





Installs: 7 847

Dependents: 1

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Security: 0

Stars: 0

Forks: 0

v3.0.2 2018-03-10 08:28 UTC


This package gives you tools for etten/sandbox.


  • Don't write long bootstrap code for your App - use App which helps you create a clear code.
  • Configuration is set in config file instead of PHP code.
  • Additional configuration of Nette\Configurator can be given by an Extension and not directly in a long boostrap PHP file.
  • See an example bellow.
// app/bootstrap.php

namespace App;

use Etten;

require __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

// Create with a root directory path (for path mappings)
$app = new Etten\App\App(__DIR__ . '/..');

// Load boostrap configuration file
$app->addBootstrapFile(__DIR__ . '/config/bootstrap.neon');

// Load Nette application configuration
$app->addConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/config/config.neon');

// Local-specific config, eg. database credentials
// You can redefine it when you add another config with the same name ("local")
$app->addConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/config/config.local.neon', 'local');

// Load optional Extension which helps you keep this bootstrap file clean
$app->addExtension(new Etten\App\Extensions\SystemSetup());

return $app;
# app/config/bootstrap.neon

	# configure directory paths
	appDir: %rootDir%/app
	logDir: %rootDir%/log
	tempDir: %rootDir%/temp
	wwwDir: %rootDir%/www
		# Run in development state for specific IPs
			- localhost
			- ::1

		# Additionally you can set secret token which is read prior to IP address
		# Token is read from POST or COOKIE "etten-maintainer-token" parameter.
		token: ''

	developer: %developer%

	# Directories which are controlled by Nette\Loaders\RobotLoader
		- %appDir%

	# CleanerCommand configuration (cache invalidation).
		# Directories to purge.
		# Defaults are %tempDir%/cache, %tempDir%/proxies
			- %tempDir%/custom-cache-directory

		# Ignore file patterns (like git).
		# Defaults are .gitignore, .gitkeep
			- .notempty

		# Cleaners are triggered when cache:clean commmand is executed.
		# See \Etten\App\App for defaults. 
			- Etten\App\Cleaner\CleanerImpl

Development & Production mode

  • The App behaves differently in a production and in a development (=debug) mode.
  • In a production, errors are not shown to user but they're logged. Nobody sees database queries and more debug information.
  • In a development mode, errors are shown as a HTML page (nothing is logged), you can see a debug bar with interesting information.
  • For more information see Tracy official documentation.
  • The App helps you with conditional mode switching. It switches development and production mode automatically according to your configuration.
  • You can force a development mode by host name. You can configure development hosts in a proper configuration section parameters -> developer -> hosts (see an example above).
  • You can force a development mode by COOKIE with a secret token. You can configure secret token in a proper configuration section parameters -> developer -> token (see an example above).


  • App offers helper for maintaining your Application. You can get it via App::createMaintainer().
  • App\Maintenance\Maintainer allows you simply add event listeners for specific actions like application turn-off, migrations launcher, application turn-on etc.

Loading an App without Maintainer

// web/index.php

namespace Etten\App;

// Uncomment following line for turn-off an App
//return require __DIR__ . '/.maintenance.php';

/** @var App $app */
$app = require __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php';

Loading an App with Maintainer

// web/index.php

namespace Etten\App;

use Etten\App\Maintenance;

/** @var App $app */
$app = require __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php';

$maintainer = $app->createMaintainer();
$locker = $app->createLocker();

// Lock the Application
$maintainer->addJob('disable', function () use ($locker) {

// Clean caches, setup, migrations, warm-up.
$maintainer->addJob('enable', function () use ($app) {
	// Clean all caches.
	(new Maintenance\Cleaner($app))->clean();
	// If you have Doctrine 2.
	(new Maintenance\Console($app))->run('orm:generate-proxies');
	// Run new migrations.
	(new Maintenance\Console($app))->run('migrations:continue');

// Unlock the Application - it's ready.
$maintainer->addJob('enable', function () use ($locker) {


// If locked, show a Maintenance site, otherwise run the App.
if ($locker->isLocked()) {
	require __DIR__ . '/.maintenance.php';
} else {

You can trigger Maintainer's jobs by two ways:

  • CLI script like php web/index.php maintainer:disable where disable is above defined job.
  • HTTP request like

So we've triggered disable job. In our case, Maintenance\Locker creates a lock. And when lock exists, application is not started and returns STATUS 503.

