andikaryanto11 / route
Route - Fast, flexible routing for PHP, enabling you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.
- php: >=5.4.0
- nezamy/support: 1.0.*
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-28 16:00:31 UTC
Route - Fast, flexible routing for PHP, enabling you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.
You can download it and using it without any changes.
OR use Composer.
It's recommended that you use Composer to install Route.
$ composer require nezamy/route
Route requires PHP 5.4.0 or newer.
Only if using composer create index.php in root.
Create an index.php file with the following contents:
<?php define('DS', DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR); define('BASE_PATH', __DIR__ . DS); //Show errors //=================================== ini_set('display_errors', 1); ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1); error_reporting(E_ALL); //=================================== require BASE_PATH.'vendor/autoload.php'; $app = System\App::instance(); $app->request = System\Request::instance(); $app->route = System\Route::instance($app->request); $route = $app->route; $route->any('/', function() { echo 'Hello World'; }); $route->end();
If using apache make sure the .htaccess file has exists beside index.php
How it works
Routing is done by matching a URL pattern with a callback function.
$route->any('/', function() { echo 'Hello World'; }); $route->any('/about', function() { echo 'About'; });
The callback can be any object that is callable. So you can use a regular function:
function pages() { echo 'Page Content'; } $route->get('/', 'pages');
Or a class method:
class home { function pages() { echo 'Home page Content'; } } $route->get('/', ['home', 'pages']); // OR $home = new home; $route->get('/', [$home, 'pages']); // OR $route->get('/', 'home@pages');
Method Routing
$route->any('/', function() { // Any method requests }); $route->get('/', function() { // Only GET requests }); $route->post('/', function() { // Only POST requests }); $route->put('/', function() { // Only PUT requests }); $route->patch('/', function() { // Only PATCH requests }); $route->delete('/', function() { // Only DELETE requests }); // You can use multiple methods. Just add _ between method names $route->get_post('/', function() { // Only GET and POST requests });
Multiple Routing (All in one)
$route->get(['/', 'index', 'home'], function() { // Will match 3 page in one });
// This example will match any page name $route->get('/?', function($page) { echo "you are in $page"; }); // This example will match anything after post/ - limited to 1 argument $route->get('/post/?', function($id) { // Will match anything like post/hello or post/5 ... // But not match /post/5/title echo "post id $id"; }); // more than parameters $route->get('/post/?/?', function($id, $title) { echo "post id $id and title $title"; });
For “unlimited” optional parameters, you can do this:
// This example will match anything after blog/ - unlimited arguments $route->get('/blog/*', function() { // [$this] instanceof ArrayObject so you can get all args by getArrayCopy() pre($this->getArrayCopy()); pre($this[1]); pre($this[2]); });
Named Parameters
You can specify named parameters in your routes which will be passed along to your callback function.
$route->get('/{username}/{page}', function($username, $page) { echo "Username $username and Page $page <br>"; // OR echo "Username {$this['username']} and Page {$this['page']}"; });
Regular Expressions
You can validate the args by regular expressions.
// Validate args by regular expressions uses :(your pattern here) $route->get('/{username}:([0-9a-z_.-]+)/post/{id}:([0-9]+)', function($username, $id) { echo "author $username post id $id"; }); // You can add named regex pattern in routes $route->addPattern([ 'username' => '/([0-9a-z_.-]+)', 'id' => '/([0-9]+)' ]); // Now you can use named regex $route->get('/{username}:username/post/{id}:id', function($username, $id) { echo "author $username post id $id"; });
Some named regex patterns already registered in routes
[ 'int' => '/([0-9]+)', 'multiInt' => '/([0-9,]+)', 'title' => '/([a-z_-]+)', 'key' => '/([a-z0-9_]+)', 'multiKey' => '/([a-z0-9_,]+)', 'isoCode2' => '/([a-z]{2})', 'isoCode3' => '/([a-z]{3})', 'multiIsoCode2' => '/([a-z,]{2,})', 'multiIsoCode3' => '/([a-z,]{3,})' ]
Optional parameters
You can specify named parameters that are optional for matching by adding (?)
$route->get('/post/{title}?:title/{date}?', function($title, $date) { if ($title) { echo "<h1>$title</h1>"; }else{ echo "<h1>Posts List</h1>"; } if ($date) { echo "<small>Published $date</small>"; } });
$route->group('/admin', function() { // /admin/ $this->get('/', function() { echo 'welcome to admin panel'; }); // /admin/settings $this->get('/settings', function() { echo 'list of settings'; }); // nested group $this->group('/users', function() { // /admin/users $this->get('/', function() { echo 'list of users'; }); // /admin/users/add $this->get('/add', function() { echo 'add new user'; }); }); // Anything else $this->any('/*', function() { pre("Page ( {$this->app->request->path} ) Not Found", 6); }); });
Groups with parameters
$route->group('/{lang}?:isoCode2', function($lang) { $default = $lang; if (!in_array($lang, ['ar', 'en'])) { $default = 'en'; } $this->get('/', function($lang) use($default) { echo "lang in request is $lang<br>"; echo "include page_{$default}.php"; }); $this->get('/page/{name}/', function($lang, $name) { pre(func_get_args()); pre($this->app->request->args); }); });
$route->use(function (){ $req = app('request'); pre('Do something before all routes', 3); }); $route->before('/', function (){ pre('Do something before all routes', 4); }); $route->before('/*!admin', function (){ pre('Do something before all routes except admin', 4); }); $route->before('/admin|home', function (){ pre('Do something before admin and home only ', 4); }); $route->after('/admin|home', function (){ pre('Do something after admin and home only ', 4); });