
Plates Extension to Convert Arabic to Roman Numerals and Vice Versa

1.0.1 2021-04-03 14:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 00:34:45 UTC


Plates Extension to Convert Arabic to Roman Numerals and Vice Versa

Build Status Latest Stable Version License


This package extension provides a Plates integration for Romans library, providing methods to convert a string with a Roman number to a string with Arabic and vice-versa.


This package uses Composer as default repository. You can install it adding the name of package in require attribute of composer.json, pointing to the last stable version.

  "require": {
    "wandersonwhcr/plates-romans": "^1.0"


This package acts as a Plates extension and must be loaded with Plates Engine.

use League\Plates\Engine;
use League\Plates\Romans\Extension\Romans as RomansExtension;

$engine = new Engine();

$engine->loadExtension(new RomansExtension());

After, methods arabicToRoman and romanToArabic can be used inside templates as example below.

// Outputs MCMXCIX
Arabic 1999 can be represented as <?php echo $this->arabicToRoman('1999') ?> Roman Numeral.
// Outputs 2021
Roman MMXXI can be represented as <?php echo $this->romanToArabic('MMXXI') ?> Arabic Numeral.

Also, errors can be handled using a try..catch syntax.

use League\Plates\Romans\Extension\Exception as ExtensionException;

try {
} catch (ExtensionException $e) {
    // Invalid Integer: -1

try {
} catch (ExtensionException $e) {
    // Invalid Token: Z


You can use Docker Compose to build an image and run a container to develop and test this package.

docker-compose build
docker-compose run romans composer install
docker-compose run romans composer test


This package is opensource and available under MIT license described in LICENSE.