
Yii CSRF Protection Library

2.2.1 2025-03-05 13:54 UTC



Yii CSRF Protection Library

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The package provides PSR-15 middleware for CSRF protection:

  • It supports two algorithms out of the box:
    • Synchronizer CSRF token with customizable token generation and storage. By default, it uses random data and session.
    • HMAC based token with customizable identity generation. Uses session by default.
  • It has ability to apply masking to CSRF token string to make BREACH attack impossible.
  • It supports CSRF protection by custom header for AJAX/SPA backend API.


  • PHP 7.4 or higher.


The package could be installed with Composer:

composer require yiisoft/csrf

General usage

In order to enable CSRF protection you need to add CsrfTokenMiddleware to your main middleware stack. In Yii it is done by configuring MiddlewareDispatcher:

$middlewareDispatcher = $injector->make(MiddlewareDispatcher::class);
$middlewareDispatcher = $middlewareDispatcher->withMiddlewares([
    CsrfTokenMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

or define the MiddlewareDispatcher configuration in the DI container:

// config/web/di/application.php
return [
    MiddlewareDispatcher::class => [
        'withMiddlewares()' => [[
            CsrfTokenMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

By default, CSRF token is obtained from _csrf request body parameter or X-CSRF-Token header.

You can access currently valid token as a string using CsrfTokenInterface:

/** @var Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenInterface $csrfToken */
$csrf = $csrfToken->getValue();

If the token does not pass validation, the response 422 Unprocessable Entity will be returned. You can change this behavior by implementing your own request handler:

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface;
use Psr\Http\Server\RequestHandlerInterface;
use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenMiddleware;

 * @var Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory
 * @var Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenInterface $csrfToken
$failureHandler = new class ($responseFactory) implements RequestHandlerInterface {
    private ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory;
    public function __construct(ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory)
        $this->responseFactory = $responseFactory;

    public function handle(ServerRequestInterface $request): ResponseInterface
        $response = $this->responseFactory->createResponse(400);
            ->write('Bad request.');
        return $response;

$middleware = new CsrfTokenMiddleware($responseFactory, $csrfToken, $failureHandler);

By default, CsrfTokenMiddleware considers GET, HEAD, OPTIONS methods as safe operations and doesn't perform CSRF validation. You can change this behavior as follows:

use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenMiddleware;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;

$csrfTokenMiddleware = $container->get(CsrfTokenMiddleware::class);

// Returns a new instance with the specified list of safe methods.
$csrfTokenMiddleware = $csrfTokenMiddleware->withSafeMethods([Method::OPTIONS]);

// Returns a new instance with the specified header name.
$csrfTokenMiddleware = $csrfTokenMiddleware->withHeaderName('X-CSRF-PROTECTION');

or define the CsrfTokenMiddleware configuration in the DI container:

// config/web/di/csrf-token.php
use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenMiddleware;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;

return [
    CsrfTokenMiddleware::class => [
        'withSafeMethods()' => [[Method::OPTIONS]],
        'withHeaderName()' => ['X-CSRF-PROTECTION'],

CSRF Tokens

In case Yii framework is used along with config plugin, the package is configured automatically to use synchronizer token and masked decorator. You can change that depending on your needs.

Synchronizer CSRF token

Synchronizer CSRF token is a stateful CSRF token that is a unique random string. It is saved in persistent storage available only to the currently logged-in user. The same token is added to a form. When the form is submitted, token that came from the form is compared against the token stored.

SynchronizerCsrfToken requires implementation of the following interfaces:

  • CsrfTokenGeneratorInterface for generating a new CSRF token;
  • CsrfTokenStorageInterface for persisting a token between requests.

Package provides RandomCsrfTokenGenerator that generates a random token and SessionCsrfTokenStorage that persists a token between requests in a user session.

To learn more about the synchronizer token pattern, check OWASP CSRF cheat sheet.

HMAC based token

HMAC based token is a stateless CSRF token that does not require any storage. The token is a hash from session ID and a timestamp used to prevent replay attacks. The token is added to a form. When the form is submitted, we re-generate the token from the current session ID and a timestamp from the original token. If two hashes match, we check that the timestamp is less than the token lifetime.

HmacCsrfToken requires implementation of CsrfTokenIdentityGeneratorInterface for generating an identity. The package provides SessionCsrfTokenIdentityGenerator that is using session ID thus making the session a token scope.

Parameters set via the HmacCsrfToken constructor are:

  • $secretKey — shared secret key used to generate the hash;
  • $algorithm — hash algorithm for message authentication. sha256, sha384 or sha512 are recommended;
  • $lifetime — number of seconds that the token is valid for.

