
This package is use of Create new Reservation based on available time slots & meals and also assigned the table accordingly section with different payment gateway method.

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.


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This is where your description should go. Try and limit it to a paragraph or two, and maybe throw in a mention of what PSRs you support to avoid any confusion with users and contributors.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require weboccult/eatcard-reservation


Disable Date List & First Day

EatcardReservation::slug('store slug')
->data('request data')

Request Data :
    ['month' => MM,'year' => YYYY]

Fetch all available slots, current time and Booking end time

EatcardReservation::data('request data')

Request Data :
    ['date' =>  YYYY-MM-DD,
    'Unique slug' => abcd, etc.]

Get active all meals & messages

EatcardReservation::data('request data')

Request Data :
    ['Unique id' => 00,
    'date' => YYYY-MM-DD,
    'Unique time' => 00:00, etc.]

Create new Reservation

EatcardReservation::data('request data')

Request Data :
    ['New Reservation Data']


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email vasum.wot2022@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.