
Beautiful lightning fast documentation, built with Laravel, Livewire and Volt.


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Doczilla Documentation Platform

Pending our wip installer package you can follow the directions below to get set up.

Local Development

To get started you'll need node and npm installed on your system, along with composer of course. Since this is a Laravel based platform we're assuming you'll be developing locally on Valet. If not, then you'll know where to go to clone your repos.

  1. Fork this repository
  2. Open your terminal and cd to your ~/Sites folder
  3. Clone your fork into the ~/Sites/doczilla folder, by running the following command with your username placed into the {username} slot:
    git clone{username}/doczilla.git doczilla
  4. CD into the new directory you just created:
    cd doczilla
  5. Run the setup script located in the package.json file, which will take all the steps necessary to prepare your local install:
    npm run setup
  6. Alternately you can run the docs:setup artisan command directly preceeded by composer install:
composer install && php artisan docs:setup

Syncing Upstream Changes Into Your Fork

This GitHub article provides instructions on how to pull the latest changes from this repository into your fork.

Updating After Remote Code Changes

If you pull down the upstream changes from this repository into your local repository, you'll want to update your Composer and NPM dependencies, as well as update your documentation branches. For convenience, you may run the update script in package.json which aliases to running the artisan docs:update command.

npm run update

or you can run the update artisan command directly:

php artisan docs:update