
🔥 A Laravel adapter for CycleORM, providing seamless integration of the Cycle DataMapper ORM for advanced database handling and object mapping in PHP applications.

4.12.3 2024-04-26 20:23 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-25 03:11:55 UTC


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Laravel Cycle ORM Adapter

Unlock the full potential of Domain-Driven Design in your Laravel projects with the wayofdev/laravel-cycle-orm-adapter — the adapter package that seamlessly integrates the capabilities of CycleORM — DataMapper ORM into Laravel Framework.

This adapter bridges the gap between Laravel's rapid development capabilities and Cycle ORM's Data Mapper features, enabling you to craft complex, domain-centric applications, with separation of concerns, and a clear distinction between the domain model and the persistence layer.

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📚 Documentation

The full documentation for the package is available at https://laravel-cycle-orm-adapter.wayof.dev.

🧩 Compatibility Map

Laravel Cycle ORM Adapter
^10.28 2.x 4.x
11.x 2.x ^4.9.0

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