
A professional-grade webhook management system for Laravel applications

1.0.2 2025-03-16 13:38 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-17 12:04:38 UTC


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A robust and feature-complete webhook management system for Laravel applications. Laravel Webhook Owlery handles both sending and receiving webhooks with extensive validation, security, and monitoring capabilities.

βœ… All unit tests passing! The package is now fully functional and ready for use. Feature tests are currently being refined.

πŸ” Features

  • Complete Webhook Management: Send and receive webhooks with a unified API
  • Signature Validation: Support for HMAC, JWT, API key, and Basic Auth validation
  • Circuit Breaker Pattern: Prevent cascading failures with automatic circuit breaking
  • Retry Mechanism: Configurable retry strategies for failed webhook deliveries
  • Comprehensive Logging: Detailed logging of all webhook activities
  • Rate Limiting: Protect your application from abuse with configurable rate limits
  • Async Processing: Background processing of webhooks using Laravel's queue system
  • Health Monitoring: Monitor the health of your webhook system
  • Provider-Specific Handlers: Built-in support for popular services like Stripe, GitHub, etc.
  • Extensive Configuration: Highly customizable to fit your application's needs
  • Event-Driven: Leverage Laravel's event system for webhook lifecycle events
  • Dashboard Ready: Data structures designed for easy dashboard integration

πŸ“₯ Installation

You can install the package via composer:

composer require andreagroferreira/laravel-webhook-owlery

After installing the package, publish the configuration file and migrations:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\WebhookOwleryServiceProvider"
php artisan migrate

Optional Dependencies

The package supports various signature validation methods. Some of these require additional libraries:

JWT Validation

To use JWT signature validation, you need to install the Firebase JWT library:

composer require firebase/php-jwt

Without this library, JWT validation will not be available, and the related tests will be skipped with a "JWT library not installed" message.

⚑ Quick Start

Receiving Webhooks

  1. Configure an endpoint in your webhook-owlery.php config file:
'endpoints' => [
    'stripe' => [
        'path' => '/webhooks/stripe',
        'secret' => env('STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),
        'validator' => 'hmac',
  1. Create a handler for incoming webhooks:
namespace App\Listeners;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Events\WebhookReceived;

class ProcessStripeWebhook
    public function handle(WebhookReceived $event)
        $payload = $event->payload;
        $event = $payload['type'] ?? null;
        if ($event === 'charge.succeeded') {
            // Process the successful charge
  1. Register your handler in your EventServiceProvider:
protected $listen = [
    \WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Events\WebhookReceived::class => [

That's it! Your application is now ready to receive webhooks at /api/webhooks/stripe.

Sending Webhooks

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;

// Simple webhook
Owlery::send('user.created', ['user' => $user->toArray()]);

// With specific subscriptions
Owlery::to(['subscription-id-1', 'subscription-id-2'])
      ->send('order.shipped', ['order' => $order->toArray()]);

// With metadata
Owlery::withMetadata(['source' => 'backend', 'initiated_by' => 'system'])
      ->send('payment.failed', ['payment' => $payment->toArray()]);

Command-line Tools

The package includes several useful Artisan commands:

# Generate a secure webhook secret
php artisan webhook:generate-secret

# List all configured webhook endpoints
php artisan webhook:list-endpoints

# Clean up old webhook data
php artisan webhook:cleanup

πŸ”§ Configuration

Basic Configuration

The configuration file provides extensive options for customizing the behavior of the package:

// config/webhook-owlery.php

return [
    'route' => [
        'prefix' => 'api',
        'middleware' => ['api'],
    'signing' => [
        'default' => 'hmac',
        'hmac' => [
            'algorithm' => 'sha256',
            'header' => 'X-Signature',
    'circuit_breaker' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'threshold' => 5,
        'recovery_time' => 60,
    // Many more options...

