│   │   │   └── ...                             #   File posted to your API
│   │   │                                       
│   │   ├── Resources                           
│   │   │   └── config                          
│   │   │       ├── foo.yaml                    #   All the tests for a specific controller, set as a YAML file
│   │   │       └── ...                    
│   │   │   
│   │   └── Responses                           #   All the expected responses coming from the endpoints of your API when testing it
│   │       └── Expected
│   │           └── ...
│   └──

Launching test

Here are the commands to execute in order to test the bundle :

composer install

./Tests/sampleProject/app/console d:d:d --force
./Tests/sampleProject/app/console d:d:c
./Tests/sampleProject/app/console d:s:c
./Tests/sampleProject/app/console s:start --docroot=./Tests/sampleProject/public

php ./Tests/sampleProject/tests/DemoBundle/DataFixtures/LoadDemoFixture.php localhost:portYouAreListening "[debug]"
php ./Tests/sampleProject/tests/PatternBundle/DataFixtures/LoadPatternFixture.php localhost:portYouAreListening "[debug]"

./Tests/sampleProject/app/console s:stop
