
Multiple templates for your Vue application resources.

v1.1 2022-02-13 15:51 UTC


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Multiple templates for your Vue application resources.

Generates components, views, composables(hooks), services and Vuex modules. All paths are easily configurable using config file.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require usanzadunje/artisan-vue

You can publish the config file with:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="artisan-vue-config"

This is the contents of the published config file:

return [
    // Root directory where your Vue app lives
    'vue_root_dir' => resource_path("js"),

    // Name of the folder which stores views
    'views_dir' => 'views',

    // Name of the folder which stores components
    'components_dir' => 'components',

    // Name of the folder which stores composables(hooks)
    'composables_dir' => 'composables',

    // Path to the folder which stores Vuex modules
    'vuex-modules_dir' => 'store/modules',

    // Name of the folder which stores services
    'services_dir' => 'services',


# Generates template for specific resource
php artisan vue:make {resource} {path}

# Path can be file name(without extension) or path to the file along with its name
# Examples: 

# 1. generates Test.vue in your components directory
php artisan vue:make component Test 

# 2. generates testing folder as well as Test.vue file inside your component directory
php artisan vue:make component testing/Test 

# Lists all resources available for creation
php artisan vue:list

Command will take root of your Vue application (which you can specify in config file) append resource folder name (also in config file) and then try and create following:

  • All directories you provided in path if they do not exist
  • File itself (last portion of the path is considered file name) with appropriate extension for that resource


Please see CHANGELOG for more information on what has changed recently.


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.