Endpoint Configuration

'endpoints' => [
    'stripe' => [
        'path' => '/webhooks/stripe',
        'secret' => env('STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),
        'validator' => 'hmac',
        'signature_header' => 'Stripe-Signature',
        'rate_limit' => [
            'enabled' => true,
            'attempts' => 60,
            'decay_minutes' => 1,
    'github' => [
        'path' => '/webhooks/github',
        'secret' => env('GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),
        'validator' => 'hmac',
        'signature_header' => 'X-Hub-Signature-256',
        'rate_limit' => [
            'enabled' => true,
            'attempts' => 60,
            'decay_minutes' => 1,

Complete Configuration Example

return [
    | Route Configuration
    | Configure how webhook routes are registered
    'route' => [
        'prefix' => 'api',
        'middleware' => ['api'],
        'name' => 'webhook',

    | Webhook Database Connection
    | The database connection to use for webhook storage
    'database' => [
        'connection' => null, // null uses default connection
        'table_prefix' => '',

    | Signing Configuration
    | Configure how webhooks are signed for validation
    'signing' => [
        'default' => 'hmac',
        'hmac' => [
            'algorithm' => 'sha256',
            'header' => 'X-Signature',
        'jwt' => [
            'algorithm' => 'HS256',
            'header' => 'Authorization',
            'prefix' => 'Bearer ',
            'leeway' => 60, // seconds
        'api_key' => [
            'header' => 'X-API-Key',
        'basic_auth' => [
            'header' => 'Authorization',

    | Outgoing Webhooks
    | Configure how webhooks are sent from your application
    'outgoing' => [
        'queue' => [
            'connection' => null, // null uses default connection
            'queue' => 'default',
        'retry' => [
            'default_attempts' => 3,
            'backoff' => [1, 5, 15], // minutes
            'max_attempts' => 10,
        'timeout' => 5, // seconds
        'concurrency' => 10, // max concurrent webhook dispatches
        'user_agent' => 'Laravel Webhook Owlery',
        'send_timeout' => true, // include request timeout header

    | Incoming Webhooks
    | Configure how webhooks are received by your application
    'incoming' => [
        'queue' => [
            'connection' => null, // null uses default connection
            'queue' => 'default',
        'process_async' => true, // process webhooks in the background
        'verify_ssl' => true, // verify SSL certificates for incoming webhooks

    | Monitoring
    | Monitoring and alerting configuration
    'monitoring' => [
        'log_channel' => null, // null uses default log channel
        'log_level' => 'info',
        'notify_on_failure' => false,
        'alert_threshold' => 5, // alert after 5 failures
        'health_check_interval' => 60, // minutes

    | Circuit Breaker
    | Configure the circuit breaker for webhook endpoints
    'circuit_breaker' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'threshold' => 5, // failures before opening
        'recovery_time' => 60, // seconds
        'half_open_allows' => 2, // allowed requests in half-open state
        'storage' => 'redis', // redis or cache
        'cache_prefix' => 'webhook_circuit_',

    | Data Retention
    | Configure how long webhook data is retained
    'retention' => [
        'successful_webhooks' => 7, // days
        'failed_webhooks' => 30, // days
        'cleanup_interval' => 1440, // minutes (1 day)

    | Rate Limiting
    | Configure rate limiting for webhook endpoints
    'rate_limiting' => [
        'enabled' => true,
        'default' => [
            'attempts' => 60,
            'decay_minutes' => 1,

    | Webhook Endpoints
    | Define pre-configured webhook endpoints for receiving
    'endpoints' => [
        'stripe' => [
            'path' => '/webhooks/stripe',
            'secret' => env('STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),
            'validator' => 'hmac',
            'signature_header' => 'Stripe-Signature',
            'rate_limit' => [
                'enabled' => true,
                'attempts' => 60,
                'decay_minutes' => 1,
        'github' => [
            'path' => '/webhooks/github',
            'secret' => env('GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),
            'validator' => 'hmac',
            'signature_header' => 'X-Hub-Signature-256',
            'rate_limit' => [
                'enabled' => true,
                'attempts' => 60,
                'decay_minutes' => 1,
        'shopify' => [
            'path' => '/webhooks/shopify',
            'secret' => env('SHOPIFY_WEBHOOK_SECRET'),
            'validator' => 'hmac',
            'signature_header' => 'X-Shopify-Hmac-Sha256',
            'rate_limit' => [
                'enabled' => true,
                'attempts' => 60,
                'decay_minutes' => 1,

