
Auto1 Service API Client for PHP projects

v1.0.6 2019-11-18 08:53 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-04 09:02:20 UTC


Bundle uses php-http/httplug client abstraction. So you'll need to install some psr7-compatible client into your project to be used by this bundle. For more details: php-http/httplug clients and adapters.


        - '@visitor1'
        - '@visitor2'

Request visitors (RequestVisitorInterface) are aimed to modify your Request - like adding custom headers. You can also TAG services with 'auto1.api.request_visitor' to make them visitors. Warning! By setting this configuration you will override default values!

Example of EP definition (yaml):

    method:        'POST'
    baseUrl:       'http://google.com'
    path:          '/v1/unicorn'
    requestFormat: 'url'
    requestClass:  'Auto1\ServiceDTOCollection\Unicorns\Request\PostUnicorn'
    responseClass: 'Auto1\ServiceDTOCollection\Unicorns\Response\Unicorn'

    method:        'GET'
    baseUrl:       'http://google.com'
    path:          '/v1/unicorns'
    requestFormat: 'json'
    requestClass:  'Auto1\ServiceDTOCollection\Unicorns\Request\SearchUnicorns'
    responseClass: 'Auto1\ServiceDTOCollection\Unicorns\Response\Unicorn[]'

Example of ServiceRequest implementation:

class PostUnicorn implements ServiceRequestInterface
    private $horn;

    public function setHorn(string $horn): self
        $this->horn = $horn;

        return $this;

    public function getHorn()
        return $this->horn;

Example of Repository implementation:

class UnicornRepository
    public function __construct(APIClientInterface $apiClient,)
        $this->apiClient = $apiClient;

     * @param string $horn
     * @return Unicorn[]
    public function getListByHorn(string $horn): array
        $serviceRequest = (new GetUnicornsByHornRequest())->setHorn($horn);

        return $this->apiClient->send($serviceRequest);

For more info - have a look at service-api-components-bundle usage: