
Ready-to-run example Mobius DApp

v1.0.2 2017-11-14 23:47 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-28 02:42:57 UTC


A ready-to-run Mobius DApp that can be hooked up to the app store. Just bring your Mobius developer account!

This example lets users flip a coin. If they win, they keep their MOBI. If they lose, it goes to the application. This probably won't catch on as a popular application, so it's up to you to write a better one!


  • PHP with SQLite installed
  • Mobius Developer account (sign up here!)


  • Working DApp right out of the box
  • Includes webhook handler that automatically creates users and syncs their balances
  • Helpful commands for testing


Install with composer:

composer create-project zulucrypto/mobius-dapp-quickstart

Enter your API key and App UID when prompted.

Start a web server:

cd mobius-dapp-quickstart
bin/console server:run

Go to the URL given in the output from the previous command.

For example: http://localhost:8000/

Then, enter the email address you used when signing up for the DApp store. After clicking "Simulate Login" you'll see your credit balance.


App Store Service

The DApp store API is available as a service:

// In a controller
$numCredits = $this->getContainer()

Helpful Commands

To check a user's balance:

$ bin/console mobius:app-store:balance
User   : user@example.com
Balance: 100.0

To test the webhook that gets called when a user makes a deposit:

$ bin/console mobius:simulator:app-store-deposit user@example.com 100
Simulated webhook: user@example.com now has 100 credits.

Example Code

See src/AppBundle/Controller/CoinFlipController.php for the code that implements this DApp