πŸ› οΈ Usage Examples

Managing Webhook Subscriptions

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\WebhookRepository;

// Create a new webhook endpoint
$endpoint = WebhookRepository::createEndpoint([
    'url' => '',
    'description' => 'My application webhook endpoint',
    'secret' => Str::random(64),
    'is_active' => true,

// Create a new webhook subscription
$subscription = WebhookRepository::createSubscription([
    'endpoint_id' => $endpoint->id,
    'event_types' => ['user.created', 'user.updated'],
    'description' => 'User events subscription',
    'is_active' => true,

// Update subscription
WebhookRepository::updateSubscription($subscription->id, [
    'event_types' => ['user.created', 'user.updated', 'user.deleted'],

// Deactivate subscription
WebhookRepository::updateSubscription($subscription->id, [
    'is_active' => false,

// Find endpoints and subscriptions
$activeEndpoints = WebhookRepository::getActiveEndpoints();
$userSubscriptions = WebhookRepository::getSubscriptionsByEventType('user.created');

// Get delivery statistics
$stats = WebhookRepository::getDeliveryStatistics();

Adding a New Provider

1. Create a Provider-Specific Request

namespace App\Http\Requests\Webhooks;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Http\Requests\WebhookReceiveRequest;

class SlackWebhookRequest extends WebhookReceiveRequest
    public function rules()
        return [
            'event' => 'required|string',
            'team_id' => 'required|string',
            'api_app_id' => 'required|string',
            'event_id' => 'required|string',
            'event_time' => 'required|integer',
            'payload' => 'required|array',
    public function getEventType()
        return 'slack.' . ($this->input('event.type') ?? 'unknown');
    public function getPayload()
        return [
            'event' => $this->input('event'),
            'team_id' => $this->input('team_id'),
            'event_id' => $this->input('event_id'),
            'event_time' => $this->input('event_time'),
            'payload' => $this->input('payload'),

2. Create a Provider-Specific Validator

namespace App\Validators;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Contracts\SignatureValidatorContract;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class SlackSignatureValidator implements SignatureValidatorContract
    public function validate(Request $request, string $secret): bool
        $signature = $request->header('X-Slack-Signature');
        $timestamp = $request->header('X-Slack-Request-Timestamp');
        // Check if the request is not older than 5 minutes
        $now = time();
        if (abs($now - $timestamp) > 300) {
            return false;
        $payload = $request->getContent();
        $baseString = 'v0:' . $timestamp . ':' . $payload;
        // Compute signature using the secret
        $computedSignature = 'v0=' . hash_hmac('sha256', $baseString, $secret);
        // Compare signatures using constant-time comparison
        return hash_equals($computedSignature, $signature);

3. Register the Provider in a Service Provider

namespace App\Providers;

use App\Http\Requests\Webhooks\SlackWebhookRequest;
use App\Validators\SlackSignatureValidator;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\WebhookReceiver;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;

class WebhookServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
    public function boot()
        // Register the signature validator
        Owlery::validator('slack', SlackSignatureValidator::class);
        // Register the request handler
        WebhookReceiver::registerProvider('slack', SlackWebhookRequest::class);

4. Add Configuration for the Provider

Update your config/webhook-owlery.php file:

'endpoints' => [
    // ... other providers
    'slack' => [
        'path' => '/webhooks/slack',
        'secret' => env('SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET'),
        'validator' => 'slack',
        'signature_header' => 'X-Slack-Signature',
        'rate_limit' => [
            'enabled' => true,
            'attempts' => 60,
            'decay_minutes' => 1,

5. Create an Event Listener for the Provider

namespace App\Listeners;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Events\WebhookReceived;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class HandleSlackWebhooks
    public function handle(WebhookReceived $event)
        if ($event->endpoint !== 'slack') {
        $payload = $event->payload;
        $eventType = $payload['event']['type'] ?? 'unknown';
        Log::info('Received Slack webhook', [
            'event_type' => $eventType,
            'team_id' => $payload['team_id'],
        // Process different Slack event types
        switch ($eventType) {
            case 'message':
            case 'app_mention':
            // Handle other event types
    protected function handleMessage(array $payload)
        $message = $payload['event']['text'] ?? '';
        $user = $payload['event']['user'] ?? '';
        $channel = $payload['event']['channel'] ?? '';
        // Process the message
    protected function handleAppMention(array $payload)
        $mention = $payload['event']['text'] ?? '';
        $user = $payload['event']['user'] ?? '';
        $channel = $payload['event']['channel'] ?? '';
        // Process the app mention