To learn more about HMAC based token pattern check OWASP CSRF cheat sheet.

Stub CSRF token

The StubCsrfToken simply stores and returns a token string. It does not perform any additional validation. This implementation can be useful when mocking CSRF token behavior during unit testing or when providing placeholder functionality in temporary solutions.

Masked CSRF token

MaskedCsrfToken is a decorator for CsrfTokenInterface that applies masking to a token string. It makes BREACH attack impossible, so it is safe to use token in HTML to be later passed to the next request either as a hidden form field or via JavaScript async request.

It is recommended to always use this decorator.

CSRF protection for AJAX/SPA backend API

If you are using a cookie to authenticate your AJAX/SPA, then you do need CSRF protection for the backend API.

Employing custom request header

In this pattern, AJAX/SPA frontend appends a custom header to API requests that require CSRF protection. No token is needed for this approach. This defense relies on the CORS preflight mechanism which sends an OPTIONS request to verify CORS compliance with the destination server. All modern browsers, according to the same-origin policy security model, designate requests with custom headers as "to be preflighted". When the API requires a custom header, you know that the request must have been preflighted if it came from a browser.

The header can be any arbitrary key-value pair, as long as it does not conflict with existing headers. Empty value is also acceptable.


When handling the request, the API checks for the existence of this header. If the header does not exist, the backend rejects the request as potential forgery. Employing a custom header allows to reject simple requests that browsers do not designate as "to be preflighted" and permit them to be sent to any origin.

In order to enable CSRF protection you need to add CsrfHeaderMiddleware to the MiddlewareDispatcher configuration:

$middlewareDispatcher = $injector->make(MiddlewareDispatcher::class);
$middlewareDispatcher = $middlewareDispatcher->withMiddlewares([
    CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

or in the DI container:

// config/web/di/application.php
return [
    MiddlewareDispatcher::class => [
        'withMiddlewares()' => [[
            CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

or add CsrfHeaderMiddleware to the routes that must be protected to the router configuration:

// config/web/di/router.php
return [
    RouteCollectionInterface::class => static function (RouteCollectorInterface $collector) use ($config) {
            ->middleware(CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class) // <-- add this

        return new RouteCollection($collector);

By default, CsrfHeaderMiddleware considers only GET, HEAD, POST methods as unsafe operations. Requests with other HTTP methods trigger CORS preflight and do not require CSRF header validation. You can change this behavior as follows:

use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfHeaderMiddleware;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;

$csrfHeaderMiddleware = $container->get(CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class);

// Returns a new instance with the specified list of unsafe methods.
$csrfHeaderMiddleware = $csrfHeaderMiddleware->withUnsafeMethods([Method::POST]);

// Returns a new instance with the specified header name.
$csrfHeaderMiddleware = $csrfHeaderMiddleware->withHeaderName('X-CSRF-PROTECTION');

or define the CsrfHeaderMiddleware configuration in the DI container:

// config/web/di/csrf-header.php
use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfHeaderMiddleware;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;

return [
    CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class => [
        'withUnsafeMethods()' => [[Method::POST]],
        'withHeaderName()' => ['X-CSRF-PROTECTION'],

The use of a custom request header for CSRF protection is based on the CORS Protocol. Thus, you must configure the CORS module to allow or deny cross-origin access to the backend API.


CsrfHeaderMiddleware can be used to prevent forgery of same-origin requests and requests from the list of specific origins only.

Protecting same-origin requests

In this scenario:

  • AJAX/SPA frontend and API backend have the same origin.
  • Cross-origin requests to the API server are denied.
  • Simple CORS requests must be restricted.

Configure CORS module

  • Responses to a CORS preflight requests must not contain CORS headers.
  • Responses to an actual requests must not contain CORS headers.

Configure middlewares stack

Add CsrfHeaderMiddleware to the MiddlewareDispatcher configuration:

$middlewareDispatcher = $injector->make(MiddlewareDispatcher::class);
$middlewareDispatcher = $middlewareDispatcher->withMiddlewares([
    CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

or to the routes that must be protected to the router configuration:

$collector = $container->get(RouteCollectorInterface::class);
        ->middleware(CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class) // <-- add this

Configure frontend requests

On the frontend add to the GET, HEAD, POST requests a custom header defined in the CsrfHeaderMiddleware with an empty or random value.

let response = fetch('https://example.com/api/whoami', {
  headers: {
    "X-CSRF-HEADER": crypto.randomUUID()

Protecting requests from the list of specific origins

In this scenario:

  • AJAX/SPA frontend and API backend have different origins.
  • Allow cross origin requests to the API server from the list of specific origins only.
  • Simple CORS requests must be restricted.

