
A skeleton project for a Xeno web app

0.6.0 2021-06-11 15:58 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-11 22:17:05 UTC


A skeleton project that can be used to create a Xeno based web application.


  • Fully PSR compatible framework skeleton
  • Includes:
    • PHP-DI as the main container
    • Slim for routing
    • Doctrine as object relation mapper and database abstraction layer
    • Twig for rendering
    • PHPUnit for unit testing
    • PsySH as REPL
    • Symfony/Console for console commands
  • Everything is automatically dependency injected! (classes, controllers, console commands, Twig extensions, ...)
  • Xeno components are automatically added to the App by simply including the library (cache, session, ...)


  1. Navigate to the parent directory where you want to create a new project and run the following command:
composer create-project xenokore/web-skeleton <project-name>

The project-name argument will be the name of the created directory.

  1. Setup a webserver to serve files in the /<project-name>/public directory. Make sure to route every non-found file through index.php. An example nginx config can be found at /<project-name>/docs/nginx.md.

  2. Startup your webserver and navigate to your newly created application. If everything works correctly you'll see the message: The app is working correctly :^)


After setting up the project and webserver to use the framework, you can start creating your application by adding classes, views, controllers and routes. Have a look at the Structure part below to know where everything should go.

The app comes with a console that helps you with some basic tasks. You can access the console by simply running: php ./console. On unix systems you can simply do ./console.

A few simple tasks are:

  • php ./console controller:create <name> to create a new controller. The name should not be affixed with "Controller"
  • php ./console test:create <name> to create a new unit test. The name should not be affixed with "Test"
  • php ./console cache:clear to clear all cache files. This is useful in production after an update.


/app contains the files used to structure your application. It contains:

  • Container definitions
  • The main bootstrap file as well as one for REPL
  • Global middleware definitions
  • Routes

/cache contains the cache files for the application. Example:

  • The compiled container
  • The compiled routes
  • Compiled Twig templates

/config contains configuration files to configure parts of the application that should not change between environments.

/controllers contains the controllers.

/docs for your app specific documentation.

/i18n is where internationalization files will be stored.

/lib is where non-composer libraries should be stored. An example would be the DataTables php files.

/logs is where the log files are stored.

/migrations is where Doctrine database migrations are stored. The migrations in the main directory are ignored by Git to help you during development. Everything in /migrations/production is committed however.

/public is the only directory that should be accessible by the webserver. Every request which does not correspond to an existing file in this directory is routed through index.php, which sets up the router. (Your favicon would go here for example.)

/src is the main directory for your application code. Everything here is namespaced under \App and is automatically dependency injected. Adding a custom container definition for a class will overwrite the default autowire behavior.

/tests is where the PHPUnit tests are located. These are namespaced under \App\Tests.

/uploads is where user uploaded files will reside. The files in here are ignored by Git.

/views is the main views directory for Twig templates.


  • Add Whoops error handler.
  • Maybe move some code from the web-skeleton to xenokore/app or other components
  • More documentation