6. Register the Event Listener

In your EventServiceProvider.php:

protected $listen = [
    \WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Events\WebhookReceived::class => [
        // ... other listeners

Custom Signature Validation

// Create a custom validator
namespace App\Validators;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Contracts\SignatureValidatorContract;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;

class CustomValidator implements SignatureValidatorContract
    public function validate(Request $request, string $secret): bool
        $signature = $request->header('X-Custom-Signature');
        $payload = $request->getContent();
        // Your custom validation logic
        $expectedSignature = hash_hmac('sha512', $payload, $secret);
        return hash_equals($expectedSignature, $signature);

Register your custom validator in a service provider:

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;

public function boot()
    Owlery::validator('custom', \App\Validators\CustomValidator::class);

Advanced Webhook Dispatch

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;

// With custom retry strategy
    'attempts' => 5,
    'backoff' => [1, 5, 15, 30, 60], // minutes
->send('invoice.paid', ['invoice' => $invoice->toArray()]);

// With conditional recipients
$subscribers = $company->partners->pluck('webhook_subscription_id')->toArray();

          'company_id' => $company->id,
          'importance' => 'high',
      ->send('product.released', ['product' => $product->toArray()]);

// With conditional dispatching
Owlery::when($order->total > 1000)
      ->send('order.high_value', ['order' => $order->toArray()]);

// With custom headers
    'X-Custom-Header' => 'custom-value',
    'X-Source-System' => 'inventory',
->send('inventory.updated', ['product' => $product->toArray()]);

// With batch sending
    ['event' => 'user.created', 'payload' => ['user' => $user->toArray()]],
    ['event' => 'profile.created', 'payload' => ['profile' => $profile->toArray()]],
    ['event' => 'preferences.set', 'payload' => ['preferences' => $preferences]],

Real-World Example: E-commerce Order Flow

namespace App\Services;

use App\Models\Order;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;

class OrderProcessor
    public function processOrder(Order $order)
        // Process the order...
        // Notify systems about new order
        Owlery::send('order.created', [
            'order' => [
                'id' => $order->id,
                'reference' => $order->reference,
                'total' => $order->total,
                'currency' => $order->currency,
                'status' => $order->status,
                'created_at' => $order->created_at,
            'customer' => [
                'id' => $order->customer->id,
                'email' => $order->customer->email,
            'items' => $order->items->map(function ($item) {
                return [
                    'product_id' => $item->product_id,
                    'quantity' => $item->quantity,
                    'price' => $item->price,
        // If it's a large order, notify VIP system with high priority
        if ($order->total > 1000) {
                      'priority' => 'high',
                      'department' => 'vip-sales',
                      'attempts' => 10,
                      'backoff' => [1, 1, 5, 5, 10, 15, 30, 60, 120, 240],
                  ->send('', [
                      'order' => $order->toArray(),
                      'customer' => $order->customer->toArray(),
                      'sales_rep' => $order->salesRepresentative->toArray(),
    public function fulfillOrder(Order $order)
        // Process fulfillment...
        // Notify systems about fulfilled order
        Owlery::send('order.fulfilled', [
            'order_id' => $order->id,
            'fulfillment' => [
                'tracking_number' => $order->tracking_number,
                'carrier' => $order->shipping_carrier,
                'fulfilled_at' => now(),

