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nayo framework is a MVC php framework

v1.2.3 2020-04-27 01:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-27 16:34:19 UTC


Nayo Framework is php MVC base, built from native php insipred by Code Igniter and Entity framework (.Net EDMX)

MAIN PURPOSE why i build this app is to share code MVC, if someone wants to know how php MVC works. It's simple code , and could be modified by everyone.


  1. install composer for php
  2. copy app to your web server
  3. go to Framework folder from cmd/console. type "composer update"

Simple Guide

it's Code igniter inspired App. mostly look like Code Igniter for config (App\Config)

Main difference from code igniter is in the model (ORM look like) and migration so i give simple explaination for Modeling

0. Config

App\Config\Databse.php Support 2 database driver mysql and sqlsrv php (for sql server > 2008, ex: 2012 or greater) see for php setup to ODBC driver

'connectionstring' => "",
'host' => '', // host of database ex : or .\MSSQLSERVER
'user' => '',
'password' => '',
'dbname' => '',
'driver' => '.mysqli', //.mysqli, .sqlsrv
'port' => '',
'charset' => '',
'engine' => ''

1. Models

Model class must extends Nayo_Model class

  • table name must be in plural
  • file name must be like table name, ex : Examples.php , upper case first letter
  • class name must be like table name, ex : Examples , upper case first letter
  • table must have field Id (int, auto increment)
  • i give some query table creation in App\Database\Migrations

Here example :

namespace App\Models;
use Core\Nayo_Model;

class Examples extends Nayo_Model {
   * define all your fields table here
  public $Id;
  public $Name;

   * $table set as name of table
   * $entity set as name of table with first upper case letter
   * if your table named like m_example
   * it would be
   * $table = m_example

   * it's ORM look like base
   * so you have to name your table as example
   * case : if you have 2 tables related it should be like this
   * table 1 : m_groupusers(Id, name, ....)
   * table 2 : m_users(Id, M_Groupuser_Id,....)
   * foreign key should be Example_Id , ex : M_Groupuser_Id

  protected $table = 'examples';


if model class extends Nayo_Model class, class wil have CRUD method

  • modelclass->query($sql);
  • modelclass::get($id)

example :

  //this method wiil return result table with id = 1
  // Example is the object class that is mapped to table;
  • modelclass->save()

if the object Id(field) is set, ex : Id = 1 this method will update the data, otherwise will save new data example:

  //save data
  $model = new Example();
  $model->Name = 'new Name';
  //update data
  $model = Example::get(1);
  $model->Name = 'edited Name';
  • modelclass->delete()


  $model = Example::get(1);
  //this method will delete data with Id = 1
  • modelclass::getAll($array) $array is optional example:

    $params = array(
        'where' => array(
            'Name' => 'existname'
    $result = Example::getAll($params);
    //or get all data
    $result = Example::getAll();
  • modelclass->get_Entity() Entity is ojbect table related name with upper case first letter

method will get related data with many to 1 relation


     //Tests is a model class object
     foreach(Tests::getAll() as $test){
         echo $test->get_Example()->Name; // get_EntityName() get related table data
  • modelclass->get_list_Entity() Entity is ojbect table related name with upper case first letter method will get related data with 1 to many relation


     $data = Example::get(1);
     foreach($data->get_list_Test() as $test){

2. Controllers

Controller class must extends Nayo_Controller class

Here example :

namespace App\Controllers;
use Core\Nayo_Controller;
use App\Models\Tests;

class Example extends Nayo_Controller{

  public function __construct(){


  public function index(){
  public function load_data(){
      $this->view('example/index', $data);

   * using model 
   * you can read all function in Core\Model
   public function test(){

       foreach(Tests::findAll() as $test){
           echo $test->get_Example()->Name; // get_EntityName() get related table data


you can see the controllers, how to load the view and pass the data


see Nezamy route for more info at


CLI is used to generate CONTROLLERS, MODELS, MIGRATION, and to migrate all migration


is used to see what command lines available are

php index.php help


will generate controller file in App\Controllers

php index.php controller controller_name 


will generate model file in App\Models, it must have parameter that relate on table name, case sensitive, and it will have all property from your table

php index.php model table_name


will generate migration file in App\Database\Migrations that has file name as current time, ex : Migration_yyyymmddhhiiss.php

php index.php migration

namespace App\Database\Migrations;
use Core\Database\Table;

class migration_20190620045801 {

    public function up(){
        //creating table
        $table = new Table();
        $table->addColumn("Id", "int", "11", false, null, true, true);
        $table->addColumn("CompanyName", "Varchar", "50");
        $table->addColumn("Address", "Varchar", "300");
        $table->addColumn("PostCode", "Varchar", "10");
        $table->addColumn("Email", "Varchar", "300");
        $table->addColumn("Phone", "Varchar", "50");
        $table->addColumn("Fax", "Varchar", "50", true);
        $table->addColumn("UrlPhoto", "Varchar", "500", true);
        $table->addColumn("CreatedBy", "Varchar", "50", true);
        $table->addColumn("ModifiedBy", "Varchar", "50", true);
        $table->addColumn("Created", "datetime", "", true);
        $table->addColumn("Modified", "datetime", "", true);


will migrate all migrations that haven't been in your database migration

php index.php migrate 


server side proses datatables will return json format to

namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\Example;
use Core\Libraries\Datatables;

class M_foodcategory extends Base_Controller{
    public function index(){
        $params = [
            'where' => [
                'Name !' => 'a'
        $datatable = new Datatables('M_Examples', $params); // $params are optional
                return $row->Id;
                return "<td>".
                    formLink($row->Name, array("id" => $row->Id,
                                                "href" => baseUrl('mfoodcategory/edit/'.$row->Id),
                                                "class" => "text-muted"))
                return $row->Description;
                return $row->Created;
                return "<td class = 'td-actions text-right'>".
                    formLink("<i class='fa fa-trash'>", array(
                                        "href" => "#",
                                        "class" => "btn-just-icon link-action delete",
                                        "rel" => "tooltip",
                                        "title" => lang('Form.delete')))

        echo json_encode($datatable->populate());