

This PHP SDK provides abstractions to interact with the Blue Billywig Server API.


Installation can be done through composer:

composer require bluebillywig/bb-sapi-php-sdk


In order to use this SDK, three things are prerequisite:

  1. A publication is created and active in the Blue Billywig Online Video Platform (OVP).
  2. An account is created within the publication in the OVP.
  3. An API Key was created using the account in the OVP.

Once the aforementioned prerequisites are in place the SDK can be used in any PHP script:


use BlueBillywig\Sdk;
use GuzzleHttp\Promise\Coroutine;

$publication = "my-publication"; // The publication name (https://<publication name> in which the account and API key were created.
$tokenId = 1; // The ID of the generated API key.
$sharedSecret = "my-shared-secret"; // The randomly generated shared secret.

$sdk = Sdk::withRPCTokenAuthentication($publication, $tokenId, $sharedSecret);

$mediaClipPath = "/path/to/a/mediaclip.mp4";

// Asynchronous
$promise = Coroutine::of(function () use ($sdk) {
    $response = (yield $sdk->mediaclip->initializeUploadAsync($mediaClipPath));

    yield $sdk->mediaclip->helper->executeUploadAsync($mediaClipPath, $response->getDecodedBody());

// Synchronous
$response = $sdk->mediaclip->initializeUpload($mediaClipPath);

$sdk->mediaclip->helper->executeUpload($mediaClipPath, $response->getDecodedBody());