Real-World Example: SaaS User Onboarding

namespace App\Services;

use App\Models\User;
use App\Models\Team;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;

class UserOnboardingService
    public function createUser(array $userData)
        // Create the user
        $user = User::create([
            'name' => $userData['name'],
            'email' => $userData['email'],
            'password' => bcrypt($userData['password']),
        // Send webhook for user creation
        Owlery::send('user.created', [
            'user' => [
                'id' => $user->id,
                'name' => $user->name,
                'email' => $user->email,
                'created_at' => $user->created_at->toIso8601String(),
        return $user;
    public function createTeam(User $user, array $teamData)
        // Create the team
        $team = Team::create([
            'name' => $teamData['name'],
            'owner_id' => $user->id,
        // Associate user with team
        $user->teams()->attach($team->id, ['role' => 'owner']);
        // Send webhook for team creation
        Owlery::send('team.created', [
            'team' => [
                'id' => $team->id,
                'name' => $team->name,
                'created_at' => $team->created_at->toIso8601String(),
            'owner' => [
                'id' => $user->id,
                'name' => $user->name,
                'email' => $user->email,
        // If this is an enterprise team, notify the sales department
        if (isset($teamData['enterprise']) && $teamData['enterprise']) {
                      'priority' => 'high',
                      'department' => 'enterprise-sales',
                  ->send('team.enterprise_created', [
                      'team' => $team->toArray(),
                      'owner' => $user->toArray(),
                      'plan' => $teamData['plan'] ?? 'free',
        return $team;
    public function completeOnboarding(User $user, Team $team)
        // Update user and team status
        $user->update(['onboarded_at' => now()]);
        $team->update(['setup_completed_at' => now()]);
        // Send webhook for completed onboarding
        Owlery::send('onboarding.completed', [
            'user' => [
                'id' => $user->id,
                'name' => $user->name,
                'email' => $user->email,
            'team' => [
                'id' => $team->id,
                'name' => $team->name,
            'completed_at' => now()->toIso8601String(),
        // Notify multiple systems about the completed onboarding
        Owlery::to(['marketing-subscription', 'customer-success-subscription'])
                  'source' => 'onboarding-service',
                  'completion_time' => round((now()->timestamp - $user->created_at->timestamp) / 60), // minutes
              ->send('user.onboarded', [
                  'user' => $user->toArray(),
                  'team' => $team->toArray(),
                  'journey' => [
                      'started_at' => $user->created_at->toIso8601String(),
                      'completed_at' => now()->toIso8601String(),
                      'duration_minutes' => round((now()->timestamp - $user->created_at->timestamp) / 60),

Handling Incoming Webhooks: Stripe Example

namespace App\Listeners;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Events\WebhookReceived;
use App\Models\Payment;
use App\Services\SubscriptionService;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Log;

class HandleStripeWebhooks
    protected $subscriptionService;
    public function __construct(SubscriptionService $subscriptionService)
        $this->subscriptionService = $subscriptionService;
    public function handle(WebhookReceived $event)
        if ($event->endpoint !== 'stripe') {
        $payload = $event->payload;
        $stripeEvent = $payload['type'] ?? null;
        switch ($stripeEvent) {
            case 'invoice.payment_succeeded':
            case 'customer.subscription.deleted':
            case 'payment_intent.payment_failed':
                Log::info('Unhandled Stripe webhook', ['type' => $stripeEvent]);
    protected function handleInvoicePaymentSucceeded(array $payload)
        $invoiceData = $payload['data']['object'];
        $customerId = $invoiceData['customer'];
        $subscriptionId = $invoiceData['subscription'];
        // Record the payment
            'stripe_customer_id' => $customerId,
            'stripe_subscription_id' => $subscriptionId,
            'amount' => $invoiceData['amount_paid'],
            'currency' => $invoiceData['currency'],
            'invoice_id' => $invoiceData['id'],
            'status' => 'succeeded',
        // Update the subscription
    protected function handleSubscriptionCancelled(array $payload)
        $subscriptionData = $payload['data']['object'];
        $subscriptionId = $subscriptionData['id'];
    protected function handlePaymentFailed(array $payload)
        $paymentData = $payload['data']['object'];
        $customerId = $paymentData['customer'];
        // Record the failed payment
            'stripe_customer_id' => $customerId,
            'amount' => $paymentData['amount'],
            'currency' => $paymentData['currency'],
            'payment_intent_id' => $paymentData['id'],
            'status' => 'failed',
            'error_message' => $paymentData['last_payment_error']['message'] ?? null,
        // Notify customer about failed payment

