
The official PHP SDK for Webmarketer (app.webmarketer.io)

3.4.0 2024-02-27 16:38 UTC



PHP SDK for Webmarketer

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The official PHP SDK for Webmarketer (app.webmarketer.io).


To add this package, your project must meet several requirements :

This package is the core SDK and is not installed with any specific HTTP library. It uses PSR-7 implementation Httplug to be used with any PSR-7 compliant client. If you don't know which to use, we recommend using Guzzle (you just need to require it in your project).

composer require webmarketer/webmarketer-php


Basic example

try {
    // create an instance of the SDK with the desired configuration
    $client = new \Webmarketer\WebmarketerSdk([
        'default_project_id' => 'webmarketer-awesome-project'
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\DependencyException $dep_ex) {
    // SDK init throw a dependency exception if requirements are not meet (see Install)
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\CredentialException $cred_ex) {
    // SDK automatically try to authenticate you agains API
    // A credential exception could be throw if credentials are invalid

// SDK exposes resources services, use them to manipulate your resources
$event_type_service = $client->getEventTypeService();
$field_service = $client->getFieldService();


The SDK exposes auth providers to let you chose how you want to authenticate against the Webmarketer API

Service Account Provider

This is the default authentication method used by the SDK if no provider is specified manually.
Without any configuration the SDK will try to retrieve a service-account file in the location specified by the environment variable named WEBMARKETER_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS.

Example :

  • My Webmarketer Service Account is located at the following path on my server : /secrets/webmarketer/sa.json
  • I set the env. variable on my server with the path : WEBMARKETER_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/secrets/webmarketer/sa.json
  • I do not need to specify an auth provider as the SDK will automatically authenticate with my Service Account

It is possible to specify the stringified JSON sa aswell by simply passing the ServiceAccountAuthProvider manually to the SDK :

try {
    $sa_auth_provider = new \Webmarketer\Auth\ServiceAccountAuthProvider([
       // stringified service account
       'credential' => '{ ...serviceAccount }',
       // desired scopes, space separated
       'scopes' => 'full_access'
    // create an instance of the SDK with the custom auth provider
    $client = new \Webmarketer\WebmarketerSdk(
            'default_project_id' => 'webmarketer-awesome-project'
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\DependencyException $dep_ex) {
    // SDK init throw a dependency exception if requirements are not meet (see Install)
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\CredentialException $cred_ex) {
    // SDK automatically try to authenticate you agains API
    // A credential exception could be throw if credentials are invalid

Refresh Token Provider

The refresh token auth provider lets you authenticate against the API with a personal refresh token. You just need to instantiate the Webmarketer SDK with the RefreshTokenAuthProvider :

try {
    $refresh_token_auth_provider = new \Webmarketer\Auth\RefreshTokenAuthProvider([
       // oauth application client_id
       'client_id' => 'appclientid',
       // oauth application client_secret
       'client_secret' => 'appclientsecret',
       // refresh token
       'refresh_token' => 'myrefreshtoken'
    // create an instance of the SDK with the custom auth provider (this time the refresh_token_auth_provider)
    $client = new \Webmarketer\WebmarketerSdk(
            'default_project_id' => 'webmarketer-awesome-project'
    // perform an exchange of the refresh flow to get an access token as well as a new refresh token
    $response = $client->getAuthProvider()->refreshToken();
    // new refresh token can be securely stored for future use
    $new_refresh_token = $response['refresh_token'];
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\DependencyException $dep_ex) {
    // SDK init throw a dependency exception if requirements are not meet (see Install)
} catch (\Webmarketer\Exception\CredentialException $cred_ex) {
    // SDK automatically try to authenticate you agains API
    // A credential exception could be throw if credentials are invalid

Official integrations

Following integrations are developed and maintained by the Webmarketer Team himself and are based on this SDK.


All SDK dependencies are managed via Composer :

composer install

Run all tests with PHPUnit and the configuration provided :

composer tests

Run all tests and check codecoverage (must be >= 80%) with PHPUnit :

composer tests-coverage

Lint code :

composer phpcs


If you want to run the SDK in a container, it comes with some Docker configuration :

  • Dockerfile (Linux Alpine with PHP 5.6 and composer)
  • Dockerfile-8 (Linux Alpine with PHP 8.0.10 and composer)
  • docker-compose.yml with a service PHP to run commands with desired image (5.6 or 8.0.10). Update the used Dockerfile between the two to run with 5.6 or 8.0.10
    docker-compose run php composer tests

Feel free to report issues and bugs directly on this repository.
