
This is my package panic-control-laravel

v1.3.3 2024-04-20 13:59 UTC


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You can install the package via composer:

composer require alexssander-cusin/panic-control-laravel

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="panic-control-laravel-config"

This are the contents of the published config file:

return [
     * Set up what store will be used
    'default' => 'database',
    'drivers' => [
        'database' => [
             * Defines which registered connections
             * The storage listed in /config/database.php should be used
            'connection' => config('database.default'),

             * Define the table name will be created in database
            'table' => 'panic_controls',
        'file' => [
             * Defines which registered disk
             * The storage listed in /config/filesystem.php should be used
             * Supported Drivers: "local", "ftp", "sftp", "s3"
            'disk' => config('filesystems.default'),
             * Defines the name of the file that will be created
            'path' => 'panic-control.json',
        'endpoint' => [
             * Defines the URL of the endpoint
            'url' => 'https://localhost/panic-control.json',
    'cache' => [
         * Activates the cache usage for the panic controls
        'enabled' => true,
         * Defines what cache store should be used
         * The storage listed in /config/cache.php should be used
         * Supported drivers: "apc", "array", "database", "file",
         *      "memcached", "redis", "dynamodb", "octane", "null"
        'store' => env('CACHE_DRIVER', 'file'),

         * Cache Key Prefix
         * When utilizing the APC, database, memcached, Redis, or DynamoDB cache
         * stores there might be other applications using the same cache. For
         * that reason, you may prefix every cache key to avoid collisions.

        'key' => 'panic-control',

         * Sets the time the cache will expire

        'ttl' => 60,

     * List custom rules

    'rules' => [
        'route-name' => PanicControl\Rules\RouteName::class,
        'url-path' => PanicControl\Rules\UrlPath::class,
        'sampling' => PanicControl\Rules\Sampling::class,
        'user' => PanicControl\Rules\User::class,

You can publish and run the migrations with (only for database store):

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="panic-control-laravel-migrations"
php artisan migrate



Create a Panic Control 1

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

    'name' => 'panic-control-name',
    'description' => 'Description for Panic Control',
    'status' => false,

Update a Panic Control 1

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

$panic = 'panic-control-name'; //Panic Control Name or ID

PanicControl::edit($panic, [
    'name' => 'new-panic-control-name',

Get all Panic Control

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;


Get a Panic Control

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;


Check if Panic Control is Active

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;



Check if Panic Control is Active



List all Panic Control

php artisan panic-control:list

Detail a Panic Control

php artisan panic-control:show panic-control-name

Activate a Panic Control 1

php artisan panic-control:active panic-control-name

Deactivate a Panic Control 1

php artisan panic-control:desactive panic-control-name


We can add supplementary rules that will respect the main status

All rules must return true for the panic to be activated, if nothing is registered or return null|false, it is disregarded.

Route Name

Checks whether the Route::currentRouteName() return is listed inside the route-name key.

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

    'name' => 'panic-control-name',
    'description' => 'Description for Panic Control',
    'status' => true,
    'rules' => [
        'route-name' => [

URL Path

Checks whether the Request::path() return is listed the url-path key.

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

    'name' => 'panic-control-name',
    'description' => 'Description for Panic Control',
    'status' => true,
    'rules' => [
        'url-path' => [


Will be activated for just a sample of the users, based on the number of chances, and the "out of" sample. In the example below, the panic control will be activated for 5 out of 10 users i.e. half of the users.

IMPORTANT: the chance is a probability, there may be a small variation both for more and for less.

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

    'name' => 'panic-control-name',
    'description' => 'Description for Panic Control',
    'status' => true,
    'rules' => [
        'rules' => [
            'sampling' => [
                'chance' => 5,
                'out_of' => 10,

User logged

Check if user logged id or email is listed the user key.

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

    'name' => 'panic-control-name',
    'description' => 'Description for Panic Control',
    'status' => true,
    'rules' => [
        'rules' => [
            'user' => [
                1, //User ID
                '', //User EMAIL

Custom Rules

To create a custom rule follow the example

use PanicControl\Rules\Rule;
use PanicControl\Contracts\RuleContract;

class ClassName extends Rule implements RuleContract
    public function rule(array $parameters): bool|null
        return false|true|null;

The class must be registered in config/panic-control.php under the rules key.

return [
    'rules' => [
        'class-name' => Namespace/ClassName::class,

In the rules column of the database, add the key registered in config/panic-control.php with the parameters that will be sent to the class.

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

    'name' => 'panic-control-name',
    'description' => 'Description for Panic Control',
    'status' => true,
    'rules' => [
        'class-name' => 'parameters',


By default, the driver configured in config('panic-control.default'), but can be changed with support for: database, file, endpoint.

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;


Extending Driver

This feature is in beta tests

If you want to include support for other driver, you can easily register a new driver in the AppServiceProvider as shown below:

use PanicControl\Facades\PanicControl;

PanicControl::extend('other', function(){
  return return new OtherDrive();


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.

Security Vulnerabilities

Please review our security policy on how to report security vulnerabilities.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.