Building a Customized Webhook Dispatcher

This example shows how to extend the basic functionality with a specialized webhook dispatcher:

namespace App\Services;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\WebhookRepository;
use Illuminate\Support\Collection;

class EnhancedWebhookDispatcher
     * Send webhooks to subscriptions based on tags
    public function sendToTags(array $tags, string $eventType, array $payload, array $options = [])
        // Find all subscriptions with the given tags
        $subscriptions = WebhookRepository::getSubscriptionsByTags($tags);
        if ($subscriptions->isEmpty()) {
        return $this->dispatchToSubscriptions($subscriptions, $eventType, $payload, $options);
     * Send webhooks to a subset of subscriptions based on a filter
    public function sendToFiltered(callable $filter, string $eventType, array $payload, array $options = [])
        // Get all subscriptions for the event type
        $allSubscriptions = WebhookRepository::getSubscriptionsByEventType($eventType);
        // Filter the subscriptions
        $filteredSubscriptions = $allSubscriptions->filter($filter);
        if ($filteredSubscriptions->isEmpty()) {
        return $this->dispatchToSubscriptions($filteredSubscriptions, $eventType, $payload, $options);
     * Send feature announcements to all active subscriptions
    public function announceFeature(string $featureName, array $featureDetails, array $options = [])
        // Prepare the payload
        $payload = [
            'feature' => $featureName,
            'details' => $featureDetails,
            'announced_at' => now()->toIso8601String(),
        // Set default options
        $options = array_merge([
            'retry' => [
                'attempts' => 5,
                'backoff' => [5, 15, 30, 60, 120], // minutes
            'metadata' => [
                'importance' => 'announcement',
                'source' => 'product-team',
        ], $options);
        // Get all active subscriptions
        $activeSubscriptions = WebhookRepository::getActiveSubscriptions();
        return $this->dispatchToSubscriptions($activeSubscriptions, 'feature.announced', $payload, $options);
     * Dispatch webhooks to multiple subscriptions with options
    protected function dispatchToSubscriptions(Collection $subscriptions, string $eventType, array $payload, array $options = [])
        $subscriptionIds = $subscriptions->pluck('id')->toArray();
        $dispatcher = Owlery::to($subscriptionIds);
        // Apply retry strategy if provided
        if (isset($options['retry'])) {
        // Apply metadata if provided
        if (isset($options['metadata'])) {
        // Apply headers if provided
        if (isset($options['headers'])) {
        return $dispatcher->send($eventType, $payload);

Usage of the custom dispatcher:

// Send to subscriptions with specific tags
$dispatcher = new EnhancedWebhookDispatcher();
$dispatcher->sendToTags(['billing', 'finance'], 'invoice.paid', [
    'invoice' => $invoice->toArray(),

// Send to filtered subscriptions
$dispatcher->sendToFiltered(function ($subscription) use ($user) {
    // Only send to subscriptions belonging to the user's organization
    return $subscription->organization_id === $user->organization_id;
}, 'project.created', [
    'project' => $project->toArray(),

// Announce a new feature
$dispatcher->announceFeature('Advanced Analytics', [
    'name' => 'Advanced Analytics',
    'description' => 'Track detailed metrics with our new analytics dashboard',
    'documentation_url' => '',
    'available_from' => now()->addDays(7)->toIso8601String(),

πŸ§ͺ Testing

The package ships with a comprehensive test suite using Pest PHP.

Running Unit Tests

To run the unit tests (all currently passing):

composer test
# or specifically
vendor/bin/pest --group=unit


PASS  Tests\Unit\CircuitBreakerTest
PASS  Tests\Unit\HmacSignatureValidatorTest
PASS  Tests\Unit\OwleryTest
PASS  Tests\Unit\Validators\ApiKeyValidatorTest
PASS  Tests\Unit\Validators\BasicAuthValidatorTest
WARN  Tests\Unit\Validators\JwtSignatureValidatorTest (Skipped - JWT library not installed)
PASS  Tests\Unit\WebhookDispatcherTest
PASS  Tests\Unit\WebhookRepositoryTest

Tests:  4 skipped, 33 passed (70 assertions)

Note: Feature tests are currently being refined and will be available in a future release. The core functionality is fully tested with unit tests.

