
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

List generator for Symfony 2.8/3.x, ready to use with Propel 2 or Doctrine 2.

v0.9.22 2018-02-24 18:30 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-02 07:51:53 UTC


Build Status

Disclaimer: documentation and test suit is not complete. This bundle is in development stage.


PHP >7.0.0

Symfony ~2.8

(Symfony ~3.0 not tested, may work)

Doctrine ORM ~2.0 or Propel ORM ~2.0

(Propel ~3.0 not tested)


  1. Copy files via Composer: composer require dszczer/lister.
  2. Place configuration if needed:
# app/config.yml

# Full Lister Configuration
    orm: auto # [auto, doctrine, propel]; 'auto' for auto detection, and using both of ORMs simultaneously also
    perpage: 25 # any integer above 0
    form_name_prefix: 'lister_filters'
    use_csrf: true
# Minimum Lister Configuration
# Above values are default ones, no need to place any configuarion node
  1. Add routing:
# app/config/routing.yml
    resource: "@DszczerListerBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    type:     yaml
  1. Enable bundle in AppKernel:
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
$bundles = [
    // ...
    new Dszczer\ListerBundle\DszczerListerBundle()

// ...

Basic usage

// src/AppBundle/Controller/AppController.php

public function listAction(Request $request)
    // use factory to create new lister
    $list = $this->get('lister.factory')->createList(
        '\\Full\\Class\\Name\\Of\\ModelCriteria\\Query\\Object', // full class name of Propel query object
        'exampleOneList', // unique list identifier
        'lister' // translation domain
    // create some basic list
    // NOTICE: order of adding items does matter!
        ->addField('id', 'Id')
        ->addField('username', 'Username', true, Filter::TYPE_TEXT)
        ->addField('email', 'E-mail', true, Filter::TYPE_TEXT);
    return $this->render(
        ['list' => $list->apply($request)]
{# src/AppBundle/Resources/views/User/list.html.twig #}

{{ lister_filters(list) }}
{{ lister_body(list) }}
{{ lister_pagination(list) }}