zend_firebase / zend_firebase
php library for manage all rest and stream operations of firebase
- php: >=7.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: 6.2.3
- monolog/monolog: 1.21.0
Requires (Dev)
- friendsofphp/php-cs-fixer: v1.12.3
- phpunit/php-code-coverage: *
- phpunit/phpunit: 5.7.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer: 2.7.0
This package is not auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-01-18 22:09:26 UTC
Based on the Firebase REST API.
Available on Packagist.
- PHP >= 7.0
- Firebase Active Account
- Composer (recommended, not required)
Adding Firebase PHP to your project using Composer
cd <your_project> composer require zend_firebase/zend_firebase dev-master
More info about Composer at getcomposer.org.
Simple Example of Usage
use ZendFirebase\Firebase, ZendFirebase\Authentication\FirebaseAuth; $auth = new FirebaseAuth(); $auth->setBaseURI('https://your_url_from_firebase/'); $auth->setServertoken('your_firebase_token'); /* --- EXAMPLE OF DATA TO POST REMEMBER ALL DATA MUST BE ARRAY --- */ $test = array( "name" => "TEST", "id" => 5245, "text" => "hello TEST 5245", "status" => "sended" ); /* --- CREATE NEW OBJECT AND PASS CREDENTIAL --- */ $firebase = new Firebase($auth); /* --- CHOOCE THE OPERATION (SAME NAME OF FIREBASE DOCS) --- */ $firebase->post('path', $test);
Inside folder "examples" you can find some another simple complete example for library usage. Go to next step!
Response Usage
/* --- FIREBASE DATA FROM REALTIME DB IS AN ARRAY --- */ $firebase->getFirebaseData(); // <- array, data returning from Firebase echo $firebase->getOperation(); // <- string, operation just made (for example: GET or POST etc...) echo $firebase->getStatus(); // <- numeric, status of request (for example: 200 or 400 or 500)
Go to next step!
Get Last Auto-Increment Id generate from Firebase after 'post' command
/* --- GET LAST AUTO-INCREMENT ID INSERED AFTER POST COMMAND --- */ $firebase->getLastIdStored();
Go to next step!
Supported Commands
/* --- STORING DATA --- */ $firebase->post('path', $test,$options); /* --- OVERRIDE DATA --- */ $firebase->put('path', $test,$options); /* --- UPDATE DATA --- */ $firebase->patch('path', $test,$options); /* --- RETRIEVE DATA --- */ $firebase->get('path',$options); /* --- DELETE DATA --- */ $firebase->delete('path',$options); /* --- RETRIEVE RULES --- */ $firebase->getRules('.settings/rules',$options);
Go to next step!
Manage rules via REST
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use ZendFirebase\Firebase; use ZendFirebase\Authentication\FirebaseAuth; $auth = new FirebaseAuth(); $auth->setBaseURI(/* complete with your firebase url */); $auth->setServertoken(/* complete with your firebase token */); $path = '.settings/rules'; // path of rules $firebase = new Firebase($auth); /* call function */ $firebase->getRules($path); /* show rules! */ print_r($firebase->getFirebaseData());
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; use ZendFirebase\Firebase; use ZendFirebase\Authentication\FirebaseAuth; $auth = new FirebaseAuth(); $auth->setBaseURI(/* complete with your firebase url */); $auth->setServertoken(/* complete with your firebase token */); $path = '.settings/rules'; // path of rules $firebase = new Firebase($auth); $rules =[ "rules" => [ ".read" => true, ".write" => "!data.exists() || !newData.exists()" ] ]; /* call function to write */ $firebase->writeRules($path,$rules); /* show result! */ print_r($firebase->getFirebaseData());
now you are able to manage rules. Go to next step!
Rest Stream API
Create a new file your_file_name.php .
Inside this new file insert the following code :
use ZendFirebase\Firebase, ZendFirebase\Authentication\FirebaseAuth; $auth = new FirebaseAuth(); $auth->setBaseURI('https://your_url_from_firebase/'); $auth->setServertoken('your_firebase_token'); /* --- CREATE NEW OBJECT AND PASS CREDENTIAL --- */ $firebase = new Firebase($auth); $options = []; // container options as type array $callback = 'callbackFunction'; // name of callback function as type string function callbackFunction(...$params){ // all code needed } $print = true; /* --- SET PATH, NAME OF FOLDER WHERE STORE LOGS, MILLISECONDS OF DELAY BETWEEN NEW REQUEST (not required, default 5000), CALLBACK FUNCTION, ARRAY OPTIONS (not required, default []), PRINT (not required, default TRUE) --- */ $firebase->startStream('path', 'logs/', 5000, $callback, $options, $print);
Now for run listener open terminal and run you file with command :
php your_file_name.php
This method start listener and write log file of changes.
PHPUnit Tests
All the unit tests are found in the "/tests" directory. Due to the usage of an interface, the tests must run in isolation.
Project Configuration it's just setted for doing all tests with the simple command :
cd <your_project> phpunit
If you want to run a single test, just run :
cd <your_project> phpunit name_and_path_of_the_file_that_you_want_to_test.php