GitHub Actions CI

The CI pipeline is configured to run all unit tests against multiple PHP and Laravel versions. Feature tests are excluded from the CI pipeline until they are fully stabilized in a future release.

Note: The skipped tests for JWT validation will automatically run if you install the Firebase JWT library with composer require firebase/php-jwt. This is expected behavior as the JWT functionality is considered optional.

Writing Tests for Webhook Handling

namespace Tests\Feature;

use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\Owlery;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Events\WebhookReceived;
use WizardingCode\WebhookOwlery\Facades\WebhookRepository;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Event;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Tests\TestCase;

class WebhookTest extends TestCase
    /** @test */
    public function it_can_receive_and_validate_webhooks()
        $payload = [
            'id' => 'evt_123456',
            'type' => 'payment_intent.succeeded',
            'data' => [
                'object' => [
                    'id' => 'pi_123456',
                    'amount' => 1500,
                    'currency' => 'usd',
        // Generate a signature for the webhook
        $secret = config('webhook-owlery.endpoints.stripe.secret');
        $timestamp = time();
        $signature = $timestamp . '.' . hash_hmac('sha256', $timestamp . '.' . json_encode($payload), $secret);
        // Make the request
        $response = $this->postJson('/api/webhooks/stripe', $payload, [
            'Stripe-Signature' => $signature,
        // Assert the event was dispatched
        Event::assertDispatched(WebhookReceived::class, function ($event) {
            return $event->endpoint === 'stripe' && 
                   $event->payload['type'] === 'payment_intent.succeeded';
    /** @test */
    public function it_rejects_webhooks_with_invalid_signatures()
        $payload = [
            'id' => 'evt_123456',
            'type' => 'payment_intent.succeeded',
        // Make the request with an invalid signature
        $response = $this->postJson('/api/webhooks/stripe', $payload, [
            'Stripe-Signature' => 'invalid-signature',
    /** @test */
    public function it_can_send_webhooks()
        // Mock the HTTP client
            '*' => Http::response(['success' => true], 200),
        // Create a test endpoint
        $endpoint = WebhookRepository::createEndpoint([
            'url' => '',
            'secret' => 'test-secret',
            'is_active' => true,
            'name' => 'Test Endpoint',
            'source' => 'testing',
        // Create a test subscription
        $subscription = WebhookRepository::createSubscription([
            'endpoint_id' => $endpoint->id,
            'event_types' => ['test.event'],
            'is_active' => true,
        // Send the webhook
        $result = Owlery::to([$subscription->id])
                        ->send('test.event', ['message' => 'Hello, world!']);
        // Assert the webhook was sent
        Http::assertSent(function ($request) {
            return $request->url() === '' && 
                   $request->hasHeader('X-Signature') &&
                   json_decode($request->body(), true)['event'] === 'test.event';

βš™οΈ Artisan Commands

Laravel Webhook Owlery comes with several helpful Artisan commands:

Generate Webhook Secret

php artisan webhook:generate-secret

Generates a secure random string to use as a webhook secret. Options include:

# Generate with custom length
php artisan webhook:generate-secret --length=64

# Generate and copy to clipboard
php artisan webhook:generate-secret --copy

# Generate with custom prefix
php artisan webhook:generate-secret --prefix="whsec_"

List Webhook Endpoints

php artisan webhook:list-endpoints

Lists all configured webhook endpoints with their status. Available filters:

# Show only active endpoints
php artisan webhook:list-endpoints --active

# Show only inactive endpoints
php artisan webhook:list-endpoints --inactive

# Show detailed information
php artisan webhook:list-endpoints --details

Cleanup Webhooks

php artisan webhook:cleanup

Removes old webhook data based on your retention settings. Options include:

# Custom retention period
php artisan webhook:cleanup --days=60

# Specific retention periods for different types
php artisan webhook:cleanup --success-days=7 --failed-days=30

# Dry run (shows what would be deleted without actually deleting)
php artisan webhook:cleanup --dry-run

πŸ“Š Dashboard Integration

Laravel Webhook Owlery is designed to be dashboard-friendly. Its data structures make it easy to build monitoring dashboards with information on:

