
Roadrunner runtime for Symfony

v4.0.0 2025-02-03 13:18 UTC


Yet another runtime for Symfony and RoadRunner.


composer require fluffydiscord/roadrunner-symfony-bundle


Define the environment variable APP_RUNTIME in .rr.yaml and set up rpc plugin:


        APP_RUNTIME: FluffyDiscord\RoadRunnerBundle\Runtime\Runtime

    listen: tcp://

Don't forget to add the RR_RPC to your .env:




  # Optional
  # Specify relative path from "kernel.project_dir" to your RoadRunner config file
  # if you want to run cache:warmup without having your RoadRunner running in background,
  # e.g. when building Docker images. Default is ".rr.yaml"
  rr_config_path: ".rr.yaml"
  # https://docs.roadrunner.dev/http/http
    # Optional
    # -----------
    # This decides when to boot the Symfony kernel.
    # false (default) - before first request (worker takes some time to be ready, but app has consistent response times)
    # true - once first request arrives (worker is ready immediately, but inconsistent response times due to kernel boot time spikes)
    # If you use large amount of workers, you might want to set this to true or else the RR boot up might
    # take a lot of time or just boot up using only a few "emergency" workers 
    # and then use dynamic worker scaling as described here https://docs.roadrunner.dev/php-worker/scaling
    lazy_boot: false

    # Optional
    # -----------
    # This decides if Symfony routing should be preloaded when worker starts and boots Symfony kernel.
    # This option halves the initial request response time.
    # (based on a project with over 400 routes and quite a lot of services, YMMW)
    # true (default in PROD) - sends one dummy (empty) HTTP request to the kernel to initialize routing and services around it
    # false (default in DEV) - only when first worker request arrives, routing and services are loaded
    # You might want to create a dummy "/" route for the route to "land",
    # or listen to onKernelRequest events and look in the request for the attribute
    # FluffyDiscord\RoadRunnerBundle\Worker\HttpWorker::DUMMY_REQUEST_ATTRIBUTE
    # Set this to "false" if you have any issues and report them to me.
    early_router_initialization: true

  # https://docs.roadrunner.dev/plugins/centrifuge
    # Optional
    # -----------
    # See http section
    lazy_boot: false

  # https://docs.roadrunner.dev/key-value/overview-kv
    # Optional
    # -----------
    # If true (default), bundle will automatically register all "kv" adapters in your .rr.yaml.
    # Registered services have alias "cache.adapter.rr_kv.NAME"
    auto_register: true

    # Optional
    # -----------
    # Which serializer should be used.
    # By default, "IgbinarySerializer" will be used if "igbinary" php extension 
    # is installed (recommended), otherwise "DefaultSerializer".
    # You are free to create your own serializer, it needs to implement
    # Spiral\RoadRunner\KeyValue\Serializer\SerializerInterface
    serializer: null

    # Optional
    # -----------
    # Specify relative path from "kernel.project_dir" to a keypair file 
    # for end-to-end encryption. "sodium" php extension is required. 
    # https://docs.roadrunner.dev/key-value/overview-kv#end-to-end-value-encryption
    keypair_path: bin/keypair.key

Running behind a load balancer or a proxy

If you want to use REMOTE_ADDR as trusted proxy, replace it with private_ranges instead or else your trusted headers will not work.

Symfony is using the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] to find out the proxy address, but in the context of RoadRunner, $_SERVER contains only environment variables and the REMOTE_ADDS is missing.

Response/file streaming

Build-in full support for Symfony's BinaryFileResponse and StreamedJsonResponse. The StreamedResponse needs one little change to be fully streamable - you have to change the callback to a \Generator, replacing all echo with yield. Look at the example:

use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse;

class MyController
    public function myStreamResponse() 
        return new StreamedResponse(
            function () {
                // replace all 'echo' or any outputs with 'yield'
                // echo "data";
                yield "data";


Built in support for Sentry. Just install & configure it as you normally do.

composer require sentry/sentry-symfony

Centrifugo (websockets)

To enable Centrifugo you need to add roadrunner-php/centrifugo package.

composer require roadrunner-php/centrifugo

Bundle is using Symfony's Event dispatcher. You can create event listener for any event extending FluffyDiscord\RoadRunnerBundle\Event\Centrifugo\CentrifugoEventInterface:

  • ConnectEvent required :)
  • InvalidEvent
  • PublishEvent
  • RefreshEvent
  • RPCEvent
  • SubRefreshEvent
  • SubscribeEvent

Example usage:


namespace App\EventListener;

use App\Centrifuge\Event\ConnectEvent;
use RoadRunner\Centrifugo\Payload\ConnectResponse;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\Attribute\AsEventListener;

#[AsEventListener(event: ConnectEvent::class, method: "handleConnect")]
readonly class ChatListener
    public function handleConnect(ConnectEvent $event): void
        // original Centrifugo request passed from RoadRunner
        $request = $event->getRequest();
        // auth your user or whatever you want
        $authToken = $request->getData()["authToken"] ?? null;
        $user = ...

        // stop propagating to other listeners,
        // you have successfully connected your user

        // send response using the $event->setResponse($myResponse)
        $event->setResponse(new ConnectResponse(
            user: $user->getId(),
            data: [
                "messages" => ... // initial data client receives when connected

Be aware that if you do not set any response, bundle will send DisconnectResponse back by default.

Developing with Symfony and RoadRunner

  • If possible, stop using lazy loading in your services, inject services immediately. Lazy loaded services might introduce memory leaks and make your services slower to initialize when requests arrive.
  • Do not use/create local class/array caches in your services, only if you know, what you are doing. Try to make them stateless or use ResetInterface to clean up before each request, so state is not being shared.
  • Symfony forms might leak data across requests due to caching, see section bellow.
  • Simplify your User session serialization by taking advantage of EquatableInterface and a custom de/serialization logic. This will prevent errors because of detached Doctrine entities and, as a side bonus, will speed up loading user from sessions.

namespace App\Entity\User;

use Doctrine\DBAL\Types\Types;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\EquatableInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\User\UserInterface;

class User implements UserInterface, PasswordAuthenticatedUserInterface, EquatableInterface
    private ?int $id = null;

    #[ORM\Column(type: Types::TEXT, unique: true)]
    private ?string $email = null;

    #[ORM\Column(type: Types::TEXT)]
    private ?string $password = null;

    // serialize ony these three fields
    public function __serialize(): array
        return [
            "id"       => $this->id,
            "email"    => $this->email,
            "password" => $this->password,

    // unserialize ony these three fields
    public function __unserialize(array $data): void
        $this->id = $data["id"] ?? null;
        $this->email = $data["email"] ?? null;
        $this->password = $data["password"] ?? null;

    // check only the three serialized fields
    public function isEqualTo(mixed $user): bool
        if (!$user instanceof self) {
            return false;

        return $this->id === $user->getId()
            $this->password === $user->getPassword()
            $this->email === $user->getEmail()

OptionsResolver (Forms)

Symfony caches OptionsResolver::setDefaults() calls, so they resolve only once for current worker when someone uses them for the first time.

This may lead to sharing sensitive information across requests in the context of a single worker, if you do not use defaults correctly.

Consider this Form, which has major flaw that will leak user email to subsequent requests that worker receives.

class MyType extends AbstractType
    // your buildForm() and what not
    // ...
    // invalid use of setDefaults()
    public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver): void
            // loads current user
            // and reuses his email forever until worker restarts
            // everyone, even in anonymous browser tabs or different sessions,
            // will see their email 
            "label" => $this->security->getUser()->getEmail(),

You should really use only static/stateless default values and dynamic options should be passed when OptionsResolver is used, or form is being created, eg:

// with this the user email will
// stay within this single request
// and won't be leaked to subsequent worker requests
$correctForm = $this->createForm(MyType::class, options: [
    "label" => $this->getUser()->getEmail(),

Debugging (recommendations)

With RoadRunner you cannot simply dump and die, because nothing will be printed. I would like to introduce Buggregator to work around that. As a bonus it can also work as a mailtrap or testing Sentry locally


Inspiration taken from existing solutions like Baldinof's Bundle and Nyholm's Runtime