Configure CORS module

  • A successful responses to a CORS preflight requests must contain appropriate CORS headers.
  • Responses to an actual requests must contain appropriate CORS headers.
  • Value of the CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin must contain origin from the predefined list.
// assuming frontend origin is https://example.com and backend origin is https://api.example.com
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://example.com

Configure middlewares stack

Add CsrfHeaderMiddleware to the MiddlewareDispatcher configuration:

$middlewareDispatcher = $injector->make(MiddlewareDispatcher::class);
$middlewareDispatcher = $middlewareDispatcher->withMiddlewares([
    CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

or to the routes that must be protected to the router configuration:

$collector = $container->get(RouteCollectorInterface::class);
        ->middleware(CsrfHeaderMiddleware::class) // <-- add this

Configure frontend requests

On the frontend add to the GET, HEAD, POST requests a custom header defined in the CsrfHeaderMiddleware with an empty or random value.

let response = fetch('https://api.example.com/whoami', {
  headers: {
    "X-CSRF-HEADER": crypto.randomUUID()

Protecting requests passed from any origin

In this scenario:

  • AJAX/SPA frontend and API backend have different origins.
  • Allow cross origin requests to the API server from any origin.
  • All requests are considered unsafe and must be protected against CSRF with CSRF-token.

Configure CORS module

  • A successful responses to a CORS preflight requests must contain appropriate CORS headers.
  • Responses to an actual requests must contain appropriate CORS headers.
  • The CORS header Access-Control-Allow-Origin has the same value as Origin header in the request.
$frontendOrigin = $request->getOrigin();

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: $frontendOrigin

Configure middlewares stack

By default, CsrfTokenMiddleware considers GET, HEAD, OPTIONS methods as safe operations and doesn't perform CSRF validation. In JavaScript-based apps, requests are made programmatically; therefore, to increase application protection, the only OPTIONS method can be considered safe and need not be appended with a CSRF token header.

Configure CsrfTokenMiddleware safe methods:

use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenMiddleware;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;

$csrfTokenMiddleware = $container->get(CsrfTokenMiddleware::class);
$csrfTokenMiddleware = $csrfTokenMiddleware->withSafeMethods([Method::OPTIONS]);

or in the DI container:

// config/web/di/csrf-token.php
use Yiisoft\Csrf\CsrfTokenMiddleware;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;

return [
    CsrfTokenMiddleware::class => [
        'withSafeMethods()' => [[Method::OPTIONS]],

Add CsrfTokenMiddleware to the MiddlewareDispatcher configuration:

$middlewareDispatcher = $injector->make(MiddlewareDispatcher::class);
$middlewareDispatcher = $middlewareDispatcher->withMiddlewares([
    CsrfTokenMiddleware::class, // <-- add this

or to the routes that must be protected to the router configuration:

$collector = $container->get(RouteCollectorInterface::class);
        ->middleware(CsrfTokenMiddleware::class) // <-- add this

Configure routes

Create a route for acquiring CSRF-tokens from the frontend application to the router configuration.

use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseFactoryInterface;
use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;
use Yiisoft\Http\Header;
use Yiisoft\Http\Method;
use Yiisoft\Router\Route;

    ->action(static function (
        ResponseFactoryInterface $responseFactory,
        CsrfTokenInterface $token
    ): ResponseInterface {
        $tokenValue = $token->getValue();

        $response = $responseFactory->createResponse()
            ->withHeader(Header::ALLOW, Method::OPTIONS)
            ->withHeader('X-CSRF-TOKEN', $tokenValue);


        return $response;

Configure frontend requests

On the frontend first make a request to the configured endpoint and acquire a CSRF-token to use it in the subsequent requests.

let response = await fetch('https://api.example.com/csrf-token');

let csrfToken = await response.text();
// OR
let csrfToken = response.headers.get('X-CSRF-TOKEN');

Add to all requests a custom header defined in the CsrfTokenMiddleware with acquired CSRF-token value.

let response = fetch('https://api.example.com/whoami', {
  headers: {
    "X-CSRF-TOKEN": csrfToken


If you need help or have a question, the Yii Forum is a good place for that. You may also check out other Yii Community Resources.


The Yii CSRF Protection Library is free software. It is released under the terms of the BSD License. Please see LICENSE for more information.

Maintained by Yii Software.

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