When you trigger a job enable (CLI or HTTP), Maintenance\Cleaner cleans the all needed caches, Maintenance\Console runs an Symfony/Console command migrations:continue (must be registered to the DI Container of our App).

HTTP jobs are triggered only for whitelisted IPs OR request with a secret token. They can be defined with config file - a bootstrap of App. See app/config/bootstrap.neon.

When possible, prefer CLI jobs (i.e. over SSH).

Nette DI Extensions

Etten\App provides also useful Nette DI Container Extensions.


This allows you easily clean all caches via CLI.

Maintainer (above) uses internally the same Console\Command as the CleanerExtension.

So you can delete all your caches same way also via CLI.

You must register the Extension in a config file:

# app/config.neon

	etten.cleaner: Etten\App\DI\CleanerExtension

And then you are able to run the command via CLI, eg.:

php web/index.php cache:clean

Concrete path depends on your real application where you use Etten\App.

Tests (code bellow is written for PHPUnit)

  • In your apps you should create tests (not like this package which has no tests yet).
  • When you create integration tests, you may need a Nette\DI\Container instance.
  • In ideal situation it should be configured as-in a real application.
  • With this packages you can create testing bootstrap file like bellow.
// tests/boostrap.php

namespace Tests;

use Etten;

/** @var Etten\App\App $app */
$app = require __DIR__ . '/../app/bootstrap.php';

// Store created App instance for TestCase which provides Nette\DI\Container instance
Etten\App\Tests\ContainerTestCase::$app = $app;

// Set additional bootstrap configuration
$app->addBootstrapFile(__DIR__ . '/bootstrap.neon');

// Rewrite "local" configuration file (we don't need exactly the same DB, cache, ...)
$app->addConfigFile(__DIR__ . '/config.local.neon', 'local');

return $app;
# tests/bootstrap.neon

	# reconfigure some directory paths
	testDir: %rootDir%/tests
	logDir: %rootDir%/tests/log
	tempDir: %rootDir%/tests/temp

		- %testDir%

Unit testing (DI\Container IS NOT required)

  • Just create a test a way as usual.
  • You can extend your TestCase directly by \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase or \Etten\App\Tests\TestCase.

Integration testing (DI\Container IS required)

  • Create TestCase and extend it by \Etten\App\Tests\ContainerTestCase.
  • It provides you $container property where \Nette\DI\Container instance is stored.

Presenter testing (DI\Container IS required)

  • Because Nette Framework is a MVP framework, we have special classes for HTTP Request/Response handling - Presenters.
  • You can test them easily if you extend you TestCase by \Etten\App\Tests\PresenterTestCase.
  • Sample test may look like code bellow.

namespace Tests;

use App;
use Etten;
use Nette;

class HomepagePresenterTest extends Etten\App\Tests\PresenterContainerTestCase

	protected function getPresenterName():string
		// You must configure FQN of currently tested Presenter
		return 'Front:Homepage';

	public function testHandleDelete()
		// You can test signals
		$response = $this->runSignal('delete');
		$this->assertInstanceOf(Nette\Application\Responses\RedirectResponse::class, $response);

	public function testRenderDefault()
		// And actions too
		$response = $this->runAction();
		$this->assertInstanceOf(Nette\Application\Responses\TextResponse::class, $response);


Doctrine testing (DI\Container IS required)

  • Create TestCase and extend it by \Etten\App\Tests\DoctrineTestCase.
  • It provides you $em property where \Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager instance is stored.
  • You can also easily set up SQL fixtures - just call $this->loadFixture(__DIR__ . '/fixture.sql').