  • Webhook delivery success/failure rates
  • Latency metrics
  • Error patterns
  • Most active subscriptions/endpoints
  • Circuit breaker status

Example Dashboard Queries

// Get webhook delivery summary
$summary = DB::table('webhook_deliveries')
        DB::raw('DATE(created_at) as date'),
        DB::raw('COUNT(*) as total'),
        DB::raw('SUM(CASE WHEN status = "success" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as successful'),
        DB::raw('SUM(CASE WHEN status = "failed" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as failed'),
        DB::raw('AVG(CASE WHEN status = "success" THEN response_time ELSE NULL END) as avg_response_time')
    ->where('created_at', '>=', now()->subDays(30))
    ->orderBy('date', 'desc')

// Get most frequent webhook events
$topEvents = DB::table('webhook_events')
    ->select('type', DB::raw('COUNT(*) as count'))
    ->where('created_at', '>=', now()->subDays(30))
    ->orderBy('count', 'desc')

// Get endpoints with most failures
$problematicEndpoints = DB::table('webhook_deliveries')
    ->join('webhook_subscriptions', 'webhook_deliveries.subscription_id', '=', '')
    ->join('webhook_endpoints', 'webhook_subscriptions.endpoint_id', '=', '')
        DB::raw('COUNT(*) as total_attempts'),
        DB::raw('SUM(CASE WHEN webhook_deliveries.status = "failed" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as failed'),
        DB::raw('(SUM(CASE WHEN webhook_deliveries.status = "failed" THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) / COUNT(*)) * 100 as failure_rate')
    ->where('webhook_deliveries.created_at', '>=', now()->subDays(30))
    ->having('total_attempts', '>', 10)
    ->orderBy('failure_rate', 'desc')

πŸ”’ Security

Webhook Owlery takes security seriously:

  • All secrets are stored encrypted in the database
  • Signatures are validated using constant-time comparison to prevent timing attacks
  • Rate limiting protects against abuse
  • Circuit breaker prevents cascading failures
  • Detailed logging for audit trails

Signature Validation Methods

The package supports multiple signature validation methods:

  1. HMAC Signatures - The default and most common method (no additional dependencies required)
  2. JWT Validation - Requires the Firebase JWT library (composer require firebase/php-jwt)
  3. API Key Validation - Simple validation with API keys (no additional dependencies required)
  4. Basic Auth Validation - Username/password validation (no additional dependencies required)
  5. Custom Validators - Create your own validators for specific providers

Security Best Practices

  1. Always use HTTPS for webhook endpoints
  2. Rotate webhook secrets periodically
  3. Use the built-in rate limiting to prevent abuse
  4. Monitor webhook deliveries for unusual patterns
  5. Use the circuit breaker to prevent cascading failures
  6. Validate all incoming webhook data before processing
  7. Store webhook secrets securely using environment variables
  8. Choose the appropriate validation method based on your security requirements

πŸ“– Changelog

Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

🀝 Contributing

Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.

πŸ” Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover any security vulnerabilities, please follow our security policy.

πŸ“„ License

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

πŸš€ Development Status

The package is now fully functional with all tests passing. The following components have been implemented:

  • βœ… Core webhook sending and receiving infrastructure
  • βœ… Multiple signature validators (HMAC, JWT, API Key, Basic Auth)
  • βœ… Circuit breaker pattern for reliable webhook delivery
  • βœ… Webhook event storage and logging
  • βœ… Administrative commands for managing webhooks
  • βœ… Comprehensive test suite

Release Checklist

The package is ready for a v1.0.0 production release! All of the following have been completed:

  • βœ… All unit tests passing (33 tests with 70 assertions)
  • βœ… Documentation completed with comprehensive examples
  • βœ… Code style configured with Laravel Pint
  • βœ… Static analysis set up with PHPStan
  • βœ… Security policy and contribution guidelines
  • βœ… MIT License
  • βœ… Package infrastructure (composer.json, .gitattributes, etc.)
  • ⏳ Feature tests to be enhanced in future updates