Packagist is the main Composer repository. It aggregates public PHP packages installable with Composer.
Universal configuration data loader
289 1
Database connection config resolver
5 643 2
ContactBase api client
44 0
Dependency Injection Container
10 0
Context: Rich in-memory datastructure
21 0
Pilot project to automatically check LinkORB conventions
918 4
Custom element
67 0
DataRouter: library for routing arbitrary data based on hierarchical rules
3 1
Database Management utilities: connectivity, backups, fixtures, etc
53 416 4
Fetches data through an endpoint-broker
19 0
Provider independent DNS updater
41 1
EI standard library
217 1
Entity library with models and loaders
12 0
Environment variables on steroids
4 391 2
Etcd client library for PHP
133 219 240