
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. The author suggests using the dainsys/timy2 package instead.

Add user's time tracker functionality to Laravel 7, Livewire and Bootstrap 4

3.4.2 2021-06-10 04:17 UTC


Add user's time tracker functionality to Laravel 7, Livewire and Bootstrap 4.


  1. Install with composer: composer require dainsys/timy2.

    Optional: The Package should be auto-discovered by Laravel. However, you could all register it in your config.app file within the providers array:

        'providers' => [

    You may want to publish the config file: php artisan vendor:publish --tag=timy-config to change default configuration. Pay attention to the option of creating default dispositions.

  2. Next you may want to run migrations with command php artisan migrate.

    You could also publish the migrations with php artisan vendor:publish --tag=tiy-migrations and update them before migrating.

  3. Add the use Dainsys\Timy\Timeable trait to your User model.
    use Dainsys\Timy\Timeable;
    class User extends Authenticatable
        use Timeable;

    This package relies on laravel/ui to handle authentication. Follow it's installation guide Authentication. We recommend to running the following command: php artisan ui --auth vue.

  4. As required per laravel/livewire, make sure you update your layout view:
  5. Make sure the App\Providers\BroadcastServiceProvider::class is uncommented in the config.app file.
  6. Next paste the following routes in your routes\channels.php file:
    Broadcast::channel('Timy.User.{id}', function ($user, $id) {
        return (int) $user->id == (int) $id;
    Broadcast::channel('Timy.Admin', function ($user) {
        return \Illuminate\Support\Facades\Gate::allows(config('timy.roles.admin'));
  7. Include the timy menu in your main nav-bar after you check for logged in users: @include('timy::_timy-menu').

    Alternatively you can link to the following endpoints: Users: URL=/timy/user, NAME=user_dashboard, GATEWAY(blade @can directive)=timy-user Admin Users: URL=/timy/admin, NAME=admin_dashboard, GATEWAY(blade @can directive)=timy-admin Super Admin User: URL=/timy/super_admin, NAME=supepr_admin_dashboard, GATEWAY(blade @can directive)=timy-super-admin

  8. Next, define the Super User in you .env file by providing its email in the variable TIMY_SUPER_USER_EMAIL= . This user will have plenty control of the app.
  9. Next get your Pusher's credentials from Pusher and use them to define the following variables in your .env file. BE CERTAIN YOU SET YOUR BROADCAST_DRIVER VARIABLE TO pusher:
  10. Update your package.json file with the follow dependencies:
            "laravel-echo": "^1.8.0",
            "pusher-js": "^6.0.3",
  11. Uncomment the Laravel Echo section in your resources/js/bootstrap.js:
    import Echo from 'laravel-echo';
    window.Pusher = require('pusher-js');
    window.Echo = new Echo({
        broadcaster: 'pusher',
        key: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_KEY,
        cluster: process.env.MIX_PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER,
        forceTLS: true
  12. Then install the front end dependencies and compile: npm install && npm run dev.
  13. OPTIONAL: This package includes an artisan command that runs every 5 minutes to check user's ip is still alive. It is inactive bt default: To activate it do the following
    1. MAKE SURE your server is running a cron job as suggested in Laravel documentation Scheduling, Starting The schedule session: * * * * * cd /path-to-your-project && php artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
    2. In the config\timy.php file set the with_scheduled_commands variable to true: 'with_scheduled_commands' => env('TIMY_WITH_SCHEDULED_COMMANDS', true).


  • Authenticated users is required for the package to work. We leverage that on laravel/ui package.
  • Users and admin shoud have valid roles assigned to them.
  • When session is started, all previously opened timers are closed and a new one is opened.
  • Only Super Admin can manage roles.
  • Admin controller is protected and only work for users with timy-admin role assigned to them.
  • On page load:
    • If the user has a timer running for a specifig disposition, upon closing that one, a new timer is started using that same disposition.
    • Even if there are not timers running, previous disposition is used to start a new timer on page reload.
    • If both previous logic fails, by default the dispo set in the config is used to start a new timer.
  • If a user change the Dispositions dropdown (Vue component) a new timer is created, closing all previous.
  • When an user change their dispo, the admin dashboar update dinamically.
  • When admin update a scpecific user's dispo, user interface update and the user is alerted.

Api Endpoints

  • The GET endpoing /timy/api/timers_filtered or route route('timy.timers_filtered') retunrs a Json formated resource with all timers, filtered by the query string. The following GET variables will allow you to filter the list:
    • disposition=value will only return timers where the disposition name contains the given value.
    • user=value will only return timers where the user name contains the given value.
    • from_date=date will only return timers where the start_date is newer or equal to the given date.
    • to_date=date will only return timers where the start_date is older or equal to the given date.
    • payable=true will only return timers where disposition is labeled as payable.
    • invoiceable=true will only return timers where disposition is labeled as invoiceable.
    • running=true will only return timers where finished_at field is null, which represent currently running timers.
  • Visit the GET route /timy/api/get_open_timer_hours or route route('timy.getOpenTimersHours') to get the current hours of the open timer for the current user. Ideal to display live updates, calculating the hours, whithout actually closing the current timer.