
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Set and use sensible defaults for running the Kunstmaan CMS on a distributed infrastructure.

0.4.5 2016-11-03 10:28 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-01-24 16:10:57 UTC


Configures a Kunstmaan Bundles CMS instance for running on distributed, clustered infrastructure.

What does it do?

  1. Package installations

    In order to operate on distributed infrastructure, Redis was choosen as a backend for various caches:

  2. Compiler passes

    • kunstmaan_admin.cache

      Replace filesystem cache with a redis cache.

    • dreadlabs_kunstmaan_distibuted.cache_page_events.subscriber

      Registers an EventListener for page cache invalidation.

How to activate?

Add the following bundles to your AppKernel:

// ...
new Doctrine\Bundle\DoctrineCacheBundle\DoctrineCacheBundle(),
new Snc\RedisBundle\SncRedisBundle(),
new DreadLabs\KunstmaanDistributedBundle\DreadLabsKunstmaanDistributedBundle(),
// ...

Add the following container parameters to your parameters.yml.dist:

# Set according to the valid clients which may purge the cache
http_cache_purge_client_ips: [, ...]
# Host and port of the proxy server(s)
http_cache_proxy_servers: [localhost:80]
# Base-URL of the application
http_cache_proxy_baseurl: localhost
# Proxy client options
http_cache_proxy_options: { purge_method: '', ... }
# Change / customize if something prevents the custom HTTP Method
http_cache_purge_method: 'PURGE'

Add the following configuration keys to your parameters.yml.dist:

redis_host:                    localhost
redis_db_cache:                1
redis_db_annotations:          2
redis_db_http_cache:           3
redis_db_kunstmaanadmin_cache: 4

Use the Bundle's HttpCache in your app/AppCache.php:

// app/AppCache.php
// ...
use DreadLabs\KunstmaanDistributedBundle\HttpCache\HttpCache;

class AppCache extends HttpCache