Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
YajraCMS Google Analytics Module
15 2
Baum is an implementation of the Nested Set pattern for Eloquent models.
1 355 7
Core module of YajraCMS.
1 754 20
Themes module of YajraCMS.
1 151 8
Laravel ACL is a simple role, permission ACL for Laravel Framework.
46 785 110
Philippines Address Lookup API for Laravel.
9 762 35
A simple Laravel user auditing package for Eloquent Model.
159 776 160
A simple Laravel-style way to create breadcrumbs in Laravel 5.4+.
3 204 6
Laravel DataTables Complete Package.
4 092 190 101
Laravel DataTables Buttons Plugin.
6 676 942 261
Laravel DataTables Editor plugin for Laravel 5.5+.
4 305 652 119
Laravel DataTables Queued Export Plugin.
715 293 32
Laravel DataTables Fractal Plugin.
4 973 397 95
Laravel DataTables HTML builder plugin
7 102 839 281
jQuery DataTables API for Laravel
